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China likely to meet annual growth target

来源:中国日报    2022-05-09 16:57

        Despite facing mounting pressure from a resurgence in domestic COVID-19 cases and a complicated and grim external environment, they believe the country has plenty of policy tools to stabilize the overall economy, while the impact of outbreaks is likely to be temporary.尽管国内疫情反复和复杂严峻的外部环境使中国面临的压力越来越大,但他们认为,中国有大量的政策工具来稳定整体经济,而疫情的影响可能是暂时的。
        Compared with major economies, China reported higher GDP growth with lower inflation in the first quarter, demonstrating robust economic resilience despite downward pressures, said Wang Yiming, vice-chairman of the China Center for International Economic Exchanges.中国国际经济交流中心副理事长王一鸣表示,与全球主要经济体相比,中国第一季度GDP增长更高,通胀更低,尽管面临下行压力,但显示出强劲的经济韧性。
        With many market entities like micro and small businesses facing difficulties and mounting pressures, he said, more efforts should be made to actively respond to the concerns of those entities to stabilize market expectations and provide stronger macroeconomic policy adjustments to stabilize the economy.王一鸣表示,由于小微企业等许多市场主体面临着困难,压力越来越大,应作出更多努力,积极回应这些主体的关切,稳定市场预期,进行更有力的宏观经济政策调整,以稳定经济。
        Sang Baichuan, dean of the Institute of International Economy at the University of International Business and Economics, said China's economy will remain in the process of recovery this year while facing pressures from the COVID-19 pandemic, geopolitical tensions and monetary policy adjustments in the United States and Europe.对外经济贸易大学国际经济研究院院长桑百川表示,中国经济今年仍将处于复苏中,同时面临新冠疫情、地缘政治紧张局势以及美欧货币政策调整的压力。
        He said it is of great importance to ensure economic stability and actively respond to the concerns of foreign businesses to stabilize foreign investment and international trade.张晓强表示,确保经济稳定,积极回应外商关切,对稳定外国投资和国际贸易至关重要。
        Given challenges in the foreign trade sector, the Ministry of Commerce will work to safeguard smooth logistics and production activities, improve financial support and encourage new business forms, such as cross-border commerce, said Sheng Qiuping, vice-minister of commerce.商务部副部长盛秋平表示,面对外贸领域面临的挑战,商务部将努力维护物流和生产活动的畅通,加强金融支持,鼓励跨境商务等新业态。
        Sheng said the Chinese market will remain open and unleash more opportunities for global enterprises, as the fundamentals of the Chinese economy will continue to improve.盛秋平说,中国经济发展长期向好的基本面没有变,开放的中国大市场必将为各国企业发展提供更多机遇。

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