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With sunken warship, Russian disinformation faces a test.

来源:纽约时报    2022-04-22 03:53

        Families whose sons were listed as missing after the Russian flagship in the Black Sea sank a week ago are demanding answers in increasing numbers as the Ministry of Defense and top government officials stay silent about the fate of the crew.        一周前,俄罗斯舰队的旗舰在黑海沉没,越来越多的失踪人员家属提出质疑,俄罗斯国防部和政府高级官员却保持沉默。
        At least 10 families have come forward publicly, on social media or to news organizations, to voice their frustration that they have been told by different officers or others that their sons were either alive, missing or dead. Yet there still has been no official update to the initial announcement that the more than 500 crew members on the cruiser, the Moskva, were all rescued.        至少有10个家庭通过社交媒体或新闻机构公开表达了不满,包括官员在内的许多人给出了不同的回答,或者说他们的儿子还活着,或者说失踪了,或者说已经死亡。然而,官方并没有对最初的声明进行更新,那份声明称,莫斯科号巡洋舰上的500多名船员全部获救。
        “They don’t want to talk to us,” Maksim Savin, 32, said in an interview about his search for his youngest brother Leonid, 20, a conscript who served on the Moskva. “We are grieving. They drafted our little brother and most likely will never give him back.”        “他们不愿意跟我们对话,”32岁的马克西姆·萨文在采访中说,他在寻找20岁的弟弟列昂尼德。服义务役的列昂尼德也在莫斯科号上。“我们非常悲痛。他们征召了我弟弟,他很可能再也回不来了。”
        The official silence on the fate of the Moskva’s crew is part of a larger campaign by the Kremlin to suppress bad news about the war and control the narrative that Russians receive on its progress. Many of the missing crew were conscripts, which has been a sensitive subject in Russia since the war in Chechnya, when young soldiers with little training were often thrown into battles and died in droves, souring public support for the war.        对莫斯科号船员的下落保持沉默是克里姆林宫的一项总体行动的一部分,目的是压制有关战争的坏消息、控制俄罗斯民众对战争进程的叙事。许多失踪的船员是义务兵,自车臣战争以来,这在俄罗斯一直是一个敏感话题,当时缺乏训练的年轻士兵送上战场,成批地死去,削弱了公众对那场战争的支持。
        The cause of the sinking was disputed, with Russia claiming that an ammunition magazine exploded in a fire and then the damaged ship sank while under tow in rough seas. Ukraine said it hit the vessel with two Neptune missiles, an assertion that U.S. officials corroborated. Whatever the case, the loss of one of the biggest warships since World War II has been an embarrassment for Russia.        莫斯科号的沉没原因存在争议,俄方的说法是因火灾导致弹药库爆炸,在恶劣天气下,受损的船只在拖航过程中沉没。乌克兰方面则表示,它用两枚海王星导弹击中了这艘船,该说法得到了美国官员的证实。无论如何,这是“二战”以来损失的最大军舰之一,对俄罗斯来说是一件尴尬的事情。
        Independent Russian news outlets based outside the country have reported that about 40 men died and another 100 were injured when the warship was damaged and sank. Those reports quoted an unidentified official and the mother of one sailor who died. In addition, the wife of an older midshipman confirmed his death to Radio Liberty, a U.S. government network based outside Russia.        据总部设在国外的一些俄罗斯独立新闻机构报道,在军舰受损沉没时,约有40人死亡,另有100人受伤。这些报道引用了一名未具名官员和一名遇难船员母亲的话。此外,一名年长的海军见习军官的妻子向总部设在俄罗斯境外、隶属于美国政府的广播机构——自由广播电台证实他已经丧生。
        Opposition to the first war in Chechnya in the mid-1990s was spurred by Russian families angry that their conscript sons were being used as cannon fodder. “A few hundred” soldiers are still not accounted for from that war, said Alexander Cherkasov, the former chairman of the Memorial Human Rights Center, a group based in Moscow that was disbanded this month because of a court order.        对上世纪90年代中期第一次车臣战争的反对源自许多俄罗斯家庭对于服义务役的儿子被当作炮灰的愤怒。据总部位于莫斯科的纪念人权中心前主席亚历山大·切尔卡索夫说,那场战争中,“有数百名”士兵至今下落不明。根据一项法庭命令,该组织已于本月解散。
        “No one cares about the soldiers,” he said, and the restrictions put on nongovernmental organizations mean it is now virtually impossible for them to do the tracing work, he said.        “没有人关心这些士兵,”他说,对非政府组织的限制规定意味着,它们现在几乎不可能进行追踪工作。
