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What to say when you don't know how to answer a job interview question

来源:中国日报    2022-05-07 08:30

        1. Whatever you do, don’t lie.        不论怎么回答,都别说谎
        Daniel Space, a human resources consultant, said that if you can’t draw from personal experience to answer a question, it’s alright to say something like, “I haven’t been placed in that situation specifically yet, but here’s how I think I would handle it.”        人力资源顾问丹尼尔·斯佩斯说,如果你没有相关的个人经历可谈,你可以这样说:“我还没有遇到过这种情况,但是我认为我会这样处理……”
        The biggest mistake he sees is when candidates attempt to lie instead of acknowledging what they don’t know.        斯佩斯认为最错误的做法就是试图说谎,而不是承认自己有所不知。
        2. Don’t ramble and hope for the best. If you don’t understand what they’re asking, request clarification.        不要东拉西扯,如果听不懂考官的问题可以问清楚
        Rambling is the worst mistake a job candidate can make when they don’t know how to answer, according to Mary Abbajay, president of the leadership development consultancy Careerstone Group.        领导力发展咨询公司Careerstone 集团总裁玛丽·阿巴杰认为,求职者在不知道怎么回答时东拉西扯是最糟的。
        "They think if they talk long enough ... people will think they are answering the questions. Don’t do that,” she said. “When you are rambling, it shows you are a poor communicator.”        她说:“他们认为只要自己说得够久,人们就会以为他们在回答问题。不要这么做,东拉西扯只能说明你不善于沟通。”
        Lawrese Brown, the founder of C-Track Training, a workplace education company, pointed out that not all interview questions are clearly worded and it reflects better on you to ask for clarification when you need it.        职场培训公司C-Track的创始人劳瑞斯·布朗指出,不是所有的面试问题都表达得很清楚,这种情况下问清楚会给考官留下好印象。
        "It demonstrates a confidence and assertiveness to say, ‘Hey, can you clarify? ... Because I want to share the right insights with you, I want to share the most relevant information,’” she said.        她说:“你对考官说:‘您能把问题说得更清楚一点吗?因为我想与您分享最相关的见解和信息’,这展示出一种自信和魄力。”
        Asking for the question to be repeated might also buy you time to think of an answer, Abbajay added.        阿巴杰指出,请考官重复问题还能为你争取更多时间来思考答案。
        3. Don’t give up and just say “I don’t know,” either. Advocate for the person you are.        不要直接说“不知道”,说说自己的优势
        It’s OK to admit you have not yet acquired a specific skill or faced a certain problem, said Tejal Wagadia, a recruiter for a major tech company. But don’t just say “I don’t know” when you are stumped. Saying something like, “I don’t know that yet, but I’m willing to learn that skillset,” shows your willingness to learn new things, Wagadia said.        一家大型科技公司的招聘人员特贾尔·瓦加迪亚说,你可以承认自己尚未掌握某项技能或存在某个问题,但是你在答不上来的时候不要只说“不知道”。瓦加迪亚说,你可以说“我对此还不了解,但是我愿意学习这一技能”,以此表明你学习新事物的意愿。
        “Redirect your answer and share how the skills you’ve gained in another capacity have prepared for the target opportunity,” said Ashley Watkins, a job search coach.        求职教练艾希莉·沃特金斯说:“你可以转移话题,说说你在其他领域收获的技能如何能让你胜任目标职位。”

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