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Could a Chewing Gum Reduce COVID-19 Spread? Researchers Believe It Can

来源:中国日报    2021-12-09 08:00

        Researchers at the University of Pennsylvania are working to create a special chewing gum that could help reduce the spread of COVID-19 by "trapping" the virus so a person can't transmit it to someone else.宾夕法尼亚大学新冠病毒研究人员正在努力研制一种特殊口香糖,它可以通过“诱捕”新冠病毒阻止其感染他人,从而帮助抑制新冠疫情传播。
        "This gum offers an opportunity to neutralize the virus in the saliva, giving us a simple way to possibly cut down on a source of disease transmission," Henry Daniell, a professor at the University of Pennsylvania School of Dental Medicine and leader of the research, told Penn Today.宾大口腔医学学院教授亨利·丹尼尔是该研究的负责人,他告诉Penn Today网站:“这种口香糖可中和唾液中的病毒,为我们提供了一种可能减少疾病传播的简单方法。”
        "Henry's approach of making the proteins in plants and using them orally is inexpensive, hopefully scalable; it really is clever," Ronald Collman, a virologist at Penn Medicine who is working on the research, told Penn Today.宾夕法尼亚大学医学院病毒学家罗纳德·科尔曼在接受Penn Today采访时表示:“亨利从植物中提取ACE2蛋白并口服使用,这种方法成本低,有希望广泛推广,非常巧妙。”
        "We are already using masks and other physical barriers to reduce the chance of transmission," Daniell said. "This gum could be used as an additional tool in that fight."丹尼尔说:“我们已经在使用口罩和其他物理屏障来减少病毒传播的途径。这种口香糖可以作为我们额外的防疫武器。”

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