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China Continues to Fall Short of Promises to Protect Intellectual Property, U.S. Says

来源:纽约时报    2022-04-28 02:06

        WASHINGTON — The Office of the United States Trade Representative criticized China, Russia and other countries on Wednesday for continuing to fall short of promises to protect intellectual property in a report that cataloged various infringements by America’s trading partners.        华盛顿——美国贸易代表办公室周三在一份报告中批评中国、俄罗斯等国未能履行保护知识产权的承诺。这份报告对美国贸易伙伴的各种侵权行为进行了分类。
        The annual report placed 27 trading partners on so-called watch lists for intellectual property infringement, and labeled Argentina, Chile, China, India, Indonesia, Russia and Venezuela as being on a “priority watch list” of countries that had the most egregious practices or the biggest effect on U.S. businesses.        这份年度报告将27个贸易伙伴列入所谓的侵犯知识产权观察名单,并将阿根廷、智利、中国、印度、印度尼西亚、俄罗斯和委内瑞拉列入“优先观察名单”,称这些国家的做法最为恶劣,或对美国企业的影响最大。
        In a call with reporters on Wednesday, senior U.S.T.R. officials said the Biden administration continued to closely monitor China’s progress in carrying out the commitments it had made to strengthen its protections for foreign copyrights, trade secrets and other forms of intellectual property in a 2020 trade deal signed with President Donald J. Trump.        在周三与记者的通话中,美国贸易代表办公室高级官员表示,拜登政府继续密切关注中国在加强对外国版权、商业机密和其他形式知识产权保护方面的进展,中国在与美国总统特朗普签署的2020年贸易协议中曾经作出相关承诺。
        The trade agreement included commitments to make reforms to China’s treatment of trade secrets, technology transfer, patents and pharmaceutical intellectual property, among a variety of issues. It followed a 2018 investigation by U.S.T.R., which found that China had pressured companies into transferring technology and used other unfair means to gain key technologies that would give its companies a competitive edge. Those findings provided the rationale for the Trump administration to begin imposing tariffs on China.        这项贸易协定包括中国在商业机密、技术转让、专利和药品知识产权的处理方式等一系列问题上的改革承诺。在此之前,美国贸易代表办公室在2018年进行了一项调查,发现中国向企业施压,强迫技术转让,并使用其他不公平的手段来获取关键技术,从而让中国企业获得竞争优势。这些发现为特朗普政府开始对中国征收关税提供了依据。
        Last year, China amended various laws to strengthen its intellectual property protections in line with its commitments in the trade deal. But intellectual property owners have continued to express concerns that those measures were inadequate, U.S.T.R. said in the report. And Chinese government bodies and officials have also continued to make worrying assertions about their intellectual property system’s serving the needs of domestic innovation and providing a “strategic resource” for Chinese competitiveness abroad, the agency’s report said.        去年,中国根据在这份贸易协定中的承诺修订了各种法律,加强对知识产权的保护。但美国贸易代表办公室在报告中说,知识产权所有者仍对这些措施不够充分表示担忧。该机构的报告称,中国政府机构和官员也继续做出令人担忧的断言,称其知识产权体系服务于国内创新的需要,并为中国的海外竞争力提供了“战略资源”。
        China remains the largest single source of counterfeit and pirated goods, accounting for more than 83 percent of what global authorities seized in 2020, the report said. That included medical products like Covid-19 testing kits, N95 respirator masks, sanitizers and disinfectants.        报告称,中国仍然是假冒和盗版商品的最大来源地,占全球有关当局在2020年查获总量的83%以上。其中包括新冠检测试剂盒、N95口罩、消毒液和消毒剂等医疗产品。
        Biden administration officials have said repeatedly that China is falling short of its commitments under the trade deal and expressed frustration with a lack of progress in negotiations.        拜登政府官员曾多次表示,中国未能履行其在该贸易协议中的承诺,并对谈判缺乏进展表示失望。
        Top Biden administration officials have been discussing changes to the vast array of tariffs the Trump administration imposed on China, including offering more tariff relief for consumer goods and beginning a new investigation into China’s use of industrial subsidies. That investigation could result in more levies on strategic products, according to sources familiar with the matter.        拜登政府的高级官员一直在讨论改变特朗普政府对中国征收的一系列关税,包括为消费品提供更多的关税减免,并开始对中国使用工业补贴的行为展开新的调查。据知情人士透露,这项调查可能导致对战略产品的更多征税。
