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‘We cannot let our guard down,’ a top Chinese health official tells Shanghai residents under lockdown.

来源:纽约时报    2022-04-12 12:54

        To Shanghai residents who have reached the limit of their patience with a lockdown that has kept them stuck at home for two weeks, a top health official has a message: “We cannot let our guard down.”        因封城而困在家中的上海民众已经到达了忍耐的极限,一位高级卫生官员传达了这样的信息:“我们不能放松警惕。”
        Despite reports that the shutdown of daily life in Shanghai has caused food shortages and reduced access to medical care, Liang Wannian, a senior official at China’s National Health Commission, said on Sunday that the lockdown was the best way to ensure “people first, lives first.”        尽管有报道称,因日常生活的停摆而导致食品短缺、难以获得医疗服务,但中国国家卫健委高级官员梁万年周日表示,封锁是确保“人民至上、生命至上”的最佳方式。
        Under the country’s zero-Covid strategy, Shanghai and more than a dozen other cities in China are under full or partial lockdowns to tackle spikes in Omicron cases of the coronavirus. The lockdowns are exposing a growing social and economic cost of the strategy, which has been abandoned nearly everywhere else in the world.        在该国的清零战略下,上海以及中国其他十几个城市处于全面或部分封锁状态,以应对奥密克戎新冠病毒病例的激增。封锁暴露了该战略日益增长的社会和经济成本,世界几乎所有其他地方都已经放弃了这一战略。
        Other countries have lifted most restrictions, but “lying flat is not an option for China,” Mr. Liang said, referring to the phenomenon of “lying flat,” or relaxing, in the face of a challenge.        其他国家已经取消了大部分限制措施,但“躺平不是中国的选择”,梁万年说,他说的“躺平”指的是面对挑战时的松懈现象。
        China’s relatively low vaccination rate among older people and its limited health care resources for treating severe virus cases continue to worry officials and keep them from easing pandemic restrictions. There are around 264 million people over the age of 60 in China, and some 40 million of them have not been vaccinated against the coronavirus.        中国老年人的疫苗接种率相对较低,以及用于治疗重症的医疗资源有限,这让官员们仍然担心,所以无法放松对大流行的限制措施。中国60岁以上的人口约有2.64亿,其中约4000万人未接种过新冠病毒疫苗。
        Infections among this group were inevitable, Mr. Liang said, but “we have to take it seriously.” He spoke in an interview with Chinese state media.        梁万年在接受中国官方媒体采访时表示,这一群体的感染是不可避免的,但“我们必须认真对待”。
        Health authorities reported 27,419 new locally transmitted cases in China on Monday, most of them in Shanghai, a city of 26 million. That case count is small compared with many countries, but the recent surge, fueled by the Omicron variant, is the biggest that China has experienced so far.        周一,中国卫生当局报告了27419例新增本地病例,绝大部分在拥有2600万人口的上海。与许多国家相比,这样的新增病例数并不算多,但最近由奥密克戎变体推动的病例激增是中国迄今为止经历的最严重的一次疫情。
        China has reported more than 200,000 locally transmitted coronavirus cases in Shanghai since the current outbreak began last month, most of them mild or asymptomatic. The city has just one case that is currently categorized as “severe”; officials said the case required hospital treatment but did not elaborate. No deaths have been reported in the current outbreak.        自从这波疫情上月暴发以来,中国已报告了超过20万例上海本地传播的新冠病毒病例,其中大多数是轻度或无症状。该市目前仅一例重症;官员说,该病例需要住院治疗,但没有详细说明。在目前这波疫情中没有报告死亡病例。
        Mass testing, a key part of China’s strategy to eliminate infections, has allowed health authorities to isolate patients who test positive and send them quickly to a hospital or isolation facility. The southern Chinese city of Guangzhou said last week that it would test all 18 million of its residents, after a small number of locally transmitted cases — fewer than 30 — were reported over the previous seven days. Officials in Shanghai announced a second round of mass testing for that city’s 25 million residents over the weekend.        大规模检测是中国消除感染战略的关键部分,它使卫生当局能够隔离检测呈阳性的患者,并迅速将他们送往医院或隔离设施。中国南方城市广州上周表示,在过去七天报告了少量本地传播病例后(不到30例),将对全市1800万民众进行检测。上周末,上海官员宣布对该市2500万居民进行第二轮大规模检测。
        In the city of Wuhan, where the coronavirus first emerged, officials began on Monday to require residents wishing to use the city’s subway to have had a negative result on a nucleic acid test within the past 48 hours. Passengers must show their test result and scan a code from the specific subway car they sit in, so that authorities can keep track of exposure, according to a notice posted online by the Wuhan Metro on Monday.        在新冠病毒首次出现的武汉市,官方周一开始要求地铁乘客需要持有48小时内的阴性核酸检测结果。根据武汉地铁周一在网上发布的通知,乘客必须出示检测结果并扫描他们所乘坐车厢的二维码,以便当局跟踪病毒暴露情况。
        Though Mr. Liang indicated that China would not back down from its coronavirus strategy, authorities in Shanghai appeared to respond to a public outcry over the city’s handling of the outbreak. The vice mayor said on Saturday that the city would begin to lift lockdown measures in neighborhoods that go 14 days without a new case. On Monday, the city announced a system to categorize districts based on the number of reported positive cases in each.        尽管梁万年表示中国不会放弃其新冠病毒战略,上海当局似乎对公众对该市疫情处理的强烈抗议做出了回应。副市长周六表示,连续14天没有新病例的社区将解除封锁。周一,该市宣布启用新的划分系统,根据每个区域上报的阳性病例数对区域进行分类。
        However, those moves will not do much to mitigate the lockdown’s larger economic impact, some economists said.        然而,一些经济学家表示,这些举措对于缓解封锁造成的更大的经济影响起不到多少作用。
        “The extent of the lockdown is far more serious than people realize,” said Bo Zhuang, a China analyst at the investment firm Loomis Sayles.        投资公司Loomis Sayles的中国分析师庄博(音)说:“封锁的程度比人们意识到的要严重得多。”
        For most of last year, only a few cities in China were under lockdown at any one time, and the economic damage was manageable, Mr. Zhuang said. But these days, he estimated, the equivalent of around a quarter of China’s economic output is on hold.        庄博说,在去年的大部分时间里,中国每次疫情只有少数几个城市处于封锁状态,经济损失是可控的。但他估计,这些天来,相当于中国经济产出的四分之一左右被暂停。
        “Now we are talking about a couple of provinces under lockdown because of Omicron,” Mr. Zhuang said. “This would be a risk going forward.”        “现在我们谈论的是,因为奥密克戎,几个省份被封锁,”庄博说。“这在今后将是一个风险。”
        The growing frustration over having daily life disrupted is another risk.        另一个风险是,人们因日常生活打乱而不断积累的失望情绪。
        When millions of people in Wuhan learned on Monday morning about the new rules imposed overnight concerning the city’s subway system, many turned to social media to complain.        周一早上,武汉数百万人得知该市地铁系统在一夜之间实施了新规定,许多人在社交媒体上抱怨。
        “Since Wuhan lifted the lockdown two years ago, it has issued the most stringent prevention and control measures,” Zhai Haichao, a writer and a businessman, wrote on the popular Chinese social media platform Weibo. “It’s disturbing that we see no end of the pandemic.”        “武汉自两年前解封以来,发出最严的防控信号,”作家兼商人翟海潮在微博上写道。“疫情没完没了,让人头疼。”

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