国常会部署系列促消费举措 助力稳定经济基本盘_OK阅读网
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国常会部署系列促消费举措 助力稳定经济基本盘
New policies in pipeline to ensure stability

来源:中国日报    2022-04-14 17:14

        China will adopt policy measures to boost consumption as part of efforts to keep economic fundamentals stable to ensure and improve people's livelihoods, according to a decision made at the State Council's executive meeting chaired by Premier Li Keqiang on Wednesday.国务院总理李克强4月13日主持召开国务院常务会议,部署促进消费的政策举措,助力稳定经济基本盘和保障改善民生。        The meeting also decided on greater policy support such as export rebates to promote the steady growth of foreign trade.会议决定进一步加大出口退税等政策支持力度,促进外贸平稳发展。
        "Consumption is a steady driver of economic growth and bears on ensuring and improving people's livelihoods," Li said.李克强表示:“消费对经济具有持久拉动力,事关保障和改善民生。”        "It is vital to take a coordinated approach with both near- and long-term needs in mind, to keep consumption stable for now and unlock potential with holistic measures."“要协同发力、远近兼顾,努力稳定当前消费,综合施策释放消费潜力。”
        Relief policies for hard-hit sectors such as catering, retail, tourism, civil aviation, and road, water and rail transportation will be promptly and fully delivered. Local authorities are encouraged to intensify support and assistance for these sectors to stabilize more market entities in consumer services.抓紧把已出台的餐饮、零售、旅游、民航、公路水路铁路运输等特困行业纾困政策落实到位,鼓励地方加大帮扶力度,稳住更多消费服务市场主体。        The supply and price stability of essential consumer goods will be ensured, and logistics kept smooth. A host of large-scale warehouses with comprehensive functions will be planned in a well-calibrated manner and built on the outskirts of cities to mobilize living necessities in close vicinity in case of emergency.做好基本消费品保供稳价,保障物流畅通。科学规划建设一批具备综合功能的城郊大仓基地,应急状况下就近调运生活物资。
        Spending on home appliances, automobiles, and other big-ticket items will be encouraged. No new restrictive measures on car purchases will be set at the sub-national level.鼓励汽车、家电等大宗消费,各地不得新增汽车限购措施。        Localities with purchase restrictions already in place should increase new license plate quotas step by step.已实施限购的逐步增加汽车增量指标。
        Consumer spending potential of counties and townships will be further tapped. Commerce distribution businesses and e-commerce platforms will be guided toward bringing their services to rural areas, and consumption of brand and high-quality products will be promoted in rural areas.挖掘县乡消费潜力。引导商贸流通企业、电商平台等向农村延伸,推动品牌品质消费进农村。        Construction of key projects will be expedited, and consumption-related infrastructure development may be funded through special-purpose bonds by local governments, to leverage the catalytic role of investment in expanding consumption.加快重点项目建设进度,将消费相关基础设施建设纳入专项债支持范围,以投资带消费。
        To help ease difficulties facing foreign trade firms and promote stable growth, export rebates will be better utilized as an inclusive and equitable policy tool that is consistent with international rules, and the business environment for foreign trade will be improved on multiple fronts.为助力外贸企业缓解困难、促进进出口平稳发展,要更好发挥出口退税这一普惠公平、符合国际规则政策的效用,并从多方面优化外贸营商环境。        The process for export rebates will be expedited. Cross-departmental data sharing will be enhanced, paperwork required for export rebates will be simplified, and the entire process from declaration to review and feedback will be handled online.加快退税进度。强化部门数据共享,精简退税所需资料,做到申报、审核、反馈全程网上办。
        The average time needed for export rebates will be cut from seven to no more than six working days this year. Integrated foreign trade service firms will be supported in handling export rebates on behalf of manufacturers.今年将正常退税办理时间由平均7个工作日进一步压缩至6个工作日内。支持外贸综合服务企业集中代办退税。        The business environment for foreign trade will be improved. Customs clearance for returning export goods will be made more efficient. In addition, policies will be devised to support the development of overseas warehouses and facilitate cross-border e-commerce returns and exchanges.持续优化外贸营商环境。提高出口货物退运通关效率。此外,还将研究制定支持海外仓发展、便利跨境电商退换货的政策。

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