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In Its War on Covid-19, China Calls on ‘Little Inoculated Warriors’

来源:纽约时报    2021-12-07 02:39

        As the rest of the world struggles to vaccinate adults in the face of a threat from a new coronavirus variant, China has embarked on an ambitious campaign that it says will give the country better protection against Covid-19: full inoculation of 160 million of its youngest citizens by the end of the year.        面对新冠病毒新变异株的威胁,就在全世界仍难让成年人打上疫苗之际,中国已经展开了一场号称能让这个国家更好地抵御新冠的声势浩大的运动:到今年年底,为国内1.6亿儿童完成接种。
        The campaign — powered in part with red flower stickers, balloons and boxes of toys for children who step up to become what nurses call “little inoculated warriors”— has gotten off to a fast start. In the first two weeks of the effort, which began in late October, 84 million boys and girls between the ages of 3 and 11, about half of the eligible population, received the first of two shots, according to the most recent government data.        这场运动得以迅速开展,部分推动力来源于用红花贴纸、气球和一盒盒玩具,用来奖励被护士赞为“接种小勇士”的孩子们。政府最新数据显示,10月底启动这项运动后的前两周内,已有8400万3–11岁的儿童人接种了两剂疫苗的第一针,占到该年龄段总人口约一半。
        By contrast, in the United States, 2.6 million children between ages 5 and 11, or about 10 percent of the eligible population, received one dose over roughly the same time period.        相比之下,同时期美国5–11岁的儿童中有260万人完成了一剂疫苗接种,约占该年龄段总人口的10%。
        The push is part of Beijing’s unrelenting march toward herd immunity, the point at which enough people are immune to the virus that it cannot spread through the population. With less than three months before the Winter Olympics in Beijing, Chinese officials are doubling down on that strategy. And with 1.1 billion adults already vaccinated, young people are seen as an important part of its success.        这是中国向群体免疫迈进的不懈努力的一部分,群体免疫是指有足够多的人对病毒具备免疫力,从而让病毒无法在人群中传播。距离北京冬奥会还有不到三个月时间,中国官员正在加速推进这一战略。中国已有11亿成年人接种了疫苗,儿童也被视为此战略取得成功的重要环节。
        The campaign faces significant obstacles, including parental reluctance in a country with a checkered history of safety on children’s vaccines. The government insists that child inoculations are voluntary, but parents have described coming under pressure to get their children vaccinated.        在这个儿童疫苗安全问题曾经多发的国家,这场运动面临着巨大的阻碍,包括家长的不情愿。政府坚称给儿童接种疫苗遵循自愿原则,但很多家长描述他们受到了给孩子接种疫苗的压力。
        When You Xun declined to have his 3-year-old son vaccinated in the city of Ningde, the boy was suddenly sent home from school. “Urgent notice! Urgent notice! Please, parents of all the babies who haven’t had the Covid vaccines, come to the kindergarten now to take your child home,” the message said.        当游寻(音)拒绝让三岁的儿子在宁波市接种疫苗时,这个男孩突然被学校送回家了。“紧急通知!紧急通知!请所有未接种新冠疫苗的宝贝,家长现在来幼儿园把孩子接回家哈,”他收到的信息中写道。
        Many parents rushed to have their sons and daughters inoculated, worried that they would not be allowed to attend school otherwise. Mr. You and his wife decided not to, fearing that the vaccine might not be safe for young people. After several days of silence from the kindergarten, he visited local authorities to complain about his son’s apparent expulsion.        因为害怕不接种就不能上学,许多家长赶紧带儿女打了疫苗。游寻和妻子决定不打,他们担心疫苗对年幼群体可能有害。幼儿园好几天都没有回应,随后他找到地方当局,就儿子等于是被园方开除这件事发起投诉。
        Officials told him that there was no rule forbidding unvaccinated children to attend class. So Mr. You took his son back to school the next day. “From top to the bottom, it is a disguised pressure campaign to enforce vaccination,” he said.        官员告诉他,没有规定禁止没打疫苗的小孩上学。于是,游寻第二天就把儿子送回了幼儿园。“从上到下,都是变相强制在打,”他说。