        Mr. Putin has said repeatedly that conscripts serving a year in the military would not be deployed in Ukraine, a statement contradicted by battlefield casualties.        普京曾多次表示,服一年义务役的士兵不会被部署到乌克兰,这个说法与战场上的实际情况不符。
        The Union of Committees of Soldiers’ Mothers of Russia, which dates back to the Chechen wars, confirmed that it is receiving requests to search for missing soldiers. The organization declined to comment further, citing a law against sharing information about soldiers with foreign organizations.        俄罗斯士兵母亲委员会联盟证实,正在收到寻找失踪士兵的请求,该机构的历史可以追溯至车臣战争时期。该组织以法律禁止跟外国组织分享军人信息为由,拒绝进一步置评。
        Parents of crewmen on the Moskva, named after Russia’s capital, have expressed outrage at what they described as an official runaround.        莫斯科号以俄罗斯首都命名,船上船员的父母表示,官方的搪塞做法让他们感到愤怒。
        “We, the parents, are interested only in the fate of our children: Why did they — being conscripted soldiers — end up in this military operation?” said Dmitry Shkrebets, whose son Yegor, 19, worked as a cook on the Moskva.        “我们这些为人父母者,只对自己孩子的下落感兴趣:为什么他们——应征入伍的士兵——会参加这次军事行动呢?”德米特里·什克雷贝茨说道,他19岁的儿子叶戈尔在船上当厨师。
        In an interview, Mr. Shkrebets was reluctant to talk further, but on Sunday he posted far harsher statements on VKontakte, the Russian equivalent of Facebook.        在采访中,什克雷贝茨不愿意进一步谈论此事,但周日他在VKontakte——相当于俄罗斯的Facebook——上发表了措辞更为严厉的表态。
        Initially, officers told him that Yegor was among the missing, but then they stopped responding, he said.        他说,起初,警察告诉他,叶戈尔在失踪人员之列,但后来他们不再回应。
        “Guys, went missing on the high seas?!!!” he wrote. “I asked directly why you, the officers, are alive, and my son, a conscript soldier, died?”        “各位,就这样在公海上失踪了?!!!”他写道。“我直接问,为什么你们——你们当官的——还活着,我儿子,一个义务兵,却死了?”
        Mr. Shkrebets has since started collecting testimony from other families who cannot locate their sons. “The more we write, the harder it will be for them to remain silent about what is happening,” he wrote. By Thursday night, he had collected the names of 15 soldiers whose families said they were missing, including 14 conscripts and one contract soldier, he wrote.        此后,什克雷贝茨开始从其他无法找到儿子的家庭那里收集证词。他写道:“我们写得越多,他们就越难对正在发生的事情保持沉默。”他写道,截至周四晚上,他已经从声称失踪士兵的家属那里收集了15名士兵的姓名,其中包括14名义务役士兵和一名合同士兵。
        Dmitri S. Peskov, the Kremlin’s spokesman, said on Tuesday that he was not authorized to release any information about missing sailors, and referred questions to the Defense Ministry.        克里姆林宫发言人德米特里·佩斯科夫周二表示,他无权发布有关失踪水兵的任何信息,并将这个问题推给了国防部。
        The ministry did not respond to requests for comment. It released a video on Saturday that purported to show Adm. Nikolai Yevmenov, the commander of the Russian Navy, meeting with men described as the crew of the Moskva lined up in formation and wearing uniforms. It was not clear how many survivors of the attack were there and nothing was stated about any casualties, either in the video or in accompanying social media posts.        国防部没有回应置评请求。它在周六发布了一段视频,据称显示的是俄罗斯海军司令尼古拉·叶夫梅诺夫上将与据称是莫斯科号船员的人会面的场景,这些人穿着制服并且排成一队。目前尚不清楚有多少人在袭击中幸存,社交媒体上的视频或随附的帖子中也没有说明任何人员伤亡。
        One indication of the official position came on Sunday night, during Vesti Nedeli, the weekly news summary on state television. The three-hour show dedicated about 30 seconds to the sinking, without mentioning casualties.        周日晚上,在国家电视台播放的每周新闻摘要Vesti Nedeli中的报道暗示了官方立场。这个长达三小时的节目用了大约30秒的时间来描述沉船,没有提到人员伤亡。
        Not all Kremlin mouthpieces have been quite so reticent, however. One talk-show host, Vladimir Solovyev, demanded an explanation on Saturday on how the ship was lost.        然而,并非所有克里姆林宫的喉舌都如此沉默。周六,脱口秀主持人弗拉基米尔·索洛维耶夫要求解释为什么这艘船会沉没。
        Maksim Savin said that the family could not reach any officers from his brother’s unit by phone. His mother texted one number and got a response that her son Leonid was missing.        马克西姆·萨文说,家人无法通过电话联系到他弟弟所在单位的任何官员。他的母亲给一个号码发了短信,得到的回复是她的儿子列昂尼德失踪了。
