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New Covid cases slow in Shanghai, but increase in Beijing.

来源:纽约时报    2022-04-28 12:12

        BEIJING — Shanghai appeared on Wednesday to be making gradual progress in bringing coronavirus outbreaks under control, while Beijing continued finding more cases as it tries to test three times over five days nearly all of the capital’s 22 million residents.        北京——周三,上海在疫情控制方面似乎正在逐步取得进展,而随着五天内对首都几乎所有2200万民众进行三轮全员核酸检测,北京则继续发现更多病例。
        Shanghai announced its lowest total for new cases in weeks: 12,309. Only 171 of those were detected among people still in the broader community. The rest were among people already in isolation as the contacts of previously infected people, and were less likely to infect others, according to municipal data.        上海公布了数周以来最低的新增病例数:12309人。其中只有171人是在社会面发现的。根据市政府的数据,其余均来自隔离管控的密接人群,不太可能感染他人。
        Zhao Dandan, deputy director of the Shanghai Health Commission, told a news conference that the authorities would allow limited activities in areas with no more virus transmission outside of quarantine, but would maintain the lockdown of the rest of the city.        上海市卫生健康委员会副主任赵丹丹在新闻发布会上表示,当局将在社会面基本清零的区实施有限活动,其他区仍保持封锁。
        Beijing officials said that they had detected 46 further cases in the 23 hours through midafternoon Wednesday, as a giant P.C.R. testing program continues. Beijing has already processed 19.8 million tests from its initial round of testing, said Li Ang, deputy chief of the city’s quarantine and testing working group.        在北京,大规模全员核酸检测正在继续,官方表示,在截至周三下午的23小时内新增46例感染病例。北京市检疫检测工作组副组长李昂说,北京第一轮区域核酸筛查累计采样1981万人次。
        Beijing identified three more neighborhoods on Wednesday as high-risk and four more as medium-risk, a label that prompts lockdowns.        北京周三又将三个社区确定为高风险地区,将另外四个社区确定为中风险地区。
        The scale of Beijing’s testing program is enormous. Folding tables have been set up every few blocks near large roads. Up to a half-dozen volunteers help to direct residents and take their names, and several medical workers perform the swift oral swabs.        北京的检测计划规模巨大。每隔几个街区靠近大马路的位置就会架起折叠桌。每个检测点有多达六名志愿者帮助引导民众并登记他们的名字,几名医务人员则快速进行咽拭子取样。
        Using so-called batch testing, numerous swabs are placed in pink liquid in a single test tube and sent to a lab. If the liquid tests positive for the presence of the virus, then the authorities contact each person who had a swab in the tube and conduct intensive nasal P.C.R. testing.        检测点使用所谓的混采检测,将多个拭子放入一个盛有粉红色液体的试管中,然后送到实验室。如果液体的病毒检测呈阳性,那么当局会联系该试管中的每个拭子的主人,并密集进行鼻拭子核酸检测。
        Mr. Li said that the city had mobilized 35,000 medical workers who take the samples and another 104,000 volunteers and other auxiliaries to help them.        李昂说,本轮核酸检测共动用采样医务人员3.5万名、辅助保障人员10.4万名。
        At a curbside neighborhood testing site on Wednesday evening in Chaoyang, the Beijing district with the most cases, there were 18 people in line, many of them apparently on the way home from work. Two medical workers in blue full-body protective suits took oral samples at two well-separated tables.        朝阳是病例最多的区,周三晚上,在朝阳区的一个路边社区检测点,有18人在排队,其中许多人显然是在下班回家的路上。两名身穿蓝色防护服的医务人员在两张隔开的桌子旁采集咽拭子。
        Two other workers, in white full-body hazardous-material suits, checked identity cards. Another 11 guards and other assistants stood nearby, wearing disposable blue hospital gowns over their clothing. The line moved quickly and the tests were free.        两名身穿白色防护服的工作人员正在检查身份证。另外11名辅助保障人员站在附近,他们的衣服外面都套着一次性的蓝色病号服。队伍移动很快,检测免费。
        Richard Reithinger, vice president for global health at Research Triangle Institute, a nonprofit research group in North Carolina, said that the scale of China’s testing program was impressive but that some of the resources might be better used to expand vaccination. China still lags well behind Western countries in the proportion of older residents in particular who have been vaccinated.        北卡罗来纳州非盈利研究机构美国三角研究所负责全球健康的副所长理查德·赖辛格表示,中国的检测规模令人印象深刻,但其中一些资源也许可以更好地用于扩大疫苗接种。中国老龄人口的接种比例远远落后于西方国家。
