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Staring at your mobile phone in the dark could harm your eyes

来源:中国日报    2021-12-11 09:00

        Researchers have found high levels of looking at a phone or tablet is linked with around a 30 percent higher risk of short-sightedness, also known as myopia. But when it is combined with excessive computer use, that risk rose to around 80 percent.研究人员发现,长时间盯着手机或平板电脑会使患近视的风险增加约30%。但如果再加上过度使用电脑,这种风险将上升到80%左右。
        Staring at a screen continuously for hours on end causes focusing fatigue. To avoid this, many eye experts recommend the “20-20-20 rule” – looking away from your phone/computer screen every 20 minutes and focusing on an object at least 20ft away for at least 20 seconds. 连续数小时盯着屏幕会导致聚焦性眼疲劳。为了避免这一点,很多眼科专家推荐“20-20-20规则”,也就是每20分钟让眼睛离开手机或电脑屏幕,盯着20英尺(约合6.1米)外的物体看至少20秒。
        Smartphone blindness happens when people lie on their side at night, with one eye against the pillow and the other staring at the smartphone screen. 人们晚上侧躺着看手机,一只眼靠着枕头,另一只眼盯着手机屏幕的时候会出现“智能手机眼盲症”。
        Most monitors let you adjust the color temperature manually. It's best to use a warmer (yellowish) color temperature in dark rooms and a colder (bluer) color temperature in bright rooms.大多数显示器可以手动调节色调。最好在黑暗的房间里使用偏暖色调(偏黄),在明亮的房间里使用偏冷色调(偏蓝)。

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