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来源:中国日报    2022-04-23 09:00

        Chances are you’ve taken the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, or will. Roughly 2 million people a year do. 你很有可能已经做过MBTI测试了,或正要做。每年约有200万人进行这一测试。
        Isabel Myers (1897-1980) and her mother, Katharine Cook Briggs (1875-1968), developers of the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator instrument, shared a vision. They wanted to enable individuals to grow through an understanding and appreciation of individual differences in healthy personalities and to enhance harmony and productivity in diverse groups.Isabel Myers和她的母亲Katharine Cook Briggs是MBTI的开发者。她们都希望通过理解和欣赏健康人格中的个体差异来促使个人成长,并提高不同群体的和谐和生产力。
        The NY Times recently suggested the enduring popularity of the MBTI is because people like to take the test: “part of its appeal may be that regular people just like taking it.”《纽约时报》最近表示,MBTI火爆是因为人们喜欢参加考试:“可能是人们喜欢做小测试”。
        A 2009 study of “1,630 people working in 156 teams in a Swedish industrial organization” concluded that MBTI personality profiles could be “a vehicle for group members to gain a better understanding of each other” because it gives them something to talk about.2009 年一项针对“一家瑞典工业组织156个团队中的1630名员工”的研究得出结论,MBTI性格概况可以“让团队成员更好地了解彼此”,因为这让他们有话题聊。
        Despite the far-reaching use of the assessment in organizations, the academic psychological community has been slow to embrace it.尽管MBTI测试在企业中已经备受青睐,但它尚未得到心理学学术界的认可。
        Barnum Effect refers to our tendency to think that the information provided about our personalities is about us regardless of its generalisability.“巴纳姆效应”是指我们倾向于认为所提供的关于我们个性的信息是关于我们的,而不管其普遍性如何。

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