        Beijing has now had 138 cases since last Friday scattered across half of its 16 districts. Three dozen of those cases were linked to a single junior high school in southeastern Beijing.        自上周五以来,北京新增138例感染病例,16个城区半数都发现了病例。其中30多起病例与北京东南部的一所初中有关。
        But most Beijing residents can still move freely around the capital. Residents of inland industrial cities are being treated much less gently.        但大多数北京居民仍然可以在首都自由活动。而内陆工业城市的民众受到的待遇则没有这么温和。
        Yiwu, a city of nearly two million in central China that is a trading and manufacturing center for everything from plastic toys to American election campaign merchandise, ordered on Wednesday that no residents could leave their apartment complexes until further notice after just three infections were found there. Baotou, a steel and rare earth metals hub of nearly three million people in the Chinese region of Inner Mongolia, locked down on Monday evening after just two cases were found, and subsequently detected one more case.        义乌是中国中部城市,人口将近200万,是从塑料玩具到美国竞选用品等各种商品的贸易和制造中心,该市在发现三例感染病例后,于周三命令居民不得离开小区,直至另行通知。包头是内蒙古地区的钢铁和稀土金属中心,人口将近300万,在仅发现两例病例后于周一晚上进行小区封闭管理,随后又发现了一例。
        The CSI 300 Index of large companies’ share prices on the Shanghai and Shenzhen stock markets rose 2.9 percent on Wednesday as investors appeared to conclude that the worst of the current outbreak might be past. The index dropped 4.9 percent on Monday amid alarm at the detection of dozens of infections in Beijing over the weekend.        投资者似乎认为当前疫情最糟糕的时期可能已经过去,沪深300指数本周三上涨2.9%。北京在周末发现了数十起感染病例,该指数在周一下跌4.9%。
        Taking a mandatory nucleic acid test every other day is not the biggest nuisance from the continuing campaign against the coronavirus, Beijing residents said in interviews on Wednesday. Regular P.C.R. testing has already been a fact of life for many.        有北京民众周三在接受采访时表示,每隔一天进行一次强制性核酸检测并不是持续抗疫中最麻烦的事情。常规核酸检测已经成为许多人生活中的一部分。
        Zhou Yunhong, a pork butcher in north-central Beijing, said that she had been taking a mandatory test every day since February because of a government requirement on anyone working with chilled food.        在北京中北部卖猪肉的周云红(音)说,由于政府对涉冷链工作人员有要求,她从2月开始每天都要参加强制性核酸检测。
        “I feel it’s good — testing is responsible for our customers,” she said.        “我感觉挺好,做核酸对顾客负责,”她说。
        The biggest irritation cited by many Beijing residents lies in the stringent rules preventing them from visiting family members in other towns or from taking vacations, including during the national May Day holiday that starts this weekend.        许多北京民众都提到,严格的规定禁止他们休假或探望住在其他城市的家人,包括本周末开始的全国五一假期期间,这种限制是他们最不满的地方。
        Beijing has warned residents for months that if they leave the capital, they might not be allowed to return, for fear that they might bring the virus back from other cities. But now, other communities are starting to discourage Beijing residents from coming at all, fearing that they could also be carriers of the coronavirus.        几个月来,北京一直警告民众,如果离开首都,他们可能无法返京,因为担心他们可能会将病毒从其他城市带回。但现在,其他地区开始完全不鼓励北京居民到来,担心他们也可能是新冠病毒的携带者。
        Li Kun, an egg vendor at a covered Beijing market, said that she lived just across the municipal border in Hebei Province. But she had been unable to go home for nearly two weeks to see her daughter, who is in high school and now living alone in their house.        北京一家室内菜市场的鸡蛋小贩李昆(音)说,她住在河北,位置就在北京地界的边上。但她已经有近两周无法回家看望正在读高中的女儿,现在女儿一个人住在家里。
        “The loudspeaker in our village shouts, ‘Residents from Beijing cannot enter,’” she said. “I do a P.C.R. test every day, I know I’m fine, but the people in the village don’t know; they are worried.”        “村里的大喇叭就喊‘禁止北京人员返乡’,”她说。“我倒是每天做核酸,我知道我没问题,可是村里的人不知道,他们就担心。”
        Every night she has an online video conversation with her daughter, she said, adding: “I want to go home.”        她说她每天晚上都跟女儿视频,还说:“我想回家啊。”

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