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Shanghai’s food crisis prompts residents in Beijing to stockpile supplies.

来源:纽约时报    2022-04-15 11:03

        Some Beijing residents have started stockpiling food in their homes in case the city imposes a lockdown, after seeing reports of food shortages and even street fights over food during a lockdown in Shanghai.        在看到上海封城期间出现粮食短缺甚至街头争抢食物的报道后,一些北京民众开始在家中囤积食物,以防发生封城。
        Liu Chang, a 29-year-old Beijing resident who lives with his girlfriend, has stocked enough food to last three months. He is worried about possible shortages as well as price gouging in the coming months.        29岁的北京居民刘畅和女友住在一起,他已经储备了足够吃三个月的食物。他担心未来几个月可能出现短缺和坐地起价的现象。
        “No matter which city it is, there will be concerns like this,” he said. “I have never experienced famine, but I have always felt that supplies that seem enough now may just be temporary.”        “无论哪个城市,都会有这样的担忧,”他说。“虽然说没有经历过真正的这种饥荒,但是就是我总感觉现在怎么说物资充足只是一个暂时的情况。”
        Shanghai started locking down parts of its city in March and moved into a citywide one early this month. The stringent controls on movement have also led to reports of food shortages, stoking protests and a flood of messages calling for help online. Many residents in that city, have struggled to arrange for food deliveries during the lockdown.        上海于3月开始封锁部分城区,并在本月扩大到全市范围。对出行的严格控制导致了有关食品短缺的报道,并引发了抗议和大量网上求助。许多民众在封锁期间很难获得食物配送。
        In Beijing, Mr. Liu has bought rice, grains, instant noodles, ketchup, frozen chicken and drinks. He even bought beans with plans to grow bean sprouts if his vegetable supply ran out. Mr. Liu was worried that the pandemic might disrupt the planting or harvesting of crops, further limiting food supplies.        在北京,刘畅买了大米、谷物、方便面、番茄酱、冷冻鸡肉和饮料。他甚至买了豆子,如果蔬菜吃完了,还可以发豆芽。他担心,疫情可能会破坏农作物的种植或收割,从而进一步影响粮食供应。
        Li Lilin, a 29-year-old real estate agent in Beijing, went to Sam’s Club last Saturday to buy enough food to last half a month.        29岁的北京房地产经纪人李丽霖上周六去山姆会员店买了够吃半个月的食物。
        “Things that happened in Shanghai made me panic. I cook at home often, but there was not much instant food stock left in my house,” she said. “I’m just terrified of starving to death.”        “上海的事情让我很恐慌,然后平时虽然我也做饭,但是我家已经是常备的那些速食产品不多了,”她说。“所以也是怕饿死。”
        Ms. Li said that she was not a hoarder, and that she also believed that officials in neighborhood committees were more organized in Beijing than their counterparts in Shanghai. But supplies could run out quickly, she thought. Last Saturday, when she was intending to stock up on salt, she discovered that it was already sold out at her local store.        李丽霖说,她平日没有囤东西的习惯,而且她还认为北京的居委会比上海的效率更高。但她考虑,物资可能会很快消耗完。上周六,当她打算囤积盐时,发现在她那边的商店里,盐已经售罄。
        Walmart, which owns Sam’s Club, said in an email that the company was aware that some of its products were in high demand and said it was monitoring its inventory.        拥有山姆会员店的沃尔玛在一封电子邮件中表示,该公司意识到某些产品的需求量很大,并表示正在监控其库存。
        There were also concerns that the suspension of express delivery service in some areas, as well as road closures and restrictions on trucks across provinces and cities, would disrupt food supply networks. This was not a groundless speculation.        还有人担心,部分地区快递服务暂停,以及封路限制货车跨省市,会扰乱食品供应网络。这并非空穴来风。
        A customer service employee at a shop selling Nissin Foods’ instant noodles on Taobao, a Chinese shopping website, said that because of the pandemic, the shop’s warehouse in Shanghai had suspended the dispatch of goods.        中国购物网站淘宝上一家日清食品方便面店的客服人员表示,受疫情影响,该店在上海的仓库已暂停发货。
        Beijing issued a nationwide notice on Monday requiring all government agencies to make every effort to ensure the smooth transportation of freight and logistics “to effectively maintain the order of normal production and life of the people.”        北京方面周一向全国发布通知,要求各政府部门全力确保货物和物流的顺畅运输,“切实维护人民群众正常生产生活秩序”。

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