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New Zealand Deal May Put Japan Closer to ‘Five Eyes’ Intelligence Alliance

来源:纽约时报    2022-04-26 11:49

        WELLINGTON, New Zealand — As China moves to expand its influence in the Asia-Pacific region, Japan and New Zealand have opened talks on an agreement for “seamless” sharing of classified information, a step that could strengthen Tokyo’s case to eventually join the “Five Eyes” intelligence partnership among English-speaking powers.        新西兰惠灵顿——随着中国扩大在亚太地区的影响力,日本和新西兰就一项“无缝”共享机密信息的协议展开谈判,此举可能会加强东京最终加入英语国家之间“五眼”情报伙伴关系的诉求。
        An announcement of the negotiations, during a visit to Tokyo on Thursday by Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern of New Zealand, came two days after the Solomon Islands said it had reached a security agreement with China, provoking unease among Western-aligned powers in the region. The deal, according to a leaked document, could allow Beijing to deploy troops to the Solomons, and perhaps even result in the first Chinese military base in the Pacific.        新西兰总理杰辛达·阿德恩周四访问东京期间宣布了谈判的消息。两天前,所罗门群岛宣布与中国达成了一项安全协议,在该地区与西方结盟的国家中引起了不安。根据一份泄露的文件,该协议可能允许北京在所罗门群岛部署军队,甚至可能导致中国在太平洋建立首个军事基地。
        “The announcement speaks to both countries’ concerns about China,” said Anna Powles, a senior lecturer in security studies at Massey University in New Zealand, “which have been amplified over the past few weeks with the signing of the security agreement” in the Solomons.        “这项声明说明了两国对中国的担忧,”新西兰梅西大学安全研究高级讲师安娜·鲍尔斯说,“过去几周,随着(所罗门群岛)安全协议的签署,这种担忧被放大了。”
        Ms. Ardern and the Japanese prime minister, Fumio Kishida, made their concerns clear in announcing the proposed intelligence agreement. They emphasized “growing strategic challenges” in the Pacific and their opposition to “unilateral actions that seek to alter the status quo by force” in the East and South China Seas. The latter appeared to be a reference to Chinese efforts to construct artificial islands for military use and its encroachment on disputed territories.        在宣布拟议的情报协议时,阿德恩和日本首相岸田文雄明确表达了他们的担忧。双方强调了太平洋地区“日益增长的战略挑战”,并反对在东海和南海“试图通过武力改变现状的单边行动”。后者似乎指的是中国为军事用途建造人工岛以及侵占存在争议的领土的做法。
        The agreement would bring Japan closer to the so-called Five Eyes partnership, through which the United States, Britain, Canada, Australia and New Zealand have for the past 75 years been sharing much of the intelligence they gather.        该协议将使日本更接近所谓的“五眼伙伴关系”,过去75年里,美国、英国、加拿大、澳大利亚和新西兰一直通过该伙伴关系分享收集到的大部分情报。
        In 2020, the Japanese defense minister at the time, Taro Kono, proposed Japanese membership in a revamped “Six Eyes” partnership. Last year, Shingo Yamagami, Japan’s ambassador to Australia, said that he “would like to see this idea become reality in the near future.”        2020年,时任日本防卫大臣河野太郎提议日本加入改革后的“六眼联盟”。去年,日本驻澳大利亚大使山上信吾表示,他“希望看到这个想法在不久的将来成为现实”。
        Five Eyes members were previously hesitant to expand the partnership over concerns about the security of the Japanese intelligence community. But a major overhaul in Japan, including the passage of a state secrets law in 2013 over significant public opposition, has helped alleviate that unease.        此前,出于对日本情报机构安全性的担忧,“五眼”成员对扩大合作关系犹豫不决。但日本的一次重大改革——包括2013年在公众强烈反对下通过了一项国家保密法——帮助缓解了这种不安。
        Japan has since negotiated intelligence-sharing agreements with the United States, Britain and Australia. An agreement with New Zealand would allow further access to the partnership’s intelligence output.        此后,日本与美国、英国和澳大利亚就情报共享协议进行了谈判。与新西兰达成的协议将允许日本进一步获得该伙伴关系的情报输出。
        “There’s clearly a desire to build up and network those intelligence-sharing connections,” said David Capie, the director of the Center for Strategic Studies in New Zealand.        新西兰战略研究中心主任戴维·卡皮说,“显然,它们希望建立起情报共享的联系,并使之网络化。”
        In recent years, New Zealand has faced questions about its own reliability as an intelligence partner. China is by far the largest purchaser of New Zealand’s exports, which has previously made New Zealand reluctant to criticize China’s human rights abuses and growing assertiveness in the Indo-Pacific region.        近年来,新西兰作为情报合作伙伴的可靠性受到了质疑。中国是新西兰出口产品的最大买家,这使得新西兰此前不愿批评中国侵犯人权的行为以及在印太地区日益强硬的态度。
        In 2017, it was also revealed that a long-serving member of New Zealand’s Parliament had previously trained Chinese spies. In an influential paper that year, Anne-Marie Brady, a political scientist who specializes in Chinese influence efforts, wrote, “New Zealand, like many other states in the world, is becoming saturated with the P.R.C.’s political influence activities.” P.R.C. is an abbreviation for the People’s Republic of China.        2017年,有消息透露,新西兰一名资深议员之前曾在中国从事间谍培训工作。那一年,专门研究中国影响力努力的政治学家安-玛丽·布雷迪在一篇有影响力的论文中写道,“像世界上许多国家一样,新西兰正逐渐被PRC的政治影响力活动所渗透。”PRC是中华人民共和国的缩写。
        But, confronted by its partners’ fears and by China’s growing influence efforts both in New Zealand and in the broader Pacific, the New Zealand government has become more assertive in its foreign policy.        然而,面对合作伙伴的担忧以及中国在新西兰和更广泛的太平洋地区日益增强的影响力,新西兰政府的外交政策变得更加坚定自信。
        “Over the past three or four years, you’ve seen a growing recognition that China is not simply an unlimited economic opportunity,” Dr. Capie said. “We’ve seen New Zealand’s government be much more willing to speak frankly about what they see as challenges” in the Pacific and southern Asia.        “在过去三四年里,已经有越来越多的人认识到,中国不仅仅是一个无限的经济机会,”卡皮说。“我们看到新西兰政府更愿意坦率地谈论他们眼中(太平洋和南亚)的挑战。”
        A major report by New Zealand’s Ministry of Defense in 2021 explicitly warned that China’s rise and “increasingly strong nationalist narrative,” among other drivers, had created “a substantially more challenging and complex strategic environment.”        新西兰国防部在2021年的一份重要报告中明确警告,中国的崛起和“日益强烈的民族主义叙事”等驱动因素,造成了“一个更具挑战性和复杂性的战略环境”。
        Thursday’s announcement, Dr. Capie said, is a further demonstration of New Zealand’s more forceful foreign policy approach.        卡皮表示,周四的声明进一步表明了新西兰更加强硬的外交政策方针。
        “Until a few years ago, I think there was probably a view that New Zealand was a little soft on China — that it wasn’t being cleareyed about the risks in the region,” he said. “That’s begun to shift.”        “直到几年前,我认为人们可能觉得新西兰对中国有点软弱,对该地区的风险没有明确认识,”他说。“这种情况已经开始改变了。”

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