        But more than a year into office, they have yet to announce substantive changes to the terms of trade between China and the United States.        但上任一年多以来,他们还没有宣布中美贸易条件的实质性变化。
        In remarks to reporters on Tuesday, Liu Pengyu, the spokesperson for the Chinese Embassy in Washington, said the tariffs violated global trade rules, dragged down the global economic recovery and would ultimately hurt U.S. businesses and consumers.        中国驻美国使馆发言人刘鹏宇周二对记者表示,这些关税违反了全球贸易规则,拖累了全球经济复苏,最终将损害美国企业和消费者。
        “The Biden administration will not terminate tariffs on China, but is preparing to launch a new Section 301 investigation,” he said. “Facts have proved that a tariff war cannot solve the core issue of China-U.S. economic and trade frictions, nor will it truly balance U.S. foreign trade. It will only drive up inflation in the U.S. and increase the cost of living for ordinary American consumers and families.”         “拜登政府不会终止对中国征收关税,而是准备启动新的301调查,”他说。“事实证明,关税战解决不了中美经贸摩擦的核心问题。也不能真正平衡美国的对外贸易,只会推高美国的通货膨胀,增加美国普通消费者和家庭的生活成本。”
        The report also said that Russia was posing various challenges, including copyright infringement and trademark counterfeiting, but that the ability of the administration to raise and resolve those intellectual property issues had been severely limited by Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and the subsequent efforts by the United States and its allies to isolate Russia from the global economy. The United States is monitoring recent proposals by Russia to try to counter international sanctions by allowing its companies to violate intellectual property rights held in the United States, Europe and other countries that have imposed sanctions on Russia, the report said.        报告还称,俄罗斯正在提出构成挑战,包括版权侵权和假冒商标。但由于俄罗斯入侵乌克兰,以及美国及其盟国随后努力将俄罗斯孤立于全球经济之外,政府提出和解决这些知识产权问题的能力受到严重限制。报告说,美国正在密切关注俄罗斯最近提出的建议,这些建议试图通过允许其公司侵犯在美国、欧洲和其他对俄罗斯实施制裁的国家拥有的知识产权,来对抗国际制裁。
        It also expressed concerns with the European Union’s “aggressive promotion” of geographical indications, or rules that require goods to be from specific regions in order to use certain product names. Rules that restrict the use of common names for products, like Parmesan or feta cheese, impose barriers for U.S.-made goods and remain “highly concerning,” the U.S.T.R. said.        它还对欧盟“积极推广”地理标志的规定表示关切,地理标志要求商品必须来自特定地区才能使用特定产品名称。美国贸易代表办公室表示,限制使用帕尔玛干酪或菲达奶酪等常见产品名称的规定,对美国制造的产品设置了障碍,这仍然令人“高度关注”。
        The office said it would also conduct a special review of Bulgaria’s practices to assess whether it had made progress with investigating and prosecuting online piracy cases. It removed some countries from a watch list, saying they had made progress on improving rights, including Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Romania and Lebanon.        该办公室表示还将对保加利亚的做法进行特别审查,以评估该国在调查和起诉网络盗版案件方面是否取得进展。它将一些国家从观察名单中删除,称这些国家在知识产权的保护方面有改进,包括科威特、沙特阿拉伯、罗马尼亚和黎巴嫩。
        Katherine Tai, the trade representative, said in a statement that the administration would continue to engage with trade partners to address shortcomings, and that intellectual property protection was key to more than 60 million American jobs.        美国贸易代表戴琪在一份声明中表示,政府将继续与贸易伙伴接触,以解决不足之处,知识产权保护是美国6000多万个就业岗位的关键。
        “We need robust protection and enforcement in foreign countries to protect these individuals, their livelihoods, and ensure they can fairly compete in the global marketplaces,” Ms. Tai said.        “我们需要在外国得到强有力的保护和执法,以保护这些人和他们的生计,并确保他们能在全球市场上公平竞争,”戴琪说。

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