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U.S. and Ukrainian Groups Pierce Putin’s Propaganda Bubble

来源:纽约时报    2022-04-14 04:16

        WASHINGTON — Using a mix of high-tech and Cold War tactics, Ukrainian activists and Western institutions have begun to pierce the propaganda bubble in Russia, circulating information about the Ukraine war among Russian citizens to sow doubt about the Kremlin’s accounts.        华盛顿——利用高科技和冷战策略,乌克兰活动人士和西方机构开始戳破俄罗斯的宣传泡沫,在俄罗斯公民中传播有关乌克兰战争的信息,让人们对克里姆林宫的说法产生怀疑。
        The efforts come at a particularly urgent moment: Moscow appears to be preparing for a new assault in eastern Ukraine that could prove devastatingly bloody to both sides, while mounting reports of atrocities make plain the brutality of the Kremlin’s tactics.        这些行动是在一个格外危急的时刻进行的。莫斯科似乎正在准备在乌克兰东部发动新的进攻,这可能会给双方带来毁灭性的血腥后果,同时越来越多关于暴行的报道表明克里姆林宫的战术有多么残酷。
        As Russia presents a sanitized version of the war, Ukrainian activists have been sending messages highlighting government corruption and incompetence in an effort to undermine faith in the Kremlin.        在俄罗斯对这场战争进行美化的同时,乌克兰活动人士一直在发出信息,强调俄罗斯政府的腐败和无能,试图削弱人们对克里姆林宫的信心。
        Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty, a U.S.-funded but independent news organization founded decades ago, is trying to push its broadcasts deeper into Russia. Its Russian-language articles are published on copies of its websites called “mirrors,” which Russian censors seek out in a high-stakes game of whack-a-mole. Audience numbers have surged during the war despite the censorship.        自由欧洲电台/自由电台是一家由美国政府资助的独立新闻机构,成立于几十年前,目前正试图将其广播节目深入俄罗斯。它的俄语文章发表在其称为“镜像”的网站副本上,对此俄罗斯审查人员开始了一场事关重大的“打地鼠”游戏,寻找这些文章。尽管有审查制度,但在战争期间,它的受众却出现了激增。
        American organizations are also promoting the use of software that allows Russian citizens to leap over the nascent firewall erected by the Kremlin to control internet access.        美国一些组织也在推广一种软件,让俄罗斯公民跨越克里姆林宫为控制互联网接入而建立的新防火墙。
        The efforts face high barriers as the Kremlin tightens controls on journalists and the internet, passing laws that have forced the closure of independent media outlets, like the Echo of Moscow. President Vladimir V. Putin is doing all he can to keep Russians in the dark about Europe’s largest land war since 1945, with casualties going largely unreported in Russian news media.        随着克里姆林宫加紧对记者和互联网的控制,通过法律迫使《莫斯科回声报》等独立媒体机构关闭,这些努力面临着很高的障碍。俄罗斯总统普京正在尽其所能,不让俄罗斯人了解这场自1945年以来欧洲规模最大的陆地战争,俄罗斯新闻媒体基本上是不报道伤亡情况的。
        The Russian government has focused in particular on restricting reports of war casualties. In its most recent official announcement, in late March, Russia reported 1,351 military deaths, while the latest American intelligence estimate, which was shared with Congress in recent days, put the number at 4,000 to 5,000.        俄罗斯政府尤其注重限制对战争伤亡人数的报道。在3月底的最新官方声明中,俄罗斯报告了1351名军人死亡,而美国情报机构最近几天向国会提交的最新估计数字是4000至5000人。
        But cracks in Moscow’s facade are starting to show. On Thursday, the Kremlin’s spokesman acknowledged that Russia had suffered “significant losses.”        但在莫斯科,表面上的裂痕已经开始显现。周四,克里姆林宫发言人承认俄罗斯遭受了“重大损失”。
        After the war started in February, Mr. Putin began erecting an internet firewall similar to China’s to block some Russian and Western news sites and social media networks. Russians can still visit Google and YouTube, but many Western sources of news are labeled “foreign agents.”        今年2月战争爆发后,普京开始建立一个类似于中国的互联网防火墙,屏蔽一些俄罗斯和西方的新闻网站及社交媒体网络。俄罗斯人仍然可以访问谷歌和YouTube,但许多西方新闻来源被贴上了“外国代理人”的标签。
