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Cognitive Impact of Severe COVID Is Equivalent to 20 Years of Aging, Study Finds

来源:中国日报    2022-05-08 09:00

        The specific mental changes were also distinct to those seen in early dementia or general aging.这种特殊的认知变化与早期痴呆症或常规衰老明显不同。
        The experiment involved 46 people who'd gone to Addenbrooke's Hospital in Cambridge as a result of COVID-19 between March and July 2020. Sixteen of them were put on mechanical ventilation during their stay.这项实验涉及46名在2020年3月至7月期间在剑桥阿登布鲁克医院接受治疗的新冠肺炎患者。其中16人在住院期间使用了呼吸机。
        The researchers didn't have test results from before these individuals fell ill with COVID to compare to. Instead they did the next best thing, and compared their results against a matched control group of 460 people.研究人员没有这些患者在感染新冠之前的检测结果可比较,于是退而求其次,将他们的检测结果与460人的匹配对照组进行比较。
        The results showed that those who'd survived severe COVID were less accurate and had slower response times than the general public.结果显示,与普通人相比,这些患者的检测结果准确率更低,反应时间也更慢。
        The somewhat good news is that, upon follow up, there were some signs of recovery – but it was gradual at best.好消息是,在后续的跟踪调查中,这些患者的认知能力有一些恢复的迹象,但最好的情况也只是逐步的。
        "While this was not statistically significant, it is at least heading in the right direction, but it is very possible that some of these individuals will never fully recover."“虽然这在统计上并不显著,但至少正朝着正确的方向发展。不过,其中一些人很可能永远无法完全恢复。”
        What's still not fully understood is why and how the SARS-CoV-2 virus causes this cognitive decline.目前尚不完全清楚新冠病毒为何以及如何导致认知能力下降。
        But the researchers suggest the likely culprit isn't direct infection, but a combination of factors: including reduced oxygen or blood supply to the brain; clotting of vessels; and microscopic bleeds.但研究人员认为,罪魁祸首可能不是感染病毒本身,而是多种因素的综合作用:包括大脑供氧或血液供应减少、静脉血栓以及轻微出血。
        The research has been published in eClinical Medicine.这项研究发表在《临床医学》上。

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