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In I.O.C.’s ‘Quiet Diplomacy,’ Critics See Whitewash of China’s Actions

来源:纽约时报    2021-11-29 10:38

        The International Olympic Committee was under siege.        国际奥林匹克委员会遭到抨击。
        Peng Shuai, a three-time Olympian from China, had not been heard from for weeks after making sexual abuse allegations against a senior political official, a man who had played a central role in preparations for the coming Winter Games in Beijing.        参加过三届奥运会的中国运动员彭帅对一名高官提出性侵指控后,曾有数周时间下落不明。该官员曾在即将到来的北京冬奥会筹备工作中起领导作用。
        Initially silent on the disappearance of Peng, a women’s tennis star, Olympic officials were now facing a growing global chorus of concern. The WTA Tour, through its chief executive, was demanding answers and an investigation. Fellow tennis stars like Serena Williams and Naomi Osaka — but also human rights groups, politicians and everyday fans — were using social media to ask #WhereIsPengShuai? Media organizations were flooding the internet with news coverage.        最初对女子网球明星彭帅的消失保持沉默的奥运官员们现在面对着越来越多的全球担忧之声。国际女子网球协会(简称WTA)巡回赛首席执行官要求得到答案并展开调查。小威廉姆斯、大坂直美等网球明星,还有人权组织、政治人士和普通粉丝们,都在社交媒体上提出了“彭帅在哪里”的问题。在互联网上,到处都是传媒机构的有关报道。
        Cornered by the criticism, the I.O.C. finally responded. This, Olympic officials insisted, was a time not for public statements but for “quiet diplomacy.”        被批评逼入困境的国际奥委会终于做出回应。奥运官员坚称,目前不是公开发声的时候,而是要进行“静默外交”。
        For the organization’s many critics, the guarded, cautious language — viewed more as an attempt to explain away its silence rather than ensure Peng’s safety — was just the latest proof that the I.O.C. will not take any action that might upset China’s government, its partner for a Winter Olympics that is now only months away.        在国际奥委会的许多批评者看来,这种有保留的谨慎说法更多是为了试图辩解奥委会的沉默,而不是为了确保彭帅的安全,这再次让人看到,国际奥委会不会采取任何可能惹恼中国政府的行动。在几个月后就要开幕的冬季奥运会上,中国政府是它的合作伙伴。
        The response drew public condemnation and frustration behind the scenes in the Olympic movement.        这个回应引起了公众的谴责,也在奥林匹克运动的幕后引发不满。
        “The I.O.C. must not be complicit in protecting the regime and allowing it be captured for Chinese propaganda purposes,” said Maximilian Klein, the head of international relations for Athleten Deutschland, a representative group for German athletes.        “国际奥委会不能串通一气保护这个政权,让自己成为中国达到宣传目的的工具,”德国运动员代表机构德国运动员协会的国际关系负责人马克西米利安·克莱因说。
        Many national Olympic committees, facing pressure at home to speak out more forcefully on China’s human rights record, are now grumbling about what they feel is a failure of leadership by the I.O.C. Some fear that the unwillingness of Olympic leaders to challenge or pressure China has left them, and their athletes, exposed to possible retribution during the Games.        许多国家的奥委会在国内面临压力,要求它们站出来更有力地反对中国的人权纪录;针对它们看来国际奥委会在领导方面的失败,它们现在也是牢骚满腹。一些奥委会担心,奥运领导人不愿挑战中国或向中国施压,使它们和运动员在冬奥会期间可能遭受惩罚。
        “In absence of them saying something, it shifts pressure to others to do so,” said one national Olympic committee official, who declined to be quoted by name out of fear of making an uncomfortable situation worse. “If we start being critical, all of a sudden it becomes more political if a nation starts to criticize China.”        “在他们不说话的情况下,说话的压力就转移到其他人身上,”一个国家的奥委会官员说,由于担心让本已令人不安的情况变得更糟,这名官员要求不具名。“如果我们开始批评,如果一个国家开始批评中国,这个问题突然之间就会变得更加政治化。”
