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Bucha’s Month of Terror

来源:纽约时报    2022-04-12 06:18

        The following images depict graphic violence.        *以下图片包含暴力血腥场景。
        BUCHA, Ukraine — A mother killed by a sniper while walking with her family to fetch a thermos of tea. A woman held as a sex slave, naked except for a fur coat and locked in a potato cellar before being executed. Two sisters dead in their home, their bodies left slumped on the floor for weeks.        乌克兰布查——一位母亲在和家人去取装茶的热水瓶时被狙击手杀死。一名女子被当作性奴隶关在马铃薯地窖里,除了一件毛皮大衣外,赤身裸体,后来被处决。一对姐妹死在家中,她们的尸体躺在地板上已经数周。
        Bucha is a landscape of horrors.        布查呈现了一幅恐怖的景象。
        From the first day of the war, Feb. 24, civilians bore the brunt of the Russian assault on Bucha, a few miles west of Kyiv, Ukraine’s capital. Russian special forces approaching on foot through the woods shot at cars on the road, and a column of armored vehicles fired on and killed a woman in her garden as they drove into the suburb.        布查位于乌克兰首都基辅以西几十公里处,俄罗斯对这里的攻击从战争的第一天——也就是2月24日——就开始了,平民首当其冲。步行穿过树林的俄罗斯特种部队向路上的汽车开枪,一列装甲车在驶入郊区时开火杀死了在自家花园里的一名女性。
        But those early cruelties paled in comparison to what came after.        但是,比起与后来发生的事情,这些早期的残酷还不算什么。
        As the Russian advance on Kyiv stalled in the face of fierce resistance, civilians said, the enemy occupation of Bucha slid into a campaign of terror and revenge. When a defeated and demoralized Russian army finally retreated, it left behind a grim tableau: bodies of dead civilians strewn on streets, in basements or in backyards, many with gunshot wounds to their heads, some with their hands tied behind their backs.        平民表示,由于俄罗斯对基辅的进军在激烈的抵抗中停滞不前,敌人对布查的占领演变成一场恐怖和报复运动。当一支战败且士气受挫的俄罗斯军队最终撤退时,留下的是一幅悲惨的场景:街上、地下室或后院散落着平民尸体,许多尸体头部中弹,有些人双手被反绑在背后。
        Reporters and photographers for The New York Times spent more than a week with city officials, coroners and scores of witnesses in Bucha, uncovering new details of execution-style atrocities against civilians. The Times documented the bodies of almost three dozen people where they were killed — in their homes, in the woods, set on fire in a vacant parking lot — and learned the story behind many of their deaths. The Times also witnessed more than 100 body bags at a communal grave and the city’s cemetery.        《纽约时报》的记者和摄影师在布查与市政府官员、验尸官和数十名目击者相处了一个多星期,发掘了针对平民的处决式暴行的新细节。《纽约时报》记录了三十多具尸体散落的地点——在死者的家中,在树林里,在一个空旷的停车场被点燃——并了解了许多死者身亡背后的故事。《纽约时报》还在一个乱葬岗和该市的墓地目睹了100多个尸袋。
        The evidence suggests the Russians killed recklessly and sometimes sadistically, in part out of revenge.        证据表明,俄罗斯人不顾一切地杀戮,有时甚至是虐杀,部分是出于报复。
        Unsuspecting civilians were killed carrying out the simplest of daily activities. A retired teacher known as Auntie Lyuda, short for Lyudmyla, was shot midmorning on March 5 as she opened her front door on a small side street. Her body lay twisted, half inside the door, more than a month later.        毫无戒心的平民在进行最简单的日常活动时被杀。3月5日上午,在一条小巷里,一位被称作“柳达阿姨”的退休教师柳德米拉在打开前门时被枪杀。一个多月后,她的尸体仍然扭曲着,一半在门内。
        Her younger sister Nina, who was mentally disabled and lived with her, was dead on the kitchen floor. It was not clear how she died.        与她同住的、有精神残疾的妹妹妮娜死在厨房地板上。目前尚不清楚她的死亡原因。
        “They took the territory and were shooting so no one would approach,” a neighbor, Serhiy, said. “Why would you kill a grandma?”        “他们占领了这片领土并开始射击,所以没有人会靠近,”邻居谢尔伊说。“为什么要杀一个老奶奶?”
