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Microsoft Seizes 42 Websites From a Chinese Hacking Group

来源:纽约时报    2021-12-07 10:52

        Microsoft said on Monday that it had seized 42 websites from a Chinese hacking group in an effort to disrupt the group’s intelligence-gathering operations.        微软周一表示,为了阻止一个中国黑客组织的情报收集活动,它已从对方手中夺取了42个网站。
        The company said in a news release that a federal court in Virginia had granted Microsoft’s request to allow its Digital Crimes Unit to take over the U.S.-based websites, which were being run by a hacker group known as Nickel or APT15. The company is redirecting the websites’ traffic to secure Microsoft servers to “help us protect existing and future victims while learning more about Nickel’s activities.”        微软在一篇新闻稿中表示,弗吉尼亚州的一家联邦法院已经批准了微软的请求,允许其数字犯罪部门接管这些位于美国的网站,它们由一个被称为“镍”或“APT15”的黑客组织运营。微软正在对这些网站进行流量重新定向,以确保微软服务器的安全,“帮助我们保护已经受害和即将受害的用户,同时了解更多关于‘镍’组织的活动”。
        Microsoft said it has been tracking Nickel since 2016 and had found that its “highly sophisticated” attacks intended to install unobtrusive malware that allowed for surveillance and data theft.        微软表示,自2016年以来,它一直在追踪“镍”组织,并发现了其“高度复杂”的攻击是为了神不知鬼不觉地安装恶意软件,便于监控和数据盗窃。
        In this most recent case, Nickel was attacking organizations in 29 different countries and was believed to be using the information it collected “for intelligence gathering from government agencies, think tanks, universities and human rights organizations,” Tom Burt, Microsoft’s corporate vice president of customer security and trust, said in the news release. Microsoft did not name the organizations that had been targeted.        在最近这起案件中,“镍”组织攻击了29个不同国家的组织机构,据信,它利用收集到的信息“从政府机构、智库、大学和人权组织处搜集情报”,微软负责客户安全和信任事务的副总裁汤姆·伯特在新闻稿中表示。微软并未透露遭到攻击的机构名称。
        In court documents unsealed on Monday, Microsoft provided a detailed explanation of how the hackers targeted users through techniques like compromising third-party virtual private networks and phishing, in which a hacker poses as a trusted entity, often in an attempt to get someone to provide information like a password.        在周一公布的法庭文件中,微软详细解释了黑客是如何通过破坏第三方虚拟专用网络和网络钓鱼——即黑客伪装出一个可信的实体,通常是为了让他人提供密码等信息——等技术来攻击用户的。
        After using those strategies to install malware on a user’s computer, the company said, Nickel would connected the computer with the malicious websites that Microsoft has since seized.        微软表示,用这些办法将恶意软件安装到用户电脑上后,“镍”组织会将电脑与被微软查获的恶意网站连接起来。
        The company argued that the process, because it involved hacking into computers and making changes to Microsoft operating systems and sometimes posing as Microsoft, “involves abuse of Microsoft’s trademarks and brands, and deceives users by presenting an unauthorized, modified version of Windows to those users.”        微软声称,由于该过程涉及入侵电脑、修改微软操作系统,有时还冒充微软,因此“存在微软商标和品牌的滥用,以及展示未经授权的改版Windows系统来欺骗用户的行为”。
        In its decision, the court agreed to issue a temporary restraining order against the hackers and to turn the websites, which were registered in Virginia, over to Microsoft.        法院在裁决中同意签发针对黑客的临时限制令,并将这些注册在弗吉尼亚州的网站移交给微软。
        “There is good cause to believe that, unless defendants are restrained and enjoined by order of this court, immediate and irreparable harm will result from the defendants’ ongoing violations,” the court wrote in its decision.        “我们有充分的理由相信,除非本法庭对被告下达约束和限制令,否则被告正在进行的违法行为将造成直接和无法挽回的伤害,”法院在判决书中写道。
        Microsoft said it had not discovered any new vulnerabilities in its products related to the attacks.        微软称,尚未在其产品中发现任何与这些黑客攻击有关的新漏洞。
        “Our disruption will not prevent Nickel from continuing other hacking activities, but we do believe we have removed a key piece of the infrastructure the group has been relying on for this latest wave of attacks,” Mr. Burt said.        “我们的干预不能让‘镍’组织停止从事其他黑客活动,但我们相信,我们已经移除了该组织最新一波攻击所依赖的部分关键基础设施,”伯特表示。
        Microsoft said it had found that the group often targeted regions in which China has a geopolitical interest. Nickel has targeted diplomatic organizations and foreign affairs ministries in the Western Hemisphere, Europe and Africa, among other groups, the company said.        微软称,它发现该组织经常将中国存在地缘政治利益的地区作为攻击目标。该公司表示,“镍”组织曾针对西半球、欧洲和非洲等地的外交组织和外交部发起攻击。
        The company said its Digital Crimes Unit, through 24 lawsuits, has taken down more than 10,000 malicious websites used by cybercriminals and almost 600 used by nation-state actors, and had blocked the registration of 600,000 more.        微软表示,通过24起诉讼,其数字犯罪部门已经关闭了网络罪犯所使用的一万多个恶意网站,以及国家行为者所使用的近600个网站,并阻止了另外60万个网站的注册。
        John Hammond, a researcher at the cybersecurity company Huntress Labs, said Microsoft’s move against the websites was a good example of “proactive protection against cybercrime.”        网络安全公司Huntress Labs的研究员约翰·哈蒙德表示,微软对这些网站采取的措施是“主动防范网络犯罪”的绝佳范例。
        “This action from Microsoft is a fine example of making those pre-emptive efforts before threat actors do more damage,” Mr. Hammond said, adding that it “sends a signal to the aggressor when key infrastructure gets taken offline.”        “微软这个举措是个很好的例子,在威胁行为者造成更大损害之前进行先发制人的努力,”哈蒙德说道。他还称,“切断关键基础设施会向攻击者发出一个信号。”
        U.S. cybersecurity agencies have warned that Chinese hacking presents a “major threat” to the United States and its allies.        美国网络安全机构曾警告,中国的黑客行为对美国及其盟国构成“重大威胁”。
        In July, the Biden administration accused the Chinese government of being responsible for a hacking campaign earlier this year that compromised a Microsoft email service used by some of the world’s largest companies and governments.        7月,拜登政府曾指责中国政府应对今年早些时候的一次黑客攻击负责,该攻击导致世界上一些大企业和政府使用的微软电子邮件服务系统遭到入侵。
        Some of the European governments who condemned China at the time accused it of allowing hackers to operate in Chinese territory, but the U.S. and Britain went a step further, saying that the Chinese government was directly responsible.        当时谴责中国的一些欧洲政府指责中国允许黑客在其境内活动,美国和英国则更进一步,称中国政府对此负有直接责任。
        China’s Ministry of State Security “has fostered an ecosystem of criminal contract hackers who carry out both state-sponsored activities and cybercrime for their own financial gain,” Secretary of State Antony J. Blinken said at the time.        中国国家安全部“扶植了一个涉及犯罪的合同黑客生态系统,这些黑客既执行政府支持的行动,也从事以自身经济利益为目的的网络犯罪活动”,国务卿布林肯当时表示。
        Liu Pengyu, a spokesman for the Chinese Embassy, said at the time the accusation was one of many “groundless attacks.”        中国驻美大使馆发言人刘鹏宇当时称,该指控是对中国的众多“无端攻击”之一。

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