央行将运用降准等货币政策工具 加大对实体经济的支持_OK阅读网
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央行将运用降准等货币政策工具 加大对实体经济的支持
PBOC to deploy tools to support real economy

来源:中国日报    2022-04-15 13:59

        The People's Bank of China, the country's central bank, said on Thursday it will use multiple monetary tools to step up support for the real economy and reduce corporate financing costs.        中国人民银行4月14日宣布,将运用多种货币政策工具来加大对实体经济的支持,降低企业的融资成本。
        "The PBOC will punctually and flexibly use multiple monetary tools, improve the functioning of monetary policy on both the aggregate and structural fronts, and beef up support for the real economy," said Ruan Jianhong, a spokeswoman for the central bank.        央行新闻发言人阮健弘在4月14日的新闻发布会上表示,人民银行将适时灵活运用多种货币政策工具,更好发挥总量和结构双重功能,加大对实体经济的支持。
        With policy assistance, the country's credit growth is expected to be steady and facilitate economic recovery, Ruan said, adding that China's long-term economic fundamentals remain solid despite resurgent cases of COVID-19 and a rise in external uncertainties.        阮健弘表示,在政策的支持下,预计未来信贷投放继续保持稳定增长的态势,支持经济复苏。她还指出,当前国内疫情发生频次有所增多,外部环境更趋复杂严峻和不确定,但我国经济长期向好的基本面不会改变。
        Ruan made the remarks at a news conference on Thursday after the State Council, China's Cabinet, decided at an executive meeting on Wednesday to lower the reserve requirement ratio at an appropriate time.        4月13日召开的国务院常务会议决定,将适时降低存款准备金率。
        The RRR refers to the proportion of money that lenders must hold as reserves. China last cut the RRR in December by 0.5 percentage point, sending the weighted average RRR to 8.4 percent.        存款准备金率指金融机构必须缴存中央银行的法定准备金占其存款总额的比率。我国上一次降低存款准备金率是在去年12月(下调0.5个百分点),下调后金融机构加权平均存款准备金率为8.4%。
        Sun Guofeng, head of the PBOC's monetary policy department, said the RRR cut will be part of the central bank's stepped-up efforts to reduce financing costs in the real economy and strengthen financial assistance to sectors hit hard by COVID-19, such as small and micro enterprises and self-employed businesses.        人民银行货币政策司司长孙国峰表示,下一步人民银行将适时运用降准等货币政策工具,进一步加大金融对实体经济特别是受疫情严重影响行业和中小微企业、个体工商户支持力度。
        Sun added that the PBOC will also launch two targeted re-lending facilities at an early date to boost technological innovation and inclusive elderly care services.        据孙国峰介绍,人民银行还将尽快创设科技创新和普惠养老两项专项再贷款。
        Apart from a near-term RRR cut, the PBOC might also cut the interest rate of its medium lending facility, a key policy interest rate, on Friday, said David Qu, a China economist at Bloomberg Economics.        彭博中国经济学家曲天石表示,除了近期将下调存款准备金率,人民银行周五还有望下调中期借贷便利利率(一种重要的政策利率)。
        Wen Bin, chief researcher at China Minsheng Bank, said he now sees a lower possibility of an interest rate cut this month as the PBOC is poised to opt for the high-profile move of an RRR reduction.        中国民生银行首席研究员温彬指出,如果人民银行计划在近期降准,本月降息的概率会相应降低。
        The central bank also said at the news conference it would better meet the reasonable housing demand of homebuyers and help local governments in stabilizing local property markets.        央行还在新闻发布会上表示,将帮助地方政府稳定房地产市场,更好满足购房者合理住房需求。
        Since the beginning of March, in the face of weakening demand, banks from more than 100 cities have reduced mortgage rates, making market-oriented adjustments adapted to local situations, according to the PBOC.        央行指出,3月初以来,由于市场需求减弱,全国已经有100多个城市的银行根据市场变化和自身经营情况,自主下调了个人房贷利率。

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