        Roman Havryliuk, 43, a welder, and his brother Serhiy Dukhli, 46, sent the rest of their family out of Bucha as the violence intensified, but both insisted on staying behind. They were found dead in their yard. “My uncle stayed for the dog, and my father stayed for the house,” Havryliuk’s son, Nazar, said. An unknown man also lay dead nearby, and the family’s two dogs were riddled with bullets.        随着暴力加剧,43岁的焊工罗曼·哈夫里留克和46岁的哥哥谢尔希·杜赫利将他们的家人送出了布查,但两人都坚持留下来。他们被发现死在他们的院子里。“我叔叔为狗留下,我父亲为房子留下,”哈夫里留克的儿子纳扎尔说。附近还躺着一个身份不明的人,家里的两条狗浑身都是子弹。
        “They were not able to defeat our army so they killed ordinary people,” said Nazar, 17.        “他们打不赢我们的军队,所以他们杀死普通人,”17岁的纳扎尔说。
        Constant threat from snipers        来自狙击手的持续威胁
        Bucha had been one of the most desirable commuter suburbs of Kyiv. Nestled between fir tree forests and a river, it had modern shopping malls and new residential complexes as well as old-fashioned summer cabins set among gardens and trees. Russian author Mikhail Bulgakov had a summer house there.        布查一直是基辅最令人向往的通勤郊区之一。它坐落在杉树林和河流之间,有现代化的购物中心和新的住宅区,还有花园和树木之间错落的老式避暑小屋。俄罗斯作家米哈伊尔·布尔加科夫在那里有一座避暑别墅。
        Days after Russian troops drove into town, the Ukrainian army struck back, setting tanks and armored vehicles ablaze in an attack on a Russian column. As many as 20 vehicles burned in a huge fireball that ignited homes all along one side of the street. Some Russian soldiers fled, carrying their wounded through the woods.        在俄罗斯军队开进小镇几天后,乌克兰军队进行了反击,在对俄罗斯纵队的袭击中点燃了坦克和装甲车。多达20辆军车燃烧成一个巨大的火球,点燃了街道一侧的房屋。一些俄罗斯士兵带着伤员穿过树林逃离。
        Russian reinforcements arrived several days later in an aggressive mood. They set up base in an apartment complex behind School No. 3, the main high school on Vokzalna, or Station Street, and posted a sniper in a high-rise building still under construction. They made their headquarters farther south in a glass factory on the Bucha River.        几天后,俄罗斯增援部队带着咄咄逼人的气势抵达。他们在位于沃克扎尔纳(或车站街)的主要高中第三中学后面的公寓大楼内设立了基地,并在仍在建设中的高层建筑中部署了一名狙击手。他们将总部设在更南边的布查河边的一家玻璃厂里。
        Until then, the residents of Bucha had been sheltering from Russian missile and artillery strikes, many of them sleeping in basements and cellars, but some had ventured outside from time to time to get water or sneak a look at the damage. Shelling had been sporadic, and much of the Russian artillery fire was aimed over their heads at Irpin, the next town over.        在那之前,布查的居民一直在躲避俄罗斯的导弹和火炮袭击,许多人睡在地下室和地窖里,但有些人不时冒险到外面去取水,或抓紧看一眼受损情况。只有零星的炮击,俄罗斯的大部分炮火会越过他们的头顶,射向下一个城镇伊尔平。
        After the assault on the column, the atmosphere hardened. On March 4, Volodymyr Feoktistov, 50, set out on foot around 5 p.m. to pick up a loaf of bread from neighbors who were baking at home. His mother and brother had told him not to go out, but he insisted, his mother recalled later.        纵队突袭后,气氛变得凝重起来。3月4日,50岁的沃拉迪米尔·费克季斯托夫下午5点左右步行出门,从在家里烘焙的邻居那里取一条面包。他的母亲后来回忆说,她和他的兄弟曾告诉他不要出去,但他坚持要去。
        Russian vehicles were driving along a road at the end of their street and the neighbors heard two gunshots. They found him the next day, dead on the street. Days passed before they could load him into a wheelbarrow and push him to the hospital morgue before hurrying home.        俄罗斯军车在他家所在街道尽头附近的道路上行驶,邻居听到两声枪响。第二天他们发现他死在街上。几天后,他们才能将他抬上手推车送到医院太平间,然后匆忙回家。