        Though Chinese vaccines are generally considered safe, the country also has a history of administering spoiled shots and guarding any information about negative incidents.        虽然中国的疫苗总体上被认为是安全的,但该国也有疫苗失效和封锁负面事件消息的历史。
        In a 2018 scandal, possibly hundreds of thousands of children were injected with ineffective vaccines for diphtheria, tetanus and whooping cough. And in 2013, 17 infants died after receiving a Chinese-made hepatitis B vaccine. While that vaccine has been widely used since, the authorities moved quickly to silence critics.         在2018年的一起丑闻中,可能有数十万儿童接种了失效的白喉、破伤风和百日咳疫苗。2013年,17名婴儿在接种了中国生产的乙肝疫苗后死亡。该疫苗此后仍被广泛使用,而当局迅速将批评者噤声。
        Herd immunity is a goal most countries have abandoned — particularly with the emergence of new variants such as Omicron and Delta — but one that China has set as a prerequisite for reopening its borders.        群体免疫是大多数国家已经放弃的目标,尤其是在奥密克戎和德尔塔这些新变异株出现后,但中国仍将其作为重新开放边境的先决条件。
        “Their hope is that by increasing the vaccination rate, it will give them the confidence to open up in the future,” said Yanzhong Huang, director of the Center for Global Health Studies at Seton Hall University.        “他们希望通过提高疫苗接种率,给未来的开放带来信心,”西东大学全球健康研究中心主任黄严忠表示。
        Getting there will be difficult, in part because the country’s vaccines appear to be less effective than their Western competitors. By relying solely on its current vaccines, “China is unlikely to build this herd immunity,” he said.        实现这个目标将是困难的,部分原因是中国疫苗的效力似乎不如其西方疫苗。仅仅依靠现有的疫苗,“中国不太可能建立这种群体免疫,”他说道。
        That has not stopped officials from working tirelessly to get vaccines into the arms of the country’s smallest citizens. Kindergarten teachers across the country have sent out personal appeals urging parents to “hurry up” and get their students vaccinated. “Please respond to the national call to guide your child to take the initiative and actively get vaccinated,” one education bureau wrote in a public letter to parents.        尽管如此,官员们还是不遗余力地将疫苗注射进年龄最小的国民群体的手臂里。全国各地的幼儿园教师都在以个人名义催促家长“尽快行动”,让他们的学生打上疫苗。“请响应国家号召,带领孩子主动、积极接种疫苗,”某地教育局在给家长的公开信中写道。
        In the eastern city of Hangzhou, in the southern cities of Guangzhou and Shenzhen, and in Beijing, kindergartens have sent out notices in private chat groups with parents suggesting that vaccination is required, according to interviews and messages reviewed by The New York Times. The parents are often asked to answer publicly whether their children have received a shot. If the parents decline, they are asked to submit in writing the reason for not getting their child vaccinated.        根据《纽约时报》查阅的采访和信息,在东部城市杭州、南部城市广州和深圳、还有北京,各地幼儿园都在家长参与的私人聊天群中发出通知,暗示必须接种疫苗。家长们经常被要求公开回答自己的孩子是否接种过一剂。如果家长拒绝回答,就会被要求以书面形式提交不让孩子接种疫苗的原因。
        Responding to a request for comment, officials at the education bureaus in Guangzhou and Ningde said vaccination for children ages 3 to 11 was not mandatory. An official at the Guangzhou office said no directive had been issued to prohibit children without vaccines from attending school.        在回应置评请求时,广州和宁德教育局的官员表示,3–11岁儿童的疫苗接种不是强制性的。广州办事处的一名官员表示,没有发布禁止未接种疫苗的儿童上学的指令。
        In June, China approved the use of its Sinovac and Sinopharm vaccines in children between the ages of 3 and 17. But until late October, only children 12 and up were being given shots, with the exception of at-risk children who were younger.        中国在6月批准了在3–17岁的青少年人群中使用其科兴和国药疫苗。但直到10月底,除了年龄较小的高风险儿童外,只有12岁及以上的儿童才能接种疫苗。
