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Kim Jong-un Gives North Korea’s Most Famous TV Anchor a Luxury Home

来源:纽约时报    2022-04-18 12:15

        SEOUL — When a brand-new luxury residential district opened in the North Korean capital, Pyongyang, this week, the country’s leader, Kim Jong-un, said it would be reserved for his most elite supporters, those he called “true patriots.”        首尔——本周,朝鲜首都平壤一个豪华住宅区竣工后,该国领导人金正恩表示,这里将分配给他最精英的支持者,他说他们是“真正的爱国者”。
        Among them was the nation’s top state TV news anchor, Ri Chun-hee.        其中包括朝鲜国家电视台首席新闻主播李春姬。
        At a ceremony on Thursday, Mr. Kim not only presented one of the two-story apartments to the legendary anchorwoman. He also gave her a tour of her new home while holding her hand. Naturally, she narrated it all in a state media video.        在周四的仪式上,金正恩不仅将其中一套复式公寓赠送给了这位传奇女主播,还牵着她的手带她参观新家。自然,她在官方媒体上讲述了这一切。
        Known both inside and outside the hermetically sealed nation for her soaring, bombastic and emotional news readings, Ms. Ri, 79, has been a staple on North Korean television on and off for more than 50 years.        李春姬现年79岁,在这个与世隔绝的国家内外都以其高亢、夸张和情绪化的新闻播报方式闻名,50多年来,她断断续续地担任朝鲜电视台的当家主持。
        A mouthpiece of the country’s dictators since 1971, she has guided her countrymen and women through major developments like nuclear and missile tests, as well as the deaths of the country’s past leaders: Kim Il-sung in 1994 and Kim Jong-il in 2011.        自1971年以来,作为这个国家独裁者的喉舌,她引领着同胞们经历了核试验和导弹试验等重大时刻,以及前国家领导人的去世:1994年的金日成和2011年的金正日。
        She could seem to melt with emotion while delivering news about the country’s current leader, who is revered as a god by North Korean citizens. But to South Korean viewers, when she has turned to more alarming announcements, such as the North’s weapons tests, her warlike cries could seem as bloodcurdling as the information itself.        在发布有关被朝鲜民众视若神明的该国现任领导人的消息时,她似乎全身都充满了激情。但在韩国观众看来,当她播报朝鲜武器试验这类更令人担忧的公告时,她那杀气腾腾的高亢嗓音可能会像她播报的信息本身一样令人毛骨悚然。
        South Korean government and intelligence monitors — as well as South Koreans in general — have braced themselves whenever Ms. Ri appeared on TV and opened what they call a “mouth that fires out cannons.”        每当李春姬出现在电视上,张开人们称之为“发射炮弹的嘴巴”时,韩国政府和情报监控人员——以及整个韩国人——都会做好心理准备。
        “Her steel-grinding voice gives the enemy the shudders,” a 2008 issue of the North Korean magazine Chosun said of Ms. Ri.        “她钢铁般的声音让敌人不寒而栗,”朝鲜杂志《朝鲜》2008年报道李春姬时说。
        In North Korea, she holds the title of “labor hero,” according to Chosun. Abroad, she is known as “the pink lady,” for the color of the traditional Korean attire she wears to deliver news reports.        据《朝鲜》报道,在朝鲜,她被称为“劳动英雄”。在国外,她被称为“粉红女士”,因为她在报道新闻时总是穿着粉红色的朝鲜传统服装。
        Ms. Ri disappeared from the airwaves in the 2010s amid reports that she had retired, but she has since resurfaced occasionally to deliver the most important news, including narrating Mr. Kim’s New Year’s address in 2021.        几年前,有报道称李春姬已经退休,她也一度从电视上消失,但后来她还是会偶尔露面,发布最重要的新闻,包括为金正恩2021年的新年致辞担任旁白。
        Ms. Ri did not put her booming voice to use when North Korea tested its most powerful intercontinental ballistic missile in March. That time, the country’s state media released a Hollywood-style video of Mr. Kim, who appeared to personally guide the test launch, clad in a sleek leather jacket and sunglasses.        今年3月,朝鲜试射其威力最强大的洲际弹道导弹时,李春姬并没有使用她洪亮的声音。那一次,朝鲜官方媒体发布了一段好莱坞风格的金正恩视频,他穿着时髦的皮夹克,戴着墨镜,似乎亲自指挥试射。
        Later, South Korea said elements of the missile launch might have been faked, with Mr. Kim disguising an older missile as a new one to exaggerate his country’s weapons achievements.        后来,韩国表示,导弹发射的部分内容可能是伪造的,金正恩把一枚旧导弹伪装成一枚新导弹,以夸大该国的武器成就。
