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World population set to decline for the first time in centuries says study

来源:中国日报    2021-12-13 08:00

        The world’s population is currently estimated to be at 7.8 billion people. According to the estimate, the global population would peak at around 9.7 billion in 2064. Then it will fall to 8.79 billion in 2100.目前,全球人口预计为 78 亿。 据估计,全球人口将在2064年达到峰值,约为97亿。然后在 2100 年下降到 87.9 亿。
        China is the world’s most populated country. But it will see its population drop from 1.4 billion in 2017 to 732 million in 2100.中国是目前世界上人口最多的国家,但到2100年,中国的人口将从 2017 年的 14 亿下降到 7.32 亿。
        This encompasses North Africa, the Middle East, and Sub-Saharan Africa. It is likely to triple in population from 1.03 billion in 2017 to 3.07 billion in 2100 over the century.人口增长地区包括北非、中东和撒哈拉以南非洲。在本世纪内,这些地区的人口可能会从2017年的10.3亿增加到2100年的30.7亿。
        World population decline driven by fertility decline生育率下降导致全球人口下降
        The fertility rate is the average number of children a woman has over her lifetime. The worldwide total fertility rate is likely to steadily drop, from 2.37 in 2017 to 1.66 in 2100. It is significantly below the minimum rate (2.1 live births per woman) necessary to maintain population levels, he added.生育率是女性一生中平均生育子女的数量。全球总生育率可能会稳步下降,从2017年的2.37下降到2100年的1.66。这远低于维持人口水平所需的最低生育率(平均每位女性 2.1的生育率)。

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