        An authoritarian government does not have to maintain a perfect firewall to keep its public in a propaganda bubble. Many Russians get their news from state-controlled television and radio. And some Russian analysts argue that most citizens support the government for reasons beyond their news diet and want to believe the Kremlin’s lines.        威权政府不需要维持一个完美的防火墙,就可以令公众处于宣传泡沫中。许多俄罗斯人从国家控制的电视和广播中获取新闻。一些俄罗斯问题分析人士认为,大多数民众支持政府的原因不在于获取什么样的新闻,他们希望相信克里姆林宫的话。
        American intelligence officials say that is why pushing information into Russia, and reaching the broadest population, is so difficult.        美国情报官员说,正因如此,把信息推送到俄罗斯,并传递到最广泛的人群,是非常困难的。
        Nevertheless, American and European officials say that the attempt by outsiders to get facts about the war to Russians is important.        然而,美国和欧洲官员表示,外界向俄罗斯人传递战争真相的尝试是很重要的。
        For now, Mr. Putin and the invasion remain popular in Russia, according to polls, though analysts caution that such measures of Russian attitudes are unreliable, mainly because many people fear making antiwar statements. The police have arrested thousands of protesters, and many people self-censor their remarks on Ukraine.        民意调查显示,目前普京和入侵行动在俄罗斯仍很受欢迎,不过分析人士警告说,这种衡量俄罗斯态度的方法并不可靠,主要是因为很多人害怕发表反战言论。警方逮捕了数以千计的抗议者,许多人对自己关于乌克兰的言论进行自我审查。
        There are early signs that the efforts to break down the wall of propaganda may be working, said a senior Western intelligence official, who like other security officials spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss classified or sensitive government assessments.        一名西方高级情报官员说,有初步迹象表明,打破宣传壁垒的努力可能正在奏效。与其他安全官员一样,这名官员要求在讨论政府的机密或敏感评估时匿名。
        And an American data analytics company, FilterLabs.AI, which has been tracking Russian sentiment on internet message boards and other online forums, says it has measured growing anxiety among Russians about the draft and war casualties. Mr. Putin recently signed a decree ordering up about 134,500 conscripts, though the Defense Ministry said they would not go to Ukraine.        美国数据分析公司FilterLabs人工智能一直在追踪互联网留言板和其他在线论坛上俄罗斯人的情绪,该公司表示,它已经测出俄罗斯人对征兵和战争伤亡人数的焦虑正在日益增长。普京最近签署了一项法令,命令征召大约13.45万名士兵,不过国防部表示,这些人不会前往乌克兰。
        “We could be at a turning point in Russian sentiment toward the initial invasion of Ukraine, when Russia attempted to take over the whole country,” said Jonathan D. Teubner, the chief executive of FilterLabs.        “我们可能正处于俄罗斯对最初入侵乌克兰情绪的转折点,当时俄罗斯试图拿下整个国家,”FilterLabs的首席执行官乔纳森·图布纳说。
        Planting the Seeds of Doubt        播下怀疑的种子
        The email to the 18-year-old Russian was, in some ways, subtle. It did not directly mention the invasion of Ukraine or allegations of war crimes against Russian soldiers.        发给这名18岁的俄罗斯人的电子邮件,在某些方面是隐晦的。它没有直接提及入侵乌克兰或对俄罗斯士兵犯下战争罪的指控。
        Instead, it talked about the mistreatment of Russian soldiers by their own military and suggested the Russian government was lying to conscripts and, crucially, providing inadequate food and equipment to the country’s soldiers.        相反,它谈到俄罗斯军方不善待自己的士兵,并暗示俄罗斯政府在征兵问题上撒谎,最重要的是,向士兵提供的食物和装备不足。
        Over the last two weeks, a group of Ukrainian activists, government officials and think tanks, called the Information Strategies Council of Ukraine, has sent emails and social media messages to 15 million Russian men of draft age, between 18 and 27. It aimed other posts at older Russians, using historical references to prod them to discuss government-sanctioned news reports.        过去两周,一群名为乌克兰信息战略委员会的乌克兰活动人士、政府官员和智库向1500万名18至27岁的俄罗斯兵役年龄男性发送了电子邮件和社交媒体信息。它还向年纪较大的俄罗斯人发送其他帖子,利用历史作为参照,促使他们讨论得到政府认可的新闻报道。