        “We are the ones that need to keep our heads down,” the official added, “not the I.O.C.”        “需要低调行事的是我们,”这名官员补充说,“而不是国际奥委会。”
        The efforts of top Olympic officials to clarify Peng’s status have done little to ease the crisis of confidence. On Sunday, the I.O.C. released an image of a video call involving Peng and Thomas Bach, the I.O.C. president. The call was the first known contact between the tennis player and a Western sports official since she went public with her sexual assault allegations, and since China, which once hailed her successes in state media, quickly deleted them and then moved to erase any mention of her accusation.        奥运官员为了澄清彭帅目前的状态所做的努力未能缓解信任危机。上周日,国际奥委会公布了该机构主席托马斯·巴赫与彭帅进行视频通话的图片。这是她公开提出性侵指控后,与西方体育官员的首次已知接触。中国迅速删除了她的指控,并在网上将提及指控的内容悉数删除。中国官媒曾赞扬过彭帅的成功。
        Rather than assuage concerns, though, the call only raised more questions about the relationship the I.O.C. enjoys with China’s government.        视频通话非但没有减轻人们的担忧,反而让人们对国际奥委会与中国政府的关系产生了更多的疑问。
        The I.O.C. statement accompanying the image provided scant details of what was discussed during the 30-minute meeting with Peng, 35, and it conspicuously avoided reference to the sexual assault allegations against Zhang Gaoli, a former vice premier of China who retired in 2018. Zhang was vice premier when Beijing was awarded the Winter Olympics in 2015, and he led an organizational committee that oversaw preparations. In 2016, he met Bach during a visit to China.        在配发了图片的声明中,国际奥委会没有提供与现年35岁的彭帅进行的30分钟视频通话的细节,而且明显避开了针对张高丽的性侵指控。张高丽曾任中国副总理,已于2018年退休。2015年北京获得冬奥会举办权时,张高丽是国务院副总理,曾领导北京冬奥会组织委员会,负责筹备工作。巴赫2016年访问中国时与张高丽见过面。
        In the single image released by the I.O.C., Peng is smiling broadly in a room filled with plush toys, including mascots from previous Olympics. The I.O.C. statement said Bach ended the call by suggesting he and Peng try to meet for dinner when he arrives in Beijing in January. The committee did not release any audio or transcript of what Peng said in her own words or suggest Bach or anyone else asked her about her sexual assault claims.        在国际奥委会发布的唯一一张图片中,彭帅满面笑容地坐在一个房间里,身后摆满了毛绒玩具,包括前几届奥运会的吉祥物。国际奥委会的声明说,巴赫在结束通话时提出他希望在明年1月抵达北京后能与彭帅共进晚餐。国际奥委会没有公布彭帅说话的音频或文字记录,也没有暗示巴赫或任何人问过她关于性侵指控的问题。
        “To just kind of whitewash the whole thing — ‘Nothing to see here!’— is generally problematic,” said Sarah Cook, the director of research for China at Freedom House, a rights organization based in Washington, D.C., referring to the I.O.C.’s handling of the case and its relationship generally with the Olympic hosts. “Collaborating with the Chinese government to suppress people’s rights is different than anything that has been done before.”        “用‘这里没有什么可看的!’来粉饰整件事情,通常存在问题,”总部设在华盛顿特区的人权组织“自由之家”的中国研究主管萨拉·库克说道,她指的是国际奥委会处理这件事情的方式及其与奥运会主办国的普遍关系。“与中国政府合作压制人民的权利,是不同于以往任何时候的做法。”
        Richard Pound, a Canadian lawyer and the I.O.C.’s longest-serving member, defended the organization’s tactics — and took aim at its critics — in an interview last week.        加拿大律师理查德·庞德是国际奥委会任职时间最长的成员,他在上周的一次采访中为该组织的做法进行了辩护,并将矛头指向国际奥委会的批评者。
        “What the I.O.C. established is that quiet and discreet diplomacy gets you better than clashing cymbals,” Pound said. “That’s not the way you deal with any country, certainly not with China.”        “国际奥委会认可的是,静默谨慎的外交比吵吵闹闹的冲突更管用,”庞德说。“后者不是与任何国家打交道的方式,当然也不是与中国打交道的方式。”
