外媒:通胀恐慌加剧 美国民众对经济前景越发悲观_OK阅读网
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外媒:通胀恐慌加剧 美国民众对经济前景越发悲观
Consumers Remain Pessimistic Thanks To Inflation & Rising Interest Rates

来源:中国日报    2022-04-25 16:55

        After a brief flirtation with good cheer, US consumer confidence is on the back foot again.在短暂乐观情绪之后,美国消费者信心再次受到打击。
        The increased pessimism dovetails with the 63% of respondents who said that they believe inflation will go up in the near future.消费者对美国经济愈加悲观,63%的受访者认为在不久的将来通胀将继续上升。
        Given how hard it will be to tamp down price growth, consumers are likely to be in a sour mood for a long while.考虑到抑制物价增长的难度,消费者的消极情绪可能会持续很长一段时间。
        American consumers are dissatisfied with their financial situation despite a robust job market.尽管就业市场强劲,但美国消费者对自己的财务状况并不满意。
        That jibes with the most recent Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) jobs data, which reported an unemployment rate of 3.6% in March. Meanwhile, initial jobless claims have fallen to their lowest level since 1968.这与美国劳工统计局最新的就业数据相符,该机构报告3月份的失业率为3.6%。与此同时,首次申请失业救济人数已降至1968年以来的最低水平。
        The continuing impact of high inflation is the most likely candidate for the weaker current index. The most recent survey was conducted shortly after the March consumer price index (CPI) data, which showed annualized CPI inflation up 8.5%, another four-decade high.当前指数走弱最可能是受到美国高通胀的持续影响。最近一次调查前不久发布了3月消费者价格指数(CPI),该数据显示,CPI年化通胀率上升8.5%,创下美国40年来历史新高。
        Americans continue to see their purchasing power eroded by price increases. That means more consumers may now avoid the kinds of big-ticket purchases they had been making during the pandemic, especially as supply chain snarls continue to disrupt product availability.美国民众的购买力继续被物价上涨所侵蚀。这意味着更多的消费者现在可能会避免在疫情期间购买高价商品,尤其是在供应链混乱继续扰乱产品供应的情况下。
        Rising Interest Rates and Slowing Growth利率上涨 经济增长放缓
        The Fed is striving to dampen inflation, but the threat of a new recession means it can’t raise rates too high or too quickly.美联储正在努力抑制通货膨胀,但新一轮衰退的威胁意味着不能把利率提高得太高或太快。
        According to the most recent Forbes Advisor-Ipsos survey, Americans expect mortgage rates to keep climbing. Nearly 60% of respondents said they think mortgage rates will rise in the future, compared to just 6% who believe they’ll go down.根据最新的福布斯益普索调查,美国人预测抵押贷款利率将持续攀升。近60%的受访者表示,他们认为未来抵押贷款利率会上升,而只有6%的受访者认为会下降。
        Heightened Concerns among Investors投资者担忧加剧
        The survey’s investment index dropped more than any other, and is presently 10 points lower than its March 2020 level.该调查的投资指数跌幅最大,较2020年3月的水平低10个百分点。

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