        Though limited data has been provided, the two vaccines were approved based on Phase 1 and 2 trials showing them to be safe for children. The National Health Commission has said the safety and effectiveness of the Chinese vaccine for young children “does not differ significantly” from that for older children and adults.         尽管提供的数据有限,但这两种疫苗是根据1期和2期试验获得批准的,这些试验表明它们对儿童是安全的。国家卫健委表示,相比较大儿童和成人,疫苗在3–11岁人群中的安全性和免疫原性与18岁以上的人群没有显著性差异。
        Still, some parents are uneasy.        尽管如此,一些家长还是感到不安。
        On Nov. 5, Nicolas Zhang got a message in the chat group he shares with other parents from his 5-year-old daughter’s kindergarten class in the southern city of Shenzhen. The school informed the parents that their children were required to get vaccinated, Mr. Zhang said. He and his wife, who are both vaccinated, hesitated.        11月5日,在南方城市深圳,尼古拉斯·张(音)在其五岁女儿的幼儿园班级家长群里收到一条消息。张先生说,学校通知家长,他们的孩子必须接种疫苗。他和他的妻子都接种了疫苗。两人还在犹豫。
        “After massive vaccinations in our country, how many of them have had adverse reactions?” said Mr. Zhang, 35. “There is also no public media to do the follow-up, nor any government department to deal with it publicly.”        “我们国家大面积打了之后,有多少不良的反应?”35岁的张先生说,“也没有公共媒体去跟进报道,或者国家的有关的部门去真的去公开去处理这个事情。”
        China is the world’s last zero-Covid holdout, and officials have shown no willingness to change course. Cities of millions of people continue to be locked down during minor outbreaks; tourist sites like Shanghai Disneyland have been shut down to carry out on-the-spot testing. People who lie about infections, hide symptoms or try to escape quarantine do so under threat of prison.        中国是世界上最后一个仍在坚持清零政策的国家,官员们没有表现出改变路线的打算。在小规模暴发期间,数百万人口的城市继续被封锁;上海迪士尼乐园等旅游景点关门进行现场核酸检测。尽管面临被关进监狱的风险,人们仍然隐瞒感染、掩盖症状或试图逃避隔离。
        “This is about the collective force, so that if you don’t comply you will be left behind. Your kids will be looked down on by the community and their teachers,” said Bei Wu, a professor of global health at New York University and an expert in China’s public health policy.        “这就是集体力量,所以如果你不遵守,你就会被甩在后面。你的孩子会被社区和他们的老师看不起,”纽约大学全球健康教授、中国公共卫生政策专家吴蓓说。
        Despite the lingering doubts of parents like Mr. You and Mr. Zhang, China will probably succeed in getting most of its youngest citizens inoculated by the end of the year. The authorities have galvanized nurses, doctors and community health workers to convince every parent that their child should roll up a sleeve not only for their own health, but for the good of the country.        尽管像游讯和张先生这样的父母心存疑虑,但到今年年底,中国可能会成功让大多数少年儿童接种疫苗。当局鼓励护士、医生和社区卫生工作者说服每一位父母,他们的孩子应该接种,这不仅是为了自己的健康,也是为了国家的利益。
        The ruling Communist Party has pointed to the country’s low Covid-19 numbers — fewer than 5,000 people have died — as evidence that China’s authoritarian model is superior to the rest of the world, even as its borders remain closed and ordinary citizens find their personal freedom severely restricted during outbreaks.        执政的共产党将该国的低新冠数字——死亡人数不到5000——作为证据,表明中国的威权模式优于世界其他地区,然而其边境仍然关闭,普通公民的个人自由在疫情期间受到严格限制。
        “What we need is collective freedom, social freedom and national freedom,” Zhong Nanshan, China’s top disease expert, said. “Only with these freedoms can we have individual freedom.”        “我们需要的是集体的自由,社会的自由,国家的自由,”中国顶级疾病专家钟南山说。“只有有这些自由才会有个人的自由。”

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