        On March 5, a Russian sniper began firing on anything moving south of the high school.        3月5日,一名俄罗斯狙击手开始向高中以南任何移动的物体开火。
        Auntie Lyuda was shot in the morning. That afternoon, a father and his son stepped out of their gate to go for a walk along their street, Yablunska, or Apple Tree Street. “They shot my son,” his father, Ivan, said. “I was next to him. It would be better if it had been me.”        柳达阿姨早上被枪杀了。那天下午,一对父子走出家门,沿着他们的街道亚布伦斯卡(或苹果树大街)散步。“他们射杀了我的儿子,”父亲伊万说。“我在他旁边。如果死的是我就好了。”
        He asked that only his first name be published. Many residents in Bucha were frightened after weeks under Russian occupation and asked that their surnames not be published for fear of retribution at a later stage.        他要求不要公开他的姓氏。布查的许多居民在俄罗斯占领数周后感到害怕,并要求不要公布他们的姓氏,以免在将来遭受报复。
        “He was suffering the whole night and died at 8:20 a.m.,” Ivan said of his son. The family buried him in the front garden under a huge mound of earth. “It’s very hard to bury your child,” Ivan said. “I would not wish that on my worst enemy.”        “他整晚都在痛苦中煎熬,最后在上午8点20分去世,”伊万谈到他的儿子时说。家人把他埋在前院的很一大堆土下面。“埋葬自己的孩子是很难熬的事,”伊万说。“即使是我的死敌,我也不会希望他遇到这种事。”
        His son left behind an 8-year-old son and 1-year-old daughter. “I cannot look my grandson in the eyes,” Ivan said.        他儿子留下了一个八岁的儿子和一个一岁的女儿。“我无法直视孙子的眼睛,”伊万说。
        Yablunska Street, where they lived, soon became the deadliest stretch of road for passing civilians. A man on his bicycle was struck by fire from an armored vehicle in early March, as video recorded by the Ukrainian military showed. By March 11 there were at least 11 dead bodies lying on the street and sidewalks, satellite footage showed.        他们居住在亚布伦斯卡街,那里很快成为对过路平民最危险的路段。乌克兰军方录制的视频显示,3月初,一名骑自行车的男子被一辆装甲车开火击中。卫星画面显示,截至3月11日,至少有11具尸体躺在街道和人行道上。
        A ransacked house, a body in the cellar        被洗劫一空的房子,地窖里的尸体
        It soon became apparent why the bodies had remained in place so long.        人们很快就明白了为什么这些尸体会留在原地这么久。
        Troops started searching homes and ordered residents not to go outside. “They were going yard by yard,” said Valerii Yurchenko, 42, a mechanic living near the river. A Russian commander warned him not to go out on the street. “We have orders to shoot,” the commander said.        部队开始搜查房屋并命令居民不要外出。住在河边的42岁的机械师瓦莱里·尤尔琴科说:“他们是逐门逐户清理的。”一名俄罗斯指挥官警告他不要上街。“我们接到了可以开火的命令,”指挥官说。
        The soldiers confiscated cellphones and computers. Some were polite but still ordered families to leave their homes near the bases and go to a nearby kindergarten.        士兵没收了手机和电脑。有些人很有礼貌,但仍然命令基地附近的家庭离开,去附近的幼儿园。
        “They handed me my walking stick,” said Tetiana Masanovets, 65, who was among those told to leave. The soldiers turned her house into a pit, using one room as a toilet. “They stole everything,” she added.        “他们把我的手杖递给了我,”65岁的泰蒂亚娜·马萨诺维茨说,她是被告知要离开的人之一。士兵们把她的房子弄地一塌糊涂,把一个房间当作厕所。“他们偷走了所有东西,”她还说。
        As more troops arrived, they drove their armored vehicles straight into people’s gardens, crushing metal gates and fences and parking with their guns trained on the street.        随着更多部队的到来,他们的装甲车径直开进人们的庭院,撞碎金属大门和栅栏,停下时用枪向街上瞄准。
