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Shanghai residents bristle as a lockdown enters a second week with more testing.

来源:纽约时报    2022-04-11 01:39

        Residents have swarmed the police officers who enter their neighborhoods wearing white protective suits. They have shouted out their windows, demanding to be given supplies. Others have banged pots and pans in protest.        穿着白色防护服的警察进入社区,居民蜂拥而上。一些居民冲着窗外喊叫,要求提供物资。还有人敲打锅碗瓢盆以示抗议。
        As a lockdown in Shanghai enters its second week, some residents are buckling under the strict measures ordered by the government to try to eliminate the coronavirus. It is a sign of the toll two years of zero-Covid policies have taken on the Chinese people.        上海的封锁已进入第二周,在政府为清零而采取的严格措施下,一些居民正苦苦挣扎。这反映了两年清零政策对民众造成的损失。
        “We’ve already cooperated with you for 10 days,” residents in one suburban district in Shanghai shouted at police officers, according to a video widely shared on Chinese social media. The name of the town, Gucun, which is in the city’s Baoshan district, was visible in the background.        中国社交媒体上广泛流传的一段视频显示,上海一个郊区的居民对警察大喊,“我们已经配合了10天了”。背景中可以看到顾村二字,该村位于上海市宝山区。
        “We just want to eat, is that so hard?” they yelled.        “我们就想吃口饭,这么难吗?”他们大喊。
        Shanghai, home to about 25 million people, has been under a citywide lockdown since early April because of a surge in Omicron coronavirus cases. On Saturday, the city recorded nearly 25,000 new cases. It is a sharp contrast to the approach in much of the world, where most nations have abandoned pandemic precautions and are hoping vaccination rates will limit the severity of future outbreaks.        由于奥密克戎新冠病毒病例激增,自4月初以来,拥有约2500万人口的上海一直处于全市封锁状态。周六,该市录得近2.5万例新增病例。这与世界大部分地区的做法形成鲜明对比,大多数国家已经放弃了大流行的预防措施,希望疫苗接种率能够限制未来疫情的严重程度。
        To try and curb the spread, the central Chinese government has deployed tens of thousands of workers from other provinces and ordered Shanghai to erect makeshift hospitals, just like the early days of the pandemic, in Wuhan. But the stringent controls on movement have also led to reports of food shortages and denied medical care, stoking public discontent.        为了遏制疫情蔓延,中央政府已从外省调派数万名工人,并下令上海像武汉疫情初期那样建立方舱医院。但对出行的严格控制也导致有关食物短缺和无法获得医疗服务的报道,引发了公众的不满。
        Shanghai officials have acknowledged logistical difficulties in delivering food to residents and have pledged to recruit more volunteers to help distribute packages. On Saturday, they announced that they would conduct another round of citywide testing, after which they would consider dividing neighborhoods into different risk levels, rather than implementing blanket controls over all of them.        上海官员承认在向居民运送食物方面存在后勤困难,并承诺招募更多志愿者帮助分发物资包。周六,他们宣布将在全市范围内进行另一轮检测,之后他们将考虑将社区划分为不同的风险级别,而不是对所有社区实施全面控制。
        Even some prominent nationalist commentators have acknowledged the toll of sustaining such harsh measures, especially as the rest of the world is moving toward living with the virus.        就连一些著名的民族主义评论员也承认维持如此严厉措施的代价高昂,尤其是当世界其他地区正朝着与病毒共存的方向发展的时候。
        Hu Xijin, the retired editor of The Global Times, a state owned tabloid, wrote on social media on Saturday that he had seen the videos of protests in Shanghai and understood that residents without supplies had reached “emotional tipping points.”        官方小报《环球时报》的退休编辑胡锡进周六在社交媒体上写道,他看了上海的抗议视频,了解到没有物资的居民已经达到“情绪的引爆点”。
        “Being locked down is quite an extreme, temporary governance state, and our cities are not built for these circumstances,” he wrote. “During this time, it’s unlikely that the supply of materials will reach normal levels. We should talk about this, rather than only talking about the good things.”        “封锁是相当极端的临时治理状态,我们的城市不是为这种状态设计的,”他写道。“这期间的物资供应也不太可能达到城市正常运转的水平。对这一切应该多讲,别光讲好的,要引导人们的预期对接现实情况。”
        Chinese officials have urged residents and social media users to focus on “positive energy” and vowed to crack down on “rumors” about public discontent or issues with epidemic management.        中国官员敦促民众和社交媒体用户关注“正能量”,并誓言打击有关公众不满或疫情管理问题的“谣言”。

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