        It is unclear how Bach managed to engineer a call with Peng when the WTA Tour and others had been unsuccessful, though the presence on the call of an I.O.C. member from China, Li Lingwei, offered a tantalizing clue.        目前尚不清楚巴赫是如何设法与彭帅进行视频通话的,WTA巡回赛和其他人在这方面都未能成功。不过,在和彭帅的视频通话中,奥委会中国成员李玲蔚的在场提供了一个引人遐想的线索。
        “The I.O.C. has vaulted itself from silence about Beijing’s abysmal human rights record to active collaboration with Chinese authorities in undermining freedom of speech and disregarding alleged sexual assault,” said Yaqiu Wang, a senior China researcher at Human Rights Watch. “The I.O.C. appears to prize its relationship with a major human rights violator over the rights and safety of Olympic athletes.”        “国际奥委会已从对北京糟糕的人权记录保持沉默,一跃成为与中国当局积极合作、破坏言论自由、无视性侵指控的机构,”人权观察中国部高级研究员王亚秋说。“国际奥委会似乎更看重自己与一个主要的侵犯人权政府的关系,认为这种关系比奥运会运动员的权利和安全更重要。”
        Teng Biao, a lawyer and prominent human rights campaigner who was detained in 2008 for criticizing China’s preparations for that year’s Summer Olympics, said it was illogical that Peng would have organized a call with Bach by herself. In a telephone interview from his home in New Jersey, where he now lives in exile, Teng suggested the authorities in Beijing had set up the call with Bach rather than risk one between Peng and a critic like the WTA Tour chief executive, Steve Simon, who has pressed China publicly to allow Peng to move and speak freely.        知名人权活动人士滕彪律师曾在2008年因批评中国为当年的夏季奥运会做的准备工作而被拘留。他说,彭帅全靠自己安排与巴赫的通话不合逻辑。滕彪目前流亡美国,他在自己的新泽西家中接受电话采访时暗示,是中国政府安排了彭帅与巴赫的通话,政府不想冒下让彭帅与WTA巡回赛首席执行官史蒂夫·西蒙这样的批评者通话的风险。西蒙曾公开要求中国允许彭帅有行动和言论的自由。
        When it comes to the Olympics in Beijing, Teng said, “The I.O.C. and Bach are not neutral.”        滕彪在提到北京奥运会时说,“国际奥委会和巴赫都不中立。”
        For Bach, a pragmatist, there has been little room to maneuver once China secured hosting rights to the 2022 Winter Games six years ago amid a dearth of suitable candidate cities. The Olympics generate 91 percent of the organization’s income, so the I.O.C. has long avoided doing anything that might put at risk those billions of dollars in revenue.        由于缺乏合适的候选城市,中国在六年前获得了2022年冬奥会的主办权。在那之后,对实用主义者巴赫来说,几乎没有多少回旋余地。奥运会为国际奥委会带来91%的收入,因此国际奥委会长期以来一直避免做任何可能危及数十亿美元收入的事情。
        “Thomas Bach is all about protecting the Olympics,” Adam Pengilly, a former I.O.C. member, said in explaining how Bach, formerly a gold-medal-winning fencer, has moved to secure the future of the Games since assuming the presidency in 2013.        “托马斯·巴赫所做的一切都是为了保护奥运会,”前国际奥委会成员亚当·彭吉利在解释曾获击剑金牌的巴赫自2013年担任国际奥委会主席以来,为确保奥运会的未来所采取的做法时说。
        During his tenure, crucial long-term television agreements have been completed, and rules were changed to appoint Paris and Los Angeles hosts for the next two Olympics without competition. Then a small committee was empowered to streamline the process even further, effectively delivering the 2032 Summer Games to Brisbane, Australia, the home nation of the committee’s leader, before any other city could bid.        巴赫已在任期内达成了至关重要的电视转播长期协议,还改变规则,在没有竞争的情况下指定巴黎和洛杉矶为下两届奥运会的东道国。那之后,一个小委员会被授权进一步简化程序,等于是在其他城市有机会申办之前,把2032年夏季奥运会的主办权交给了该委员会领导人所在国澳大利亚的布里斯班。
        “He would justify that by saying, ‘I think this is the best way to protect the Olympics,’” Pengilly said of Bach. “When that’s your starting point, then you bring yourself into difficulties when stuff like this happens.”        “他会用‘我认为这是保护奥运会的最佳办法’来为这些做法辩护,”彭吉利谈到巴赫时说。“如果这是你的出发点,那么当这种事情发生时,你会让自己陷入困境。”
