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Microplastics found deep in lungs of living people for first time

来源:中国日报    2022-04-11 08:30

        Microplastic pollution has been discovered lodged deep in the lungs of living people for the first time. The particles were found in almost all the samples analysed.        科学家首次在活人肺部深处发现微塑料污染。这些微塑料颗粒出现在几乎所有接受分析的样本中。
        The scientists said microplastic pollution was now ubiquitous across the planet, making human exposure unavoidable and meaning “there is an increasing concern regarding the hazards” to health.        科学家指出,微塑料污染如今在地球上无所不在,不可避免地会殃及人类,这意味着微塑料造成的健康风险“引发的担忧与日俱增”。
        Samples were taken from tissue removed from 13 patients undergoing surgery and microplastics were found in 11 cases. The most common particles were polypropylene, used in plastic packaging and pipes, and PET, used in bottles. Two previous studies had found microplastics at similarly high rates in lung tissue taken during autopsies.        科学家从13名接受手术的患者体内切下的组织中获取了样本,并在其中11例样本中发现了微塑料。最常见的微塑料是用于塑料包装和管道的聚丙烯以及用于制作塑料瓶的聚对苯二甲酸乙二醇酯。先前的两项研究发现,微塑料也同样广泛地出现在尸检时切下的肺组织中。
        People were already known to breathe in the tiny particles, as well as consuming them via food and water. Workers exposed to high levels of microplastics are also known to have developed disease.        众所周知,人们会吸入小颗粒物,并会通过食物和水摄入微塑料。据悉,暴露在大量微塑料环境中的工人会因此而得病。
        Microplastics were detected in human blood for the first time in March, showing the particles can travel around the body and may lodge in organs. The impact on health is as yet unknown. But researchers are concerned as microplastics cause damage to human cells in the laboratory and air pollution particles are already known to enter the body and cause millions of early deaths a year.        今年三月科学家首次在人类血液中检测到微塑料,这表明微塑料可以在人体内游走并在器官里沉积。目前尚不明确血液中的微塑料对健康的影响。但是研究人员对此感到担忧,因为微塑料会损伤实验室环境中的人体细胞,而且众所周知,空气污染颗粒物会进入人体,每年导致数百万人早逝。
        "We did not expect to find the highest number of particles in the lower regions of the lungs, or particles of the sizes we found,” said Laura Sadofsky at Hull York medical school in the UK, a senior author of the study. “It is surprising as the airways are smaller in the lower parts of the lungs and we would have expected particles of these sizes to be filtered out or trapped before getting this deep.”        该研究的资深作者、英国赫尔约克医学院的劳拉·萨多夫斯基说:“我们没想到会在肺部深处发现这么多微塑料,也没想到微塑料的颗粒会这么大。这很令人惊讶,因为肺部深处的气道更窄,我们以为这么大颗粒的微塑料在进入肺部深处前会被过滤掉或被卡在外面。”
        "This data provides an important advance in the field of air pollution, microplastics and human health,” she said. The information could be used to create realistic conditions for laboratory experiments to determine health impacts.        她说:“这些数据是空气污染、微塑料和人类健康领域的一个重要进展。”该信息可用于打造接近现实的实验条件,以确定微塑料对健康的影响。
        A 2021 study in Brazil on autopsy samples found microplastics in 13 of the 20 people analysed. Polyethylene, used in plastic bags, was one of the most common particles.        2021年巴西的一项研究在分析的20例尸检样本中发现13例样本含有微塑料。用于塑料袋的聚乙烯是这些样本中最常见的微塑料之一。
        A US study of lung cancer patients in 1998 found plastic and plant fibres (such as cotton) in more than 100 samples. In cancerous tissue, 97% of samples contained the fibres and in non-cancerous samples, 83% were contaminated.        1998年美国对肺癌患者的一项研究在100多个样本中发现了塑料和植物纤维(比如棉花),分别有97%的癌组织样本和83%的非癌组织样本含有这些纤维。
        Huge amounts of plastic waste are dumped in the environment, and microplastics contaminate the entire planet, from the summit of Qomolangma to the deepest oceans. Microplastics have been found in the placentas of pregnant women, and in pregnant rats they pass rapidly through the lungs into the hearts, brains and other organs of the foetuses.        海量的塑料垃圾被倾倒入环境中,微塑料污染了整个地球,从珠穆朗玛峰之巅到海洋最深处。科学家发现,微塑料甚至存在于孕妇的胎盘中,在怀孕的老鼠体内,微塑料可经由肺部快速进入胎儿的心脏、大脑和其他器官中。

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