        In the video of her house tour this week, she was far more operatic than bombastic. She said her new home felt “like a hotel” and was furnished with every amenity she needed.        在本周那段看房视频中,她的表演更像是歌剧而不是发射炮弹。她说,她的新家感觉“像酒店”,并且配备了她所需要的一切设施。
        State media video showed a spacious riverside apartment with shiny wooden floors, a living room furnished with a white five-seat sofa, a spacious bedroom, a kitchen with an L-shaped counter and a six-person dining table. The apartment also has a study, along with a veranda that offered a view of downtown Pyongyang. The images showed no sign of a TV. (The value of the apartment wasn’t immediately clear. The total number of bedrooms and square footage were unknown.)        官方媒体的视频显示,这是一间宽敞的河滨公寓,铺着光亮的木地板,客厅里摆着一张白色的五座沙发,卧室宽敞,厨房里有一个L形柜台和一张六人餐桌。公寓里还有一间书房,以及一个可以俯瞰平壤市中心的阳台。图像中没有显示电视存在的迹象。(目前该公寓的价值不详。卧室的总数和面积也不清楚。)
        The ceremony was widely publicized by the North Korean state, which published photographs of Mr. Kim and Ms. Ri taking the tour. Among others rewarded with an apartment at the complex were members of the state media, whose mission is also to spread propaganda.        朝鲜政府广泛宣传了竣工仪式,发布了金正恩和李春姬参观的照片。在这座建筑中获得公寓奖励的人还包括其他官方媒体的成员,他们的任务也是传播官方宣传。
        Such largess for those deemed loyal to the regime is not uncommon in North Korea. Kim Jong-il gave luxury cars, watches, liquor or houses to his close aides. The current leader has given mostly verbal encouragement to officials — or has purged them. But he has recently sought to strengthen his support base by providing luxe apartments to high-ranking officials, even as the country has endured economic travails made worse by pandemic-prompted isolation and a diplomatic stalemate with much of the world.        在朝鲜,那些被认为忠于朝鲜政权的人获得慷慨奖励并不少见。金正日曾向他的亲信赠送豪华轿车、手表、酒或房子。现任领导人对官员大多是口头鼓励——或者是对他们进行清洗。但最近,他试图通过向高级官员提供豪华公寓来巩固自己的支持基础,与此同时,由于疫情导致的孤立和与世界大部分国家的外交僵局,加剧了朝鲜的经济困境。
        Part of a five-year project to build 50,000 apartments in the capital to address the country’s housing problems, the opening of the luxury apartments occurred two days after the completion of high-rises intended for 10,000 ordinary residents. They may house Pyongyang’s working population, including a growing white-collar work force, which has faced constant food and electricity shortages.        为解决住房问题,朝鲜计划五年内在平壤建造5万套公寓。这座豪华公寓竣工两天前,为1万名普通居民建造的一些高楼也竣工了。它们可能会为平壤的工作人口提供住处,包括不断增长的白领阶层,他们一直面临着食物和电力短缺。
        The gift for Ms. Ri came ahead of the 110th anniversary of the birth of North Korea’s founder, Kim Il-sung, the grandfather of Kim Jong-un, on Friday. The occasion is regarded as one of the most important national holidays in the North, which has in previous years commemorated the birth anniversary with mass rallies or military parades.        李春姬收到这份礼物,正值周五朝鲜开国领袖、金正恩的祖父金日成诞辰110周年纪念日的前几天。这个日子被认为是朝鲜最重要的全国性节日之一。在过去几年里,朝鲜都是以大规模集会或阅兵式来纪念金日成诞辰。
        Mr. Kim said, according to the state media, “There is nothing to spare for national treasures like Ri Chun-hee, who has led a virtuous life with the revolutionary microphone.” He also asked her to continue vigorously serve as the voice of his ruling Workers’ Party.        据朝鲜官方媒体报道,金正恩说,“对李春姬这样的国宝要毫不吝啬,她以革命的话筒过着正直的生活。”他还要求她继续积极地为执政的劳动党发声。
        As for Ms. Ri, she said that she was “so grateful for the benevolent care of the party” that she and her family were “moved to tears.”        至于李春姬,她说自己“非常感谢党对她的亲切关怀”,她和家人“感动得流下了泪水”。

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