        “The fundamental problem is that when you want to tackle the propaganda, you cannot just say what you are getting on TV is not true; it doesn’t work like that,” said Sophia Hnizdovska, an executive at the council. “We are trying to slowly, through our narratives, make people question the official sources.”        “根本的问题是,当你想对付宣传时,你不能光说电视上是假的,这样做没有用,”该委员会高管索菲亚·赫尼兹多夫斯卡说。“我们正试图通过我们的叙述慢慢地让人们质疑官方消息来源。”
        The most successful posts by the Ukrainian activists have built on this theme, focusing on the incompetence and corruption of Russian military leaders, members of the group say.        该组织成员称,乌克兰活动人士最成功的帖子都建立在这一主题之上,重点关注俄罗斯军方领导人的无能和腐败。
        One image circulated by the group portrayed senior Russian military leaders, including Sergei K. Shoigu, the defense minister, with his head filled with question marks and Gen. Valery Gerasimov, the senior military leader, with his head filled with an image of a superyacht.        该组织传播的一张照片描绘了俄罗斯高级军事领导人,包括国防部长谢尔盖·绍伊古,他的头上满是问号,高级军事领导人瓦列里·格拉西莫夫将军的头上满是超级游艇的图像。
        Russians tend to dismiss messages highlighting Russian war crimes as American propaganda, according to activists, and pictures of Russian casualties run the risk of inciting anger at Ukraine, rather than the Kremlin.        据活动人士称,俄罗斯人倾向于将强调俄罗斯战争罪行的信息视为美国的宣传,而俄罗斯伤亡的照片可能会激起对乌克兰而不是克里姆林宫的愤怒。
        Mr. Teubner’s company is trying to measure the Ukrainians’ success — and in recent days has tracked what appears to be growing negative sentiment across Russia toward a draft. If the Ukrainians can sow enough doubt about the truthfulness of the Russian government, Ms. Hnizdovska said, more Russians will seek out information from Western-supported Russian-language news media.        特布纳的公司正试图衡量乌克兰人的成效——最近几天,他们追踪了俄罗斯各地似乎对征兵日益增长的负面情绪。赫尼兹多夫斯卡说,对于俄罗斯政府说法的真实性,如果乌克兰人能够播下足够多的怀疑的种子,那么更多的俄罗斯人会从西方支持的俄语新闻媒体中寻找信息。
        Radio Waves and Real News        无线电波和真实新闻
        Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty, the main private, independent news organization in the region with U.S. government financing, is producing journalism on the war from reporters on the front lines in Ukraine and working quietly in Russia.        由美国政府资助的自由欧洲电台/自由电台(缩写为RFE/RL)是该地区主要的私营独立新闻机构,它正在报道由身在乌克兰前线的记者撰写的战争新闻,并在俄罗斯悄悄运作。
        Commonly known as RFE/RL, the group has a Russian-language news site and a 24-hour Russian-language television network, Current Time, as well as websites aimed at regional audiences in a wide range of languages, including Tatar, Chechen and Belarusian.        该组织通常被称为RFE/RL,拥有一个俄语新闻网站和一个24小时俄语电视网络“现在时间”,以及针对地区观众的多语言网站,使用的语言包括鞑靼语、车臣语和白俄罗斯语。
        Like some other news organizations and U.S.-based social media companies, its websites were blocked in Russia starting in late February. And it suspended its main operations in Russia last month.        与其他一些新闻机构和美国社交媒体公司一样,其网站从2月下旬开始在俄罗斯被封锁。它上个月暂停了在俄罗斯的主要业务。
        RFE/RL opened offices in Lithuania and Latvia as new bases for its reporting on Russia. The group also has a medium-wave radio transmitter in Lithuania to send broadcasts into Russia that can be picked up on an AM frequency. Officials said they hoped to expand the signal’s strength.        RFE/RL在立陶宛和拉脱维亚开设了办事处,作为报道俄罗斯的新基地。该组织还在立陶宛有一个中波无线电发射器,用于向俄罗斯发送可以在AM频率上接收的广播。官员们表示,他们希望扩大信号强度。