        Later the family received a series of calls from a man who seemed to have served with Leonid and who kept changing his story. First, the man said that Leonid had died while dashing to save a friend, Mr. Savin said. On the second call, he said that there had been no rescue involved, but that Leonid had been caught at the site of an explosion. The third time, he called to say that he had been mistaken, and that Leonid was missing.        后来,这家人接到了一个男人的一系列电话,这个男人似乎曾与列昂尼德一起服役,但他给出的说法一变再变。萨文说,首先,这个人说列昂尼德是在冲去救一个朋友时死的。在第二个电话中,他说没有救援行动,但列昂尼德在一个爆炸地点被波及。第三次,他打电话说自己弄错了,列昂尼德失踪了。
        “It looks like the officers are trying to make everyone shut their mouths,” Mr. Savin said.        “看上去官员们试图让每个人都闭嘴,”萨文说。
        Numerous reports of missing conscripts first emerged on social media. One woman wrote that her brother had been at work in the engine room and was listed as missing, but she was certain that he was dead.        许多关于失踪的义务役士兵的报道最先出现在社交媒体上。一位女性写道,她的兄弟一直在轮机舱工作,被列为失踪人员,但她确信他已经死了。
        Anna Syromaysova, the mother of a missing conscript, told the independent Russian news agency Meduza that she had been unable to see any official documents related to casualties. “There are no lists,” she said. “We’re looking for them ourselves. They don’t tell us anything.” Reached by telephone, she declined to speak with a foreign news organization.        一名失踪的义务役士兵的母亲安娜·西罗梅索娃告诉独立的俄罗斯通讯社Meduza,她无法看到任何与伤亡有关的官方文件。“没有名单,”她说。“我们正在自己找。他们什么都不告诉我们。”本报通过电话联系到了她,她拒绝与外国新闻机构交谈。
        Tamara Grudinina told the Russian language service of the BBC that her son, Sergei Grudinin, 21, had been assigned to the ship right after basic training.        塔玛拉·格鲁迪尼娜告诉BBC的俄语服务部门,她21岁的儿子谢尔盖·格鲁迪宁在接受基本训练后立即被分配到这艘船上。
        When she heard that the ship had sunk, Ms. Grudinina said, she called a Defense Ministry hotline for relatives and was told that her son was “alive and healthy and would get in touch at the first opportunity.”        格鲁迪尼娜说,当她听说这艘船已经沉没时,她拨打了国防部的亲属热线电话,被告知她的儿子“活着且健康,并且会在第一时间与我们取得联系”。
        Soon afterward, a man who identified himself as the Moskva’s commander got in touch and told her that her son had “basically sunk together with the ship,” according to the BBC.        据BBC报道,不久之后,一名自称是莫斯科号指挥官的男子与她取得联系,告诉她,她的儿子“基本上是和船一起沉没了”。
        After the war started on Feb. 24, the family contacted naval officers to inquire about the ship and were told that it was not taking part in military actions and was due back in port shortly, Mr. Savin said.        萨文说,战争于2月24日开始后,这家人联系了海军军官询问这艘船的情况,并被告知它没有参与军事行动,很快就会返回港口。
        Calls from Leonid had stopped, but after speaking with the officers, they got a letter from him saying that he anticipated coming home soon, his brother said.        列昂尼德的哥哥说,列昂尼德的电话没有再打来过,但在与军官交谈后,他们收到了他的一封信,说他预计很快就会回家。
        He said that his younger brother, who trained as an auto mechanic in a vocational school, had been reluctant to go into the military and had not supported the war. A family picture shows a lanky young man in a sailor’s uniform with a rifle slung across his chest, surrounded by his parents and three brothers.        他说,他的弟弟在一所职业学校接受了汽车修理工的培训,一直不愿参军,也不支持战争。一张全家福显示,一名身穿水手服的瘦高青年胸前挂着步枪,他的父母和三个兄弟围绕着他。
        Leonid Savin was much more comfortable hiking in the Crimean hills with the family dog, reading a book or tending to his plants, according to his brother. He had planted a palm tree and an avocado tree before heading off on his military service.        据他的哥哥说,列昂尼德·萨文更喜欢和家里的狗在克里米亚山上徒步旅行、读书或照料他的植物。在开始服兵役之前,他种了一棵棕榈树和一棵鳄梨树。
        “In his letter home, he asked how his plants were doing,” Mr. Savin said. “He was worried about them.”        “他在家信里问起他的植物长得怎么样,”萨文说。“他不太放心。”

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