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Facial Recognition Goes to War

来源:纽约时报    2022-04-08 04:01

        In the weeks after Russia invaded Ukraine and images of the devastation wrought there flooded the news, Hoan Ton-That, the chief executive of the facial recognition company Clearview AI, began thinking about how he could get involved.        俄罗斯入侵乌克兰后几周内,新闻报道中随处可见乌克兰遭受摧残的画面,面部识别公司Clearview AI的首席执行官尊室欢(音)开始考虑如何参与其中。
        He believed his company’s technology could offer clarity in complex situations in the war.        他相信,他公司的技术可以在复杂的战争中提供清晰的信息。
        “I remember seeing videos of captured Russian soldiers and Russia claiming they were actors,” Mr. Ton-That said. “I thought if Ukrainians could use Clearview, they could get more information to verify their identities.”        “我记得看到过被俘的俄罗斯士兵的视频,俄罗斯声称他们是演员,”尊室欢说。“我想,如果乌克兰人可以使用Clearview,他们就可以获得更多信息来核实这些人的身份。”
        In early March, he reached out to people who might help him contact the Ukrainian government. One of Clearview’s advisory board members, Lee Wolosky, a lawyer who has worked for the Biden administration, was meeting with Ukrainian officials and offered to deliver a message.        3月初,他联系了可能会帮他联系上乌克兰政府的人。Clearview的顾问委员会成员之一、曾为拜登政府工作的律师李·沃洛斯基会与乌克兰官员会面,愿意帮他带个信。
        Mr. Ton-That drafted a letter explaining that his app “can instantly identify someone just from a photo” and that the police and federal agencies in the United States used it to solve crimes. That feature has brought Clearview scrutiny over concerns about privacy and questions about racism and other biases within artificial-intelligence systems.        尊室欢起草了一封信,解释说他的应用程序“可以通过照片立即识别出一个人”,美国的警察和联邦机构用它来破案。这一功能也导致Clearview受到隐私担忧以及人工智能系统中的种族主义和其他偏见问题的争议。
        The tool, which can identify a suspect caught on surveillance video, could be valuable to a country under attack, Mr. Ton-That wrote. He said the tool could identify people who might be spies, as well as deceased people, by comparing their faces against Clearview’s database of 20 billion faces from the public web, including from “Russian social sites such as VKontakte.”        尊室欢写道,这一工具可以识别监控录像中的嫌疑人,对一个正在遭受攻击的国家来说可能很有价值。他说,该工具可以通过将这些人的脸与Clearview的数据库中来自公共网络的200亿张脸进行比较,从而识别出可能是间谍的人,以及已经去世的人。该数据库中包括来自“VKontakte等俄罗斯社交网站”中的面孔。
        Mr. Ton-That decided to offer Clearview’s services to Ukraine for free, as reported earlier by Reuters. Now, less than a month later, the New York-based Clearview has created more than 200 accounts for users at five Ukrainian government agencies, which have conducted more than 5,000 searches. Clearview has also translated its app into Ukrainian.        据路透社早些时候报道,尊室欢决定免费向乌克兰提供Clearview服务。现在,不到一个月后,总部位于纽约的Clearview已经为五个乌克兰政府机构的用户创建了200多个帐号,这些机构已经进行了5000多次搜索。Clearview还将其应用程序翻译成乌克兰语。
        “It’s been an honor to help Ukraine,” said Mr. Ton-That, who provided emails from officials from three agencies in Ukraine, confirming that they had used the tool. It has identified dead soldiers and prisoners of war, as well as travelers in the country, confirming the names on their official IDs. The fear of spies and saboteurs in the country has led to heightened paranoia.        “帮助乌克兰是我的荣幸,”尊室欢说。他提供了乌克兰三家机构官员的电子邮件,证实他们曾使用过这个工具。它确认了阵亡士兵和战俘,以及身在该国的旅行者的身份,确认了他们官方身份证上的名字。在乌克兰,对间谍和破坏分子的恐惧导致了疑心的加剧。
