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‘Too smelly to sleep’: Thirteen days in a Shanghai isolation facility.

来源:纽约时报    2022-04-21 10:47

        After Leona Cheng tested positive for the coronavirus late last month, she was told to pack her bags for a hospital stay. When the ambulance came to her apartment in central Shanghai to pick her up two days later, no one said otherwise.        上月底,莱昂娜·程(音)的新冠病毒检测呈阳性后,她被告知收拾行李住院。两天后,当救护车来到她位于上海市中心的公寓接她时,没有人说什么。
        So Ms. Cheng was surprised when the car pulled up not to a hospital but to a sprawling convention center. Inside, empty halls had been divided into living areas with thousands of makeshift beds. And on exhibition stall partitions, purple signs bore numbers demarcating quarantine zones.        所以,当救护车没有开到医院,而停在了一个庞大的会议中心时,程女士感到很惊讶。在那里,空荡荡的展厅被分成生活区,有数千张临时病床。展位隔板上紫色的指示牌标着隔离区的数字。
        Ms. Cheng, who stayed at the center for 13 days, was among the first of hundreds of thousands of Shanghai residents to be sent to government quarantine and isolation facilities, as the city deals with a surge in coronavirus cases for the first time in the pandemic. The facilities are a key part of China’s playbook of tracking, tracing and eliminating the virus, one that has been met with unusual public resistance in recent weeks.        程女士在这个中心呆了13天。疫情以来,这是上海首次应对新冠病毒病例激增的状况,她是成千上万首批被送往方舱的上海民众之一。这些设施是中国追踪、溯源和消灭病毒防疫战术的关键部分,它们在最近几周遭到了公众非同寻常的抵制。
        Footage circulating on Chinese social media on Thursday showed members of one Shanghai community protesting the use of apartment buildings in their complex for isolating people who test positive for the virus. Police officers in white hazmat suits could be seen physically beating back angry residents, some of whom pleaded with them to stop.        周四在中国社交媒体上流传的视频显示,上海一个社区的住户抗议将他们的小区作为阳性患者的隔离设施。视频中可以看到身穿白色防护服的警察殴打愤怒的居民,其中一些人恳求他们停手。
        China’s leaders have said that the country, unlike most of the rest of the world, cannot afford to live with the virus because it has a large and vulnerable aging population. But China’s zero-tolerance policy — in which anyone who tests positive is sent to a hospital or isolation facility, and close contacts are placed in quarantine hotels — is becoming both a logistical and political challenge as officials face more than 350,000 cases since the start of the current outbreak in March.        中国领导人曾表示,中国有着数量庞大、易受伤害的老龄人口,因此,与世界其他大多数国家不同,中国无法与病毒共存。但中国的清零政策——任何检测呈阳性的人都被送往医院或隔离设施,密切接触者被安置在隔离酒店——正在成为一个后勤挑战,同时也是一个政治挑战,因为目前的疫情自3月暴发以来,官员们面临着超过35万例病例。
        As of April 9, Shanghai had converted more than 100 public venues, including public schools and newly built high-rise office buildings, into temporary facilities called “fangcang,” or square cabin, hospitals. They are intended to house more than 160,000 people who have tested positive for the virus, officials said last week.        截至4月9日,上海已将公立学校、新建高层办公楼等100多个公共场所改建为方舱医院。官员们上周表示,他们准备了逾16万张床位。
        The protests on Thursday, at the Zhangjiang Nashi International apartment complex in Shanghai’s Pudong district, broke out after the developer notified 39 households that they would have to relocate because officials would turn nine buildings into isolation facilities, the developer said in a statement.        上海浦东区张江纳仕人才公寓的开发商在一份声明中表示,由于政府有关部门要征用九栋建筑用作隔离设施,开发商通知39户家庭需要搬迁后,周四小区爆发抗议。
        When Ms. Cheng first arrived at the exhibition center, it felt vast, cold and empty, she said in a phone interview. Ms. Cheng, who is a student in her early 20s, also wrote about her experience on Chinese social media.        程女士在电话采访中说,刚到会展中心的时候,感觉这里很大、很冷、很空旷。程女士是一名20岁出头的学生,她在中国的社交媒体上写下了自己的经历。
        The fluorescent lights were glaring but she tried to get some rest. She woke up the next morning to find her hall suddenly crammed with people.        日光灯很刺眼,但她还是试着休息一下。第二天早上醒来,发现大厅里突然挤满了人。
        There was no tap for running water and no showers, Ms. Cheng said, so each day she and others would crowd around several fresh water machines, waiting to fill up the pink plastic wash basins they had been given. The portable toilet stalls soon filled with so much human waste that Ms. Cheng said she stopped drinking water for several days so she wouldn’t have to use them as frequently.        程女士说,没有自来水,也不能淋浴,所以她和其他人每天都会围着几台饮水机,给发的粉红色塑料洗脸盆加水。人太多,移动马桶很快就满了,郑女士说她已经好几天没怎么喝水了,这样就不用那么频繁地上厕所。
        Even if someone had figured out how to turn off the floodlights, Ms. Cheng said, it would still have been hard to sleep at night. That was when people would shout out their complaints and let off steam.        程女士说,即使有人找到办法关掉泛光灯,到了晚上还是很难入睡。人们到了晚上会大声抱怨并发泄情绪。
        “Lots of people complained, and some people shouted out that it was too smelly to sleep,” she said.        她说:“很多人抱怨,有些人大喊太臭了,睡不着。”
        Worried about upsetting her mother, Ms. Cheng didn’t tell her that she was in a fangcang. She said instead that she could not do video calls, giving her mother vague answers about daily life in quarantine. A woman sleeping in a nearby bed took a similar approach when speaking with her daughter. The two women shared a smile when they discovered they had the same secret.        由于担心她的母亲会担心,程女士没有告诉她自己在方舱。她说不能进行视频通话,对于在隔离区的日常生活,她只给出一些模糊的回答。一位附近床位的女性在与女儿通话时也采取了类似的做法。当这两个女人发现她们有同样的秘密时,两人相视而笑。
        Ms. Cheng said she struggled to come to terms with a quarantine system that reduced her to a number. If she wanted something, she had to find a nurse or doctor who was assigned to her zone. But the nurses and doctors were so busy that it was hard to get any help, she said.        程女士说,她很难面对这样一个把她当作数字对待的隔离系统。如果自己想要什么,就必须去找她所在区域的护士或医生。但他们都太忙了,很难得到任何帮助。
        Ms. Cheng said she had once admired the government’s goal of keeping the virus out of China. It meant that for more than two years, she could live a normal life, even as cities and countries around the world had to lock down.        程女士说,她曾经钦佩政府将病毒从中国清除的目标。这意味着在两年多的时间里,即使世界各地的城市和国家不得不封锁,她仍可以过正常的生活。
        Now, she’s not so sure.        现在,她没有那么肯定了。
        “This time I feel it is out of control and it’s not worth controlling the cases because it is not so dangerous or deadly,” she said, referring to the highly contagious Omicron variant. “It’s not worth sacrificing so many resources and our freedom.”        “这一次我觉得它已经失控了,控制这些病例不值得,因为它没有那么危险或致命,”她指的是具有高度传染性的奥密克戎变异株。“不值得牺牲这么多资源和我们的自由。”

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