        Volodymyr Shepitko, 66, fled with his wife when a Russian armored vehicle barreled through their back fence. They took shelter in a basement of School No. 3. Russian soldiers were also using the school and the residential complex behind it for mortar positions.        66岁的沃拉迪米尔·谢皮特科和他的妻子在一辆俄罗斯装甲车闯进他们的后院栅栏时逃走了。他们在第三中学的地下室避难。俄罗斯士兵还利用学校及其后面的住宅区作为迫击炮阵地。
        On March 9, Shepitko, a retired water engineer, slipped back to fetch some food from the house and found Russian soldiers living there. He described them as “kontraktniki” — contract soldiers, men who are often experienced fighters but notorious for abuses and acting with impunity. They had parked their armored vehicles across the street and were sleeping and heating water in the house, Shepitko said.        3月9日,退休水利工程师谢皮特科溜回房子去取一些食物,发现那里住着俄罗斯士兵。他说他们是“kontraktniki”——合同兵,他们通常是经验丰富的战士,但因虐待行为和有恃无恐而臭名昭著。谢皮特科说,他们把装甲车停在街对面,在房子里睡觉和烧水。
        The soldiers made a sarcastic comment about Ukrainian fascists, testing his loyalty. “I thought I would be shot,” he said, “and I kept silent.” They demanded his cellphone but his dog barked so furiously at them that they backed off and let him go.        士兵们讽刺乌克兰法西斯分子,以此考验他的忠诚。“我以为我会被枪毙,”他说,“所以我保持沉默。”他们要拿他的手机,但他的狗对他们狂吠,那些士兵退缩了,放走了他。
        It was only when he returned after the Russians pulled out of Kyiv that Shepitko discovered just how far the Russian soldiers had gone. His house had been ransacked, filled with rubbish and beer bottles. Then, in a cellar under the garden shed, his nephew discovered the body of a woman. Slumped sitting down, bare legs akimbo, she wore a fur coat and nothing else.        直到俄罗斯人撤出基辅而他回到家时,才发现俄罗斯士兵做得多么过分。他的房子被洗劫一空,到处都是垃圾和啤酒瓶。然后,在花园棚屋下的地窖里,他的侄子发现了一具女人的尸体。她瘫坐在地上,双腿赤裸,叉着腰,身上只有一件毛皮大衣。
        She had been shot in the head, and he found two bullet casings on the ground. When the police pulled her out and conducted a search, they found torn condom wrappers and one used condom upstairs in the house.        她头部中了弹,他在地上发现了两个弹壳。警察把她拉出来并且进行了搜查,他们在房子楼上发现了破损的避孕套包装纸和一个用过的避孕套。
        The abuse of the woman was one case of many, said Ukraine’s official ombudswoman for human rights, Lyudmyla Denisova. She said she had recorded horrific cases of sexual violence by Russian troops in Bucha and other places, including one in which a group of women and girls were kept in a basement of a house for 25 days. Nine of them are now pregnant, she said.        乌克兰官方人权监察员柳德米拉·丹尼索娃表示,这名女性受到的虐待是众多案例中的一个。她说,她记录了俄罗斯军队在布查和其他地方实施的可怕性暴力案件,包括一群女性和女孩被关在一所房子的地下室内长达25天。她说,其中九人现在怀孕了。
        She speculated that the violence came out of revenge for the Ukrainian resistance, but also that the Russian soldiers used sexual violence as a weapon of war against Ukrainian women.        她推测,这些暴力行为是为了报复乌克兰抵抗运动,但也可能是俄罗斯士兵将性暴力作为针对乌克兰妇女的战争武器。
        A walk to fetch water turns deadly        步行取水导致送命
        The city had been without electricity, running water, gas or internet since early March, and thousands of residents, still in their homes, were living in freezing temperatures, sleeping in their clothes, under layers of blankets.        自3月初以来,这座城市一直没有电、没有自来水、天然气和互联网,数以千计的居民仍待在家中,生活在极低的温度下,穿着衣服,盖着毯子睡觉。