        According to one email, Ukraine’s national police obtained two photos of dead Russian soldiers, which have been viewed by The New York Times, on March 21. One dead man had identifying patches on his uniform, but the other did not, so the ministry ran his face through Clearview’s app.        一封电子邮件显示,乌克兰国家警察在3月21日获得了两张死去的俄罗斯士兵的照片,《纽约时报》查阅了这份邮件。一名死者的制服上有识别标贴,但另一名没有,所以司法部在Clearview的应用程序中搜索了他的脸。
        The app surfaced photos of a similar-looking man, a 33-year-old from Ulyanovsk who wore a paratrooper uniform and held a gun in his profile photos on Odnoklassniki, a Russian social media site. According to an official from the national police, attempts were made to contact the man’s relatives in Russia to inform them of his death, but there was no response.        搜索结果中出现了一名长相相似的男子,来自俄罗斯社交媒体网站Odnoklassniki的个人资料,此人33岁,来自乌里扬诺夫斯克,身穿伞兵制服,手持枪支。据国家警察局的一名官员称,警方曾试图联系这名男子在俄罗斯的亲属,通知他们这名男子的死讯,但没有得到回应。
        Identifying dead soldiers and notifying their families is part of a campaign, according to a Telegram post by the Ukrainian vice prime minister Mykhailo Fedorov, to break through to the Russian public the cost of the conflict and to “dispel the myth of a ‘special operation’ in which there are ‘no conscripts’ and ‘no one dies,’” he wrote.        根据乌克兰副总理米哈伊洛·费多罗夫在Telegram上的帖子,确定死亡的士兵并通知其家人是一项行动的一部分,目的是向俄罗斯公众说明冲突的代价,并“打破这是一场‘没有征兵’和‘没有人死亡’的‘特别行动’的迷思”,他写道。
        Images from conflict zones, of slaughtered civilians and soldiers left behind on city streets turned battlefields, have become more widely and instantaneously available in the social media era. President Volodymyr Zelensky of Ukraine has shown graphic images of attacks on his country to world leaders in making his case for more international aid. But beyond conveying a visceral sense of war, those kinds of images can now offer something else: a chance for facial recognition technology to play a significant role.        在社交媒体时代,来自冲突地区的图片——被屠杀的平民,被留在成为战场的城市街道上的士兵——已经变得更加广泛和即时。乌克兰总统泽连斯基向世界领导人展示了该国遭受袭击的骇人画面,以争取更多国际援助。但除了传达关于战争的直观感受外,这些图像现在还可以提供其他东西:面部识别技术有机会发挥重要作用。
        Critics warn, however, that the tech companies could be taking advantage of a crisis to expand with little privacy oversight, and that any mistakes made by the software or those using it could have dire consequences in a war zone.        然而,批评人士警告称,科技公司可能会利用一场危机,在几乎没有隐私监管的情况下扩张,该软件或使用该软件的人出现的任何错误都可能在战争地带造成可怕的后果。
        Evan Greer, a deputy director for the digital rights group Fight for the Future, is opposed to any use of facial recognition technology, and said she believed that it should be banned worldwide because governments had used it to persecute minority groups and suppress dissent. Russia and China, among others, have deployed advanced facial recognition in cameras in cities.        数字权利组织“为未来而战”的副主管埃文·格里尔反对使用任何面部识别技术,她说,她认为这种技术应该在世界范围内被禁止,因为各国政府使用它来迫害少数群体和压制异见。俄罗斯和中国等国家已经在城市的摄像头中部署了先进的面部识别技术。
        “War zones are often used as testing grounds not just for weapons but surveillance tools that are later deployed on civilian populations or used for law enforcement or crowd control purposes,” Ms. Greer said. “Companies like Clearview are eager to exploit the humanitarian crisis in Ukraine to normalize the use of their harmful and invasive software.”        “战争地带不仅经常被用作武器的试验场,还经常被用作监视工具的试验场,这些工具随后被部署到平民当中,或用于执法控制和人群控制,”格里尔说。“像Clearview这样的公司急于利用乌克兰的人道危机,将他们有害和侵入性软件的使用变得正常化。”