        The group uses Telegram, a chat app, to disseminate some of its reporting and to send out the web addresses of its new “mirror” sites.        该组织使用聊天应用程序Telegram来传播其部分报道,并发送新的“镜像”网站的网址。
        A Washington-based sister organization that also gets funding from the U.S. government, the Open Technology Fund, sets up the mirror sites and constantly creates new ones to stay a step ahead of Russian government censors.        一家总部位于华盛顿的姊妹组织也从美国政府获得资金,开放技术基金建立镜像站点并不断创建新站点,以领先于俄罗斯政府审查机构。
        “In the context of new censorship, the mirror program has grown rapidly and Russian censors are proving to be a very active adversary,” said Nat Kretchun, the organization’s senior vice president for programs. “Our partners are setting up a more automated system where once the Russian censors block them, new sites are set up.”        “在新审查制度的背景下,镜像项目发展迅速,而事实证明俄罗斯审查员是非常活跃的对手,”负责这些项目的该组织高级副总裁纳特·克瑞春说。“我们的合作伙伴正在建立一个更加自动化的系统,一旦网站被俄罗斯审查员封锁,就会建立新的。”
        The technology group arranges for some of Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty’s sites to be hosted by Tor, a digital communications network that helps shield ordinary internet users from surveillance. And it gives financing to companies and groups developing virtual private network apps, software known as VPNs, that help citizens get around internet firewalls. Owners of smart TVs in Russia can also download an app for Current Time.        该技术集团安排使用Tor来托管RFE/RL的一些网站,Tor是一个帮助保护普通互联网用户免受监视的数字通信网络。它还为开发被称为VPN的虚拟专用网络应用程序软件的公司和团体提供资金,帮助公民绕过互联网防火墙。俄罗斯智能电视的拥有者还可以下载“现在时间”的应用程序。
        And Current Time is among the RFE/RL networks and programs with channels on YouTube, which, unlike Facebook and Instagram, has not been blocked by Russian censors. RFE/RL said the number of video views on its YouTube channels more than tripled in the first three weeks of the war, to 237.6 million, from the three weeks prior.        “现在时间”是RFE/RL网络和在YouTube上有频道的节目之一,与Facebook和Instagram不同,它没有被俄罗斯审查员封锁。RFE/RL表示,在战争开始的三周里,其YouTube频道的视频观看次数比之前三周增加了两倍多,达到2.376亿次。
        “We’re seeing higher audience numbers for Russians inside the country and also for Russians outside,” said Jamie Fly, the president and chief executive of RFE/RL. “The challenge is: Can we maintain that over time? Will interest fade?”        “我们看到俄罗斯国内和国外的观众人数都在增加,”RFE/RL总裁兼首席执行官杰米·弗莱表示。“挑战在于:随着时间的推移,我们能否保持这种状态?人们的兴趣会消退吗?”
        In mid-March, Russian news outlets began running stories saying that Russian casualties in Ukraine were low, in contrast to much higher Western estimates. Those reports, according to an analysis by FilterLabs, came just as concern about the country’s war dead was starting to rise on local internet message boards — and as soldiers’ coffins began returning home.        3月中旬,俄罗斯新闻媒体开始报道称,俄罗斯在乌克兰的伤亡人数很低,对比之下,西方的估计数字要高得多。根据FilterLabs的分析,这些报告发布之时,正值当地互联网留言板上对本国战争伤亡的担忧开始上升之际——此时士兵的棺材开始运送回国。
        Stories about Russian soldiers killed in Ukraine and Russian prisoners of war are among the most popular across RFE/RL platforms, said Patrick Boehler, the head of digital strategy for the news organization. The news agency’s reporters in Ukraine who learn the identities of Russians killed or taken prisoner pass that information to colleagues in Russia, who then try to find and interview the families.        该新闻机构数字战略负责人帕特里克·博勒表示,有关在乌克兰阵亡的俄罗斯士兵和俄罗斯战俘的故事是RFE/RL平台上热度最高的报道之一。乌克兰新闻机构的记者了解了被杀或被俘的俄罗斯人的身份,将这些信息传递给在俄罗斯的同事,然后他们试图找到并采访这些家庭。

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