        Six people in a home for seniors perished from hunger, cemetery workers who collected the bodies in early April said. The lobby was icy cold, and four of the dead had congregated in a sunroom across the garden. At the house next door, the same workers had cut down a woman who had hanged herself from a branch.        在四月初收集尸体的墓地工作人员说,一家养老院里有六人死于饥饿。大厅冰冷刺骨,四个死者聚集在花园对面的一间阳光房里。在隔壁的房子里,这些工人砍倒树枝,取下一名上吊自杀的女性的尸体。
        For 10 days in the middle of March, Tetiana Sichkar, 20, took to walking with her parents to see her grandmother, whose house had a wood fire and an outdoor stove where they could heat water and cook. Every day they took the same route, through the woods and over the railway tracks.        在3月中旬的10天里,20岁的泰蒂安娜·西卡和父母一起步行去看望祖母。她的房子里燃着柴火,还有一个可以烧水和做饭的户外炉子。他们每天走同一条路,穿过树林,越过铁路。
        On March 24, it had seemed quiet again, until a shot rang out on the way home.        3月24日,这里似乎又恢复了平静,直到回家的路上响起了枪声。
        “It was so loud, I could not hear anything,” Sichkar said. They all fell to the ground at the same time. Her mother lay silent. “I called to her but she did not move,” she said. She lifted her head and saw the blood — on her mother’s face, her hair, and pooling on the road.        “声音太大了,我什么都听不见,”西卡说。他们都同时倒在地上。她的母亲静静地躺着。“我叫她,但她没有动,”她说。她抬起头,看见了血——她母亲的脸上、头发上,地上也有一滩一滩的血。
        Her mother, who is also called Tetiana, a homemaker, 46, died where she fell. The Russian soldiers later detained her husband, cuffing him and putting a bag over his head when he asked to retrieve his wife’s body. They let him go later that night, dumping him still handcuffed and blindfolded in a different part of town.        她的母亲当场身亡,她也叫泰蒂安娜,是一名家庭主妇,享年46岁。后来,俄罗斯士兵拘留了她的丈夫,当他要求取回妻子的尸体时,他们用手铐铐住他,用袋子罩住他的头。当业晚些时候,他们放了他,让他仍然铐着手铐蒙着眼睛,把他扔在了镇上的另一个地方。
        In a bizarre episode, they allowed her stepfather to retrieve Sichkar’s body and gave him a brand-new red car — which turned out to be stolen — to take her away in. The family buried her in the garden the next morning and parked the car inside the gate.        奇怪的是,他们允许西卡的继父取回她的尸体,并给了他一辆崭新的红色轿车——是偷来的——把她载走。第二天早上,家人把她埋在了花园里,并把车停在了门口。
        Lyudmyla, the mother of the dead woman, echoed what many civilians in Bucha noted: As the war progressed, the mood and behavior of the Russian troops grew uglier. “The first lot were peaceful,” she said of the Russian soldiers, asking for her surname not to be published. “The second lot were worse.”        死者的母亲柳德米拉同意布查许多平民的观点:随着战争进行,俄罗斯军队的情绪和行为变得越来越丑陋。“第一批是和平的,”她在谈到俄罗斯士兵时说,并要求不要公布她的姓氏。“第二批就变糟了。”
        Some of the violence seemed cynical, designed to terrorize, but Russian troops were particularly suspicious of men of fighting age, often accusing them of being members of the Ukrainian defense forces before taking them away for questioning.        其中一些暴力行为似乎是出于恐吓目的,显得非常冷漠,但俄罗斯军队对适龄男性尤为怀疑,经常指责他们是乌克兰国防部队的成员,然后将他们带走审问。
        Natalya Oleksandrova, a retired optician, said soldiers detained her nephew, saying they would take him for two days of questioning. They held him for three weeks. After the Russian troops left, neighbors found him dead in a basement. “They shot him through the ear,” she said.        退休眼镜师娜塔莉亚·奥列克桑德罗娃说,士兵们拘留了她的侄子,说他们会带他去问话两天。他们将他拘留了三个星期。俄罗斯军队离开后,邻居发现他死在地下室里。“他们一枪打穿了他的耳朵,”她说。
        Revenge killings add another threat        报复性杀戮带来另一种威胁