        Clearview is facing several lawsuits in the United States, and its use of people’s photos without their consent has been declared illegal in Canada, Britain, France, Australia and Italy. It faces fines in Britain and Italy.        Clearview在美国面临着几起诉讼,在加拿大、英国、法国、澳大利亚和意大利,该公司未经许可使用人们的照片已被宣布为非法。它在英国和意大利面临罚款。
        Ms. Greer added: “We already know that authoritarian states like Russia use facial recognition surveillance to crack down on protests and dissent. Expanding the use of facial recognition doesn’t hurt authoritarians like Putin — it helps them.”        格里尔还说:“我们已经知道,俄罗斯等威权国家使用面部识别监控来镇压抗议活动和异见。扩大面部识别的使用并不能伤害到像普京这样的独裁者,反而对他们有帮助。”
        Facial recognition has advanced in power and accuracy in recent years, and is becoming more accessible to the public.        近年来,人脸识别在功能和准确性方面都有了进步,而且越来越容易被公众使用。
        While Clearview AI says it makes its database available only to law enforcement, other facial recognition services that search the web for matches, including PimEyes and FindClone, are available to anyone willing to pay for them. PimEyes will surface public photos on the internet, while FindClone searches photos scraped from the Russian social media site VKontakte.        Clearview AI表示,它的数据库只对执法部门开放,而PimEyes和FindClone等其他在网络上搜索匹配的面部识别服务则对任何愿意付费的人开放。PimEyes将给出互联网上公开的照片,而FindClone则搜索从俄罗斯社交媒体网站VKontakte上抓取的照片。
        Facial recognition vendors are choosing sides in the conflict. Giorgi Gobronidze, a professor in Tbilisi, Georgia, who bought PimEyes in December, said he had barred Russia from using the site after the invasion started, citing concerns it would be used to identify Ukrainians.        面部识别供应商正在冲突中表明自己的立场。格鲁吉亚第比利斯的教授吉奥吉·戈布罗尼泽去年12月收购了PimEyes,他说,入侵开始后,他已禁止俄罗斯使用该网站,理由是担心它会被用来识别乌克兰人。
        “No Russian customers are allowed to use the service now,” Mr. Gobronidze said. “We don’t want our service to be used for war crimes.”        “现在没有俄罗斯客户被允许使用这项服务,”戈布罗尼泽说。“我们不希望我们的服务被用来犯下战争罪。”
        Groups like Bellingcat, the Dutch investigative site, have used facial recognition sites for reports on the conflict and on Russia’s military operations.        荷兰调查网站Bellingcat等组织使用面部识别网站报道冲突,以及俄罗斯的军事行动。
        Aric Toler, research director at Bellingcat, said his preferred face search engine was FindClone. He described a three-hour surveillance video that surfaced this week, said to be from a courier service in Belarus, showing men in military uniforms packing up materials, including TVs, car batteries and an electric scooter, for shipping.        Bellingcat的研究主管埃里克·托勒表示,他更喜欢的面部搜索引擎是FindClone。他描述了本周出现的一段三小时的监控视频,据称是来自白俄罗斯的一家快递公司。视频显示,身穿军装的男子正在打包货物,包括电视机、汽车电池和一辆电动滑板车,准备发货。
        Mr. Toler said FindClone allowed him to identify several of the men as Russian soldiers sending “loot” to their homes from Ukraine.        托勒说,FindClone让他认出了其中几人是俄罗斯士兵,他们把“战利品”从乌克兰运回家。
        As Ukraine and Russia fight an information war over what motivated the invasion and how it is going, journalists like Mr. Toler sometimes play the role of arbiter for their audiences.        由于乌克兰和俄罗斯就入侵动机和进展情况打起了信息战,托勒这样的记者有时会为观众扮演仲裁者角色。