        The I.O.C. has wrestled with thorny questions about China’s human rights record for years. In 2008, when Beijing hosted the Summer Games, the I.O.C. adopted a public relations posture that the greater scrutiny the Olympics bring would ultimately yield positive changes within Chinese society.        多年来,国际奥委会一直在处理有关中国人权记录的棘手问题上绞尽脑汁。北京主办2008年夏季奥运会时,国际奥委会采取的公关姿态是,奥运会带来的更多外界关注最终会在中国社会产生积极的变化。
        Yet since then, the opposite has happened. While in 2008 the focus was largely on China’s policies in Tibet, its government now also faces criticism of its crackdown on political freedoms in Hong Kong, the semiautonomous territory, and its repression in the Xinjiang region, where hundreds of thousands of Uyghurs and other Muslims have been detained in a campaign that the United States has called genocidal.        然而在那之后,相反的情况发生了。虽然2008年人们关注的焦点主要是中国的西藏政策,中国政府现在面临更多的外界批评,是因为在半自治的香港压制政治自由,在新疆地区对成千上万的维吾尔族和其他穆斯林少数民族进行大规模拘禁,美国已将中国的新疆政策称为种族灭绝。
        Tarred as complicit in human rights violations, the I.O.C. that once suggested it could change China by giving it the Games has more recently argued that it can control only what happens inside the Olympic bubble.        曾表示通过举办奥运会可改变中国的国际奥委会,已被指责与侵犯人权者是一丘之貉,但国际奥委会最近辩称,它只能控制奥运会“泡泡”内发生的事情。
        “The International Olympic Committee, as a civil nongovernmental organization, is strictly politically neutral at all times,” Bach wrote last year in a column published by The Guardian. “Neither awarding the Games, nor participating, are a political judgment regarding the host country.”        “国际奥委会作为一个民间的非政府组织,在任何时候都严格保持政治中立,”巴赫去年在《卫报》发表的一篇观点文章中写道。“无论是授予举办权还是参加奥运会,都不是对主办国的政治判断。”
        Christophe Dubi, the most senior I.O.C. official responsible for the Olympics, insisted human rights clauses were included in its contract with Beijing, though Peng’s case appears to fall outside that agreement.        国际奥委会负责奥运会的最资深官员克里斯托夫·杜比坚称,奥委会与北京签署的举办合同中有关于人权的条款,虽然彭帅的情况似乎超出了合同的范围。
        “What is outside the contract is a different story, but we act where we have a contract and there we are very clear,” Dubi told The New York Times this week.        “合同之外的情况是另一回事,但我们在有合同的地方会行动,我们在这方面非常清楚,”杜比本周对《纽约时报》说。
        “I follow what is going on,” Dubi added, “and am I happy that the I.O.C. is being criticized? No, I am not happy that the I.O.C. is being criticized. I am not happy when I hear and read some of the stories.”        “我了解正在发生的事情,”杜比补充说,“我对国际奥委会受到批评高兴吗?不,我不高兴国际奥委会正在受到批评。听到和读到这些故事时,我不高兴。”
        Dubi insisted that no subject would be off limits to the news media attending and covering the Games, but whether there will be answers remains unclear. Chinese officials pressed about Peng initially claimed ignorance even as the story drew worldwide attention, and, like the I.O.C., the Chinese government still has not commented on the sexual assault allegations.        杜比坚称,参加和报道奥运会的新闻媒体可以做任何题材的报道,但是否有(彭帅一事的)答案仍不清楚。中国官员被问及彭帅一事时,最初曾声称不知情,尽管事情已引起世界关注,而且中国政府与国际奥委会一样,至今仍未对性侵指控发表看法。
        The Olympic committee’s light-touch response to them, though, may have ensured that nothing will derail the final push toward the opening ceremony in Beijing in less than 100 days.        不过,国际奥委会对中国的温和回应也许已经确保,任何事情都不会扰乱北京冬奥会开幕式前的最后努力,现在距开幕式已不到100天。
        “It does not encroach on anything I’m doing at my level to deliver the Games,” Dubi said.        “这不影响在我这个层面为举办奥运会做的任何事情,”杜比说。

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