        In the last week of March, Ukrainian forces mounted a counterattack to retake the northwestern suburbs of Kyiv. Fighting intensified sharply in Bucha, and Russian units began preparing to pull out.        在3月的最后一周,乌克兰军队发动了反攻,重新夺回了基辅西北郊区。布查的战斗迅速加剧,俄罗斯部队开始准备撤离。
        One of their last acts was to shoot their detainees or anyone else who got in the way. In a clearing on one street, the police later found five members of a family, including two women and a child, their bodies dumped and burned.        他们最后的行动之一是射杀在押者以及任何碍事的人。警方后来在一条街道的空地上发现了一家五口人,其中包括两名女性和一名儿童,他们的尸体被丢弃并焚烧。
        At least 15 people were found dead with their hands bound, in various places around the city, indicating that more than one Russian unit detained and executed people. Five bodies were found in a cellar in a children’s summer camp, which Russian units had used as a base. Others were found on Yablunska Street, and more in the glass factory.        至少有15人被发现双手被绑,死在城市的不同地方,这表明不止一个俄罗斯部队拘捕和处决了一些人。在一个儿童夏令营的地窖里发现了五具尸体,该夏令营曾被俄罗斯部队用作基地。亚布伦斯卡街也发现了一些尸体,还有更多尸体在玻璃厂被发现。
        In the nearby village of Motyzhyn, revenge played a large part in the death of the mayor, her husband and her son, who were found buried on the edge of the village. There were signs of torture: broken fingers on their son and contusions on the mayor’s face, inflicted before they were shot by Russian forces angry that the Ukrainians had destroyed a truck and an armored vehicle.        在附近的莫蒂钦村,村长、她的丈夫和儿子被发现埋在村边,复仇在很大程度上导致了他们的死亡。他们身上有经过拷打的迹象:儿子的手指被打断,村长脸上有挫伤,这些都因为乌克兰人摧毁了一辆卡车和一辆装甲车,愤怒的俄罗斯军队开枪射杀他们。
        “It was revenge,” said Anatoly Rodchenko, a retired high school physics teacher whose son is married to the daughter of the slain mayor, Olha Sukhenko. Rodchanko had watched the excavation of the grave, which also held three other bodies.        “这是报复,”退休的高中物理老师阿纳托利·罗申科说,他的儿子娶了被杀的村长奥哈·苏肯科的女儿。罗申科亲眼目睹了墓穴的挖掘过程,墓穴里还有另外三具尸体。
        In accounts corroborated by a local military commander, residents described how a Ukrainian ambush that blew up the armored vehicle and supply truck led to a flurry of Russian violence targeting civilians.        当地居民描述称,乌军的一次伏击炸毁了装甲车和补给卡车,导致了俄军针对平民的一系列暴力事件。这些叙述得到了一名当地军事指挥官的证实。
        The following day, a Russian armored personnel carrier drove down a street, firing randomly into homes with a heavy machine gun, said Serhiy Petrovsky, the head of a local unit of civilian volunteer soldiers. He doesn’t know how many people were wounded or killed, but said that after the Russians departed, he collected 20 bodies in and around the village, from this episode and others.        当地民间志愿军分队的负责人谢尔伊·彼得罗夫斯基说,到第二天,俄军一辆装甲运兵车沿街行驶,用重机枪向民居随意开火。他不知伤亡究竟有多少,但他说,在俄军撤离后,他在村庄内外找到了20具尸体,这些人都是在类似情况中丧生的。
        “They shot everything,” said Rodchenko. “They shot at houses. They shot a woman on the street. They shot at dogs.”        “他们见什么都开枪,”罗德琴科说。“向房屋开枪。向街上一名妇女开枪。向狗开枪。”
        The same day, Russian soldiers detained Sukhenko, 50, her husband, Ihor Sukhenko, 57, and their son, Oleksandr, 25, Rodchenko said. The bodies of all three were found in the grave.        罗德琴科说,就在同一天,俄罗斯士兵抓走了50岁的苏赫科、她57岁的丈夫伊霍尔·苏赫科,以及他们25岁的儿子亚历山大。他们三人的尸体都在墓中被发现。
        “I just don’t understand,” said Rodchenko. “OK, the mayor helped the Ukrainians. But why Oleksandr? What did he do?”        “我真的不明白,”罗德琴科说。“是,村长帮了乌克兰人。但为什么杀掉亚历山大?他做了什么?”