        Mr. Federov, Ukraine’s deputy prime minister, tweeted a still from the same surveillance tape, of one of the soldiers at the courier service counter. Mr. Federov claimed the man had been identified as an “officer of Russian special forces” who had committed atrocities in Bucha and was “sending all the stolen items to his family.”        乌克兰副总理费多罗夫在Twitter上发布了这段监控录像中的一张截屏,画面上是一名士兵站在快递服务柜台前。费多罗夫称,这名男子已被确认为“俄罗斯特种部队的一名军官”,曾在布查犯下暴行,并“将所有被盗物品寄给他的家人”。
        Mr. Federov added, “We will find every killer.”        费多罗夫还说,“我们会找到每一个凶手。”
        The technology has potential beyond identifying casualties or tracking certain units. Peter Singer, a security scholar at New America, a think tank in Washington, said the increasing availability of data about people and their movements would make it easier to track down individuals responsible for war crimes. But it could also make it hard for civilians to lie low in tense environments.        这项技术的潜力不仅在于识别伤亡人员或追踪特定单位。华盛顿智库新美国的安全学者彼得·辛格表示,人们及其行动的数据越来越容易获得,这将使追踪犯下战争罪行的个人变得更容易。但这也让平民更加难以在紧张的环境中藏身。
        “Ukraine is the first major conflict that we’ve seen the use of facial recognition technology in such scale, but it is far from the last,” Mr. Singer said. “It will be increasingly hard for future warriors to keep their identity secret, just as for regular civilians walking down your own city streets.”        “在乌克兰冲突中,我们第一次看到面部识别技术被如此大规模的使用,但这远非最后一次,”辛格说。“未来的战士将越来越难以保守身份的秘密,走在你的城市街道上的普通市民也是一样。”
        “In a world of more and more data being gathered, everyone leaves a trail of dots that can be connected,” he added.        “在一个收集越来越多数据的世界里,每个人都会留下可以连接起来的线索,”他补充道。
        That trail is not just online. Drone footage, satellite images, and photos and videos captured by people in Ukraine are all playing a role in discerning what is happening there.        这条线索不只是在网上。人们在乌克兰拍摄的无人机镜头、卫星图像以及照片和视频都在辨别当地情况方面发挥了作用。
        Mr. Toler of Bellingcat said the technology was not perfect. “It’s easy to misfire — that goes without saying,” he said. “But people are more right than wrong with this. They have figured out how to corroborate identifications.”        Bellingcat的托勒说,这项技术并不完美。“很容易弄错——这是不言而喻的,”他说。“但在这方面正确的时候居多。他们已经找出了如何证实身份的方法。”
        Faces can look similar, so secondary information, in the form of an identifying mark, a tattoo or clothing, is important to confirm a match. Whether that will happen in a tense, wartime situation is an open question.        面孔可能看起来相似,因此识别胎记、纹身或衣服的辅助信息对于确认匹配很重要。但在紧张的战时局势中是否能够做到还不得而知。
        Mr. Toler is not sure how much longer he will have access to his preferred facial recognition tool. Because FindClone is based in Russia, it has been subject to sanctions, he said.        托勒不确定他的首选面部识别工具还能用多久。他说,由于FindClone的总部设在俄罗斯,它正在被制裁。
        “I still have about 30 days left on my service, so I’m desperately trying to add more juice to my account,” Mr. Toler said. “I have a friend in Kyrgyzstan. I’m trying to use her bank card to re-up my account.”        “我的服务期还有大约30天的时间,所以我想尽办法给我的帐号充值,”托勒说。“我在吉尔吉斯斯坦有一个朋友。我正在尝试使用她的银行卡来重新激活我的帐号。”

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