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China's economic rebound seen despite US tightening

来源:中国日报    2022-05-06 17:37

        They made the remarks after the US Federal Reserve approved a half-percentage point interest rate increase on Wednesday-its second hike this year and its biggest in 22 years-to stem the highest inflation level in the US in four decades.在美联储5月4日宣布加息半个百分点后分析人士发表了上述言论。这是美联储今年第二次加息,也是22年来最大幅度加息,目的是遏制美国40年来最高水平的通货膨胀。
        Huang Yiping, chairman of the academic committee of the China Finance 40 Forum, said the Fed's ongoing tightening could shrink global liquidity and pile on the pressure of capital outflows and currency depreciation on many developing economies.中国金融四十人论坛学术委员会主席黄益平表示,美联储持续的紧缩政策可能会收缩全球资产流动性,并给许多发展中经济体带来资本外流和货币贬值的压力。
        "Yet the key (to cushioning the spillover) remains stabilizing macroeconomic conditions," said Huang, who is also a former member of the monetary policy committee of the People's Bank of China, the country's central bank.曾任中国人民银行货币政策委员会委员的黄益平表示:“然而(缓冲溢出效应的)关键仍然是稳定宏观经济状况。”
        China has strengthened efforts to stabilize the economy, a step that was decided at a meeting of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China Central Committee, the Party's core leadership, on April 29 to step up macro policy adjustments and work hard to achieve annual economic and social development goals.4月29日中共中央政治局会议决定,采取更强有力的措施稳定经济,加强宏观政策调整,努力实现年度经济和社会发展目标。
        Supportive measures in addition to those previously set for the year have become necessary not only due to the challenges brought by the Fed's tightening, but because of the shocks caused by a resurgence in domestic COVID-19 cases and a worsening in geopolitical tensions, experts said.专家表示,除了先前为今年制定的措施外,还需要采取支持性措施,这不仅是因为美联储紧缩政策带来的挑战,也是因为国内新冠疫情反弹以及地缘政治紧张局势的恶化所造成的冲击。
        The Caixin China General Services Purchasing Managers' Index, which gauges service activity, dropped from 42.0 in March to 36.2 in April, the lowest reading since February 2020 and having contracted for the second consecutive month.衡量服务业活动的财新中国通用服务业经营活动指数从3月的42.0降至4月的36.2,这是自2020年2月以来的最低水平,并已连续两个月收缩。
        Luo Zhiheng, chief economist at Yuekai Securities, said it could be advisable to issue special treasury bonds to accelerate infrastructure investment and subsidize smaller businesses, low-income groups, and hard-hit sectors.粤开证券首席经济学家罗志恒表示,可以发行特别国债以加快基础设施投资、补贴小企业、低收入群体和受重创行业。
        Yin said the impact of the domestic COVID-19 outbreak is gradually fading with the restoration of supply chain activity, while infrastructure construction has maintained a buoyant expansion rate in April and helped offset downward economic pressures.殷悦称,随着供应链的恢复,国内疫情的影响正在逐渐减弱,而4月份基础设施建设保持了强劲的扩张速度,有助于抵消经济下行压力。
        Zhang Liqing, director of the Central University of Finance and Economics' Center for International Finance Studies, said the yuan may continue to face depreciation pressure this year as US tightening underpins the dollar and the epidemic situation in major Chinese cities aggravates economic uncertainties.中央财经大学国际金融研究中心主任张礼卿表示,今年人民币可能继续面临贬值压力,因为美国收紧货币政策支撑美元,而中国主要城市的疫情加剧了经济不确定性。

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