        Of the Russian army’s presence in the village, he said, “it was like a nightmare.”        他说,俄军在村里出现,“就像一场噩梦。”
        A joyous phone call, then silence        一通欣慰的电话,然后再无声息
        In the days after Ukrainian troops retook control of Bucha, police and cemetery workers began collecting the corpses scattered everywhere, heaving black body bags into a white van. In the mud on the back doors, workers had written, “200,” the word in Soviet military slang for the war dead.        在乌军重新控制布查后的几天里,警方和墓地工作人员开始搜寻各处的尸体,将沉重的黑色尸袋装上白色货车。在车后厢门的泥泞上,工人们写下了“200”,这个词在苏联军事用语中是战争死者的意思。
        By April 2, they had collected more than 100 bodies, and by Sunday the number had risen to more than 360 for the Bucha district. Ten of the dead were children, officials said.        到4月2日,他们已找到100多具尸体,周日那天,布查地区的尸体数量已经达到360多具。官员称,死者中有十名儿童。
        On April 3, Marta Kirmichi was searching frantically on the internet for news from Bucha. Originally from Moldova, she had lived in Ukraine, near the city of Chernihiv, with her husband and son for 10 years.        4月3日,玛塔·基尔米奇在网上疯狂搜索布查相关新闻。她老家在摩尔多瓦,与丈夫和儿子在乌克兰切尔尼戈夫市附近生活了十年。
        She had last spoken to her husband, Dmitrii Shkirenkov, 38, in mid-March. A construction worker, he had left home a month earlier to go back to his job on one of the new property developments in Bucha.        她最后一次与38岁的丈夫德米特里·什基连科夫通话是在3月中旬。他是一名建筑工人,一个月前离家,回到布查的一个新房产开发项目中工作。
        Cellphone coverage was patchy, but he had managed to call his wife early on March 9. “He said, ‘People are being shot here but I am alive,’” she said. The second time he called, it was around 5.30 a.m. and he woke her up. “He said in such a voice, ‘Honey, I am alive.’ He sounded really happy.” The call, just 30 seconds long, made her happy, too, but she did not hear from him again.        虽然手机信号断断续续,但他还是在3月9日一早给妻子打了电话。“他说,‘这边有人被枪击了,但我还好,’”她说。他第二次来电话大约是在凌晨5点30分,把她吵醒了。“他用那样欣快的语气对我说,‘亲爱的,我还活着。’他听上去真的很开心。”短短30秒的通话也让她开心起来,但此后,她再也没能联系上他。
        Then she came across the first horrifying photographs of men lying with their hands bound on Yablunska Street, beside pallets and construction materials. She recognized her husband instantly. He was lying face down, his hands hidden underneath him.        后来,她看到了第一批令人毛骨悚然的照片,其中有一名男子双手被绑,倒在亚布伦斯卡大街上,身边是货物托架和建筑材料。她立刻认出那是她丈夫。他面孔朝下倒在那里,看不见身下的双手。
        Later, she found another photograph — he had been removed, but the two bodies nearby still lay there. She hopes that, just maybe, he had been wounded and taken to a hospital.        晚些时候,她发现了另一张照片,他已被移走,但附近的两具尸体仍在那里。她抱着希望,或许他只是受伤了,被送进了医院。
        Of the 360 bodies found through this weekend in Bucha and its immediate surroundings, more than 250 were killed by bullets or shrapnel and were being included in an investigation of war crimes, Ruslan Kravchenko, chief regional prosecutor in Bucha, said in an interview. Many others died from hunger, the cold and the lack of medicine and doctors, among other reasons.        布查地区首席检察官鲁斯兰·克拉夫琴科在接受采访时说,上周末在布查及其周边地区发现的360具尸体中,有250多人是被子弹或弹片杀死的,这些死亡事件都被纳入了战争罪行调查。还有许多人死于饥饿、寒冷、缺乏药物和医护等原因。
        Sitting in his car, Kravchenko flipped through files and photos of corpses on his cellphone. He said he expected more cases as the police continued to find bodies and information kept pouring in. Overall, in the broader Bucha region, there were at least 1,000 deaths in the war, he said.        克拉夫琴科坐在车中,翻看手机上的文件和尸体照片。他说,随着警方继续搜寻尸体,了解到的信息也越来越多。他说,总的来讲,在范围更广的布查地区,至少有上千人死于战争。
        The dead are overwhelmingly civilians. Only two members of the Ukrainian military were among those killed in Bucha city, according to Serhiy Kaplychny, an official at the city cemetery.        绝大多数死者都是平民。布查市公墓官员谢尔伊·卡普利奇尼说,该市遇难者中只有两名乌克兰军人。
        The Russian brutality has outraged most of the world and stiffened the resolve of the West to oppose President Vladimir Putin’s bloody invasion.        俄军的暴行激怒了全世界,并强化了西方国家反对普京总统血腥侵略的决心。
        “The level of brutality of the army of terrorists and executioners of the Russian Federation knows no bounds,” the ombudswoman, Denisova, wrote. She appealed to the United Nations Human Rights Commission to “take into account these facts of Russian war crimes in Ukraine.”        “俄罗斯联邦的恐怖分子和刽子手军队的残暴程度是没有止境的,”调查专员丹尼索娃写道。她呼吁联合国人权委员会“重视俄罗斯在乌克兰犯下这些战争罪行的事实”。
        Some of the worst crimes — including torture, rape and executions of detainees — were committed by troops based at the glass factory in Bucha, local residents and investigators said. The regional prosecutor, Kravchenko, said investigators found a computer server left behind by the Russians that could help them identify the men behind the violence.        当地居民和调查人员均表示,一些最恶劣的罪行——包括拷打、强奸和处决被拘者——都是驻扎在布查玻璃厂的部队所为。地区检察官克拉夫琴科说,调查人员找到了一台俄军遗留的计算机服务器,可以帮助他们确定暴力事件的始作俑者。
        “We have already established lists and data of servicemen,” Kravchenko said. “This data runs to more than a hundred pages.”        “我们已经列出了相关军人的名单和资料,”克拉夫琴科说。“这份资料多达上百页。”
        Ukrainian investigators also have an immense resource from organizations, citizens and journalists who have posted more than 7,000 videos and photos on a government internet hub, warcrimes.gov.ua, the state prosecutor, Iryna Venediktova, said.        乌克兰检察总长伊琳娜·维涅迪克托娃表示,乌方调查人员还拥有各国机构、公民和记者的提供的巨大资源,他们在政府门户网站warcrimes.gov.ua上发布了7000多份视频和照片。
        “What is very important here is that they are made in such a way that they are admissible evidence in court,” she said. “That is 7,000 with video evidence, with photo evidence.” Yet a long and laborious process of identification lies ahead.        “非常重要的一点在于,这些内容是可以作为法庭证据的,”她说。“那可是7000份视频和照片证据。”不过,未来还是会有一个漫长而艰苦的鉴定过程。
        Kirmichi still has no information about her husband, the construction worker, and when she called one government office, she was told to wait one month for news.        基尔米奇还是没能得到关于她丈夫——那名建筑工人——的消息。她打电话给一处政府办公室,结果被告知需要等上一个月才能得到消息。
        She sounded forlorn and tearful on the telephone. “There are only two of us, my son and me, and we are not giving up hope,” she said.        在电话里,她的声音泫然欲泣,充满绝望。“就剩儿子和我两个人了,我们是不会放弃希望的,”她说。

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