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Origin of Virus May Remain Murky, U.S. Intelligence Agencies Say

来源:纽约时报    2021-11-01 02:08

        WASHINGTON — American intelligence agencies are unlikely to be able to draw a firm conclusion about the origin of the novel coronavirus without more information from China on the earliest cases or new scientific discoveries about the nature of the virus, said a newly declassified intelligence report released on Friday.        华盛顿——周五发布的一份最新解密情报称,如果不能从中国那里得到更多关于最早病例的信息,或对该病毒的性质有新的科学发现,美国情报机构不太可能就新冠病毒的起源得出确切结论。
        President Biden ordered the nation’s intelligence agencies in May to conduct a 90-day inquiry into the origins of the pandemic. When the key findings of that review were released in August, they failed to offer a single answer and instead reaffirmed the longstanding position of the agencies: The theory that the virus occurred naturally and the theory that it was accidentally created in a lab were both plausible.        拜登总统在5月下令美国情报机构对疫情起源进行为期90天的调查。主要调查结果于8月发布,未能给出一个明确答案,而是重申了这些机构的长期立场:病毒自然发生的说法和实验室意外泄漏的说法都有可能。
        But the report on Friday reiterated that the evidence to support either conclusion was thin, and that U.S. intelligence agencies know far too little about the origin of the virus. The intelligence community has concluded that the virus was not developed as a biological weapon.        但周五的报告重申,支持这两个结论的证据都很薄弱,而且美国情报机构对病毒的起源知之甚少。情报界的结论是,该病毒不是作为生物武器开发出来的。
        Analysts “assess that a natural origin and a laboratory associated incident are both plausible hypotheses for how SARS-CoV-2 first infected humans,” the report said. “Analysts, however, disagree on which is more likely, or whether an assessment can be made at all.”        报告称,分析师“评估了SARS-CoV-2首次感染人类的假设,即自然起源和实验室泄漏,认为两种假设均有可能。然而,分析师对哪种可能性更大,或者是否能做出评估存在分歧”。
        Four intelligence agencies, and the National Intelligence Council, consider the natural causes theory more plausible. One agency, the Federal Bureau of Investigation, backs the lab leak theory. But none of those agencies have delivered to the director of national intelligence or the White House a high-confidence assessment, which shows the doubt that continues to swirl around the question.        四个情报机构以及国家情报委员会(National Intelligence Council)认为自然起源的说法更合理。联邦调查局(Federal Bureau of Investigation)则支持实验室泄漏理论。但这些机构都没有向国家情报总监或白宫提供高置信度的评估,这表明该问题仍存在疑云。
        The intelligence community has broadly concluded that the virus causing Covid-19 was not deliberately engineered in a lab. But even that conclusion is made only with low confidence. Some genetic engineering techniques make modifications difficult to identify, particularly given existing gaps in knowledge about the diversity of naturally occurring coronaviruses.        情报界已基本得出结论,导致Covid-19的病毒不是在实验室中故意制造的。但即使该结论也只有很低的置信度。基因的修改可以通过一些基因工程技术使其难以识别,尤其是考虑到人们对于自然起源的冠状病毒的多样性方面还存在知识空白。
        “Some genetic engineering techniques may make genetically modified viruses indistinguishable from natural viruses, according to academic journal articles,” the report said.        该报告称:“根据学术期刊文章,一些基因工程技术可能会使人们无法区分基因改造病毒与天然病毒。”
        The intelligence report said the Wuhan Institute of Virology had previously made chimeras, or combinations of coronavirus that did not occur in nature. But that record provides little insight on whether the virus that causes Covid was genetically engineered, the report said.        情报报告称,武汉病毒研究所此前制造过嵌合体,是自然界中不存在的冠状病毒的组合。但该报告称,这一记录几乎无法说明导致新冠相关疾病的病毒是否经过基因改造。
        Some Republican lawmakers have seized on that so-called gain-of-function work at the institute, arguing it buttresses the lab leak theory. At a House Intelligence Committee hearing this week, Representative Brad Wenstrup, Republican of Ohio and a medical doctor, called for more examination of the institute’s work on creating chimeras.        一些共和党立法者抓住了该研究所被称为功能增益的基因工作,认为这支持了实验室泄漏理论。在本周的众议院情报委员会听证会上,俄亥俄州共和党众议员、医学博士布拉德·温斯特鲁普(Brad Wenstrup)呼吁对该研究所在制造嵌合体方面的工作进行更多审查。
        “In this case, that means experimentally combining components from two viruses into one for the sake of making it more infectious to the general public,” said Mr. Wenstrup, who has called for more hearings on the origin of the pandemic. “I can’t be sure that Covid-19 originated from a research-related accident or infection from a sampling trip, but I’m 100 percent sure there was a massive cover-up.”        “在这种情况下,这意味着通过实验将两种病毒合二为一,使其对公众更具传染性,”温斯特鲁普说,他呼吁就病毒起源举行更多听证会。“我无法确定Covid-19是源自与研究相关的事故还是在采样过程中受到感染,但我100%确定存在巨大的遮掩。”
        The National Institutes of Health has said the chimera experiments in Wuhan were based on coronaviruses that were not the progenitors of the virus that causes Covid.        美国国立卫生研究院(National Institutes of Health)表示,武汉的嵌合体实验基于冠状病毒,但这些冠状病毒不是导致新冠疾病的病毒的原祖。
        There is broad agreement in the Biden administration that China has not shared all it can about the origins of the outbreak. The intelligence report released on Friday called for more transparency by China, and said Beijing needed to release information about possible intermediate species that the virus could have infected before leaping to humans, what it knows about the nature of the first human infections and more data about the Wuhan Institute of Virology’s research work.        拜登政府普遍认为,中国并未尽其所能分享有关疫情起源的信息。周五发布的情报报告呼吁中国提高透明度,并表示北京需要发布有关该病毒在传染给人类之前受到感染的中间物种的信息、它对第一批感染的性质的了解,以及更多有关武汉病毒研究所研究工作的数据。
        But the report also made clear that on some matters Chinese officials were initially caught off guard. Critically, American intelligence analysts have assessed that Chinese officials did not know about the existence of the novel coronavirus until after Covid was detected in the population and it was isolated by the Wuhan institute.        但报告也明确表示,中国官员最初在某些问题上措手不及。关键的一点是,美国情报分析人员评估表示,直到在人群中发现新冠肺炎,武汉病毒研究所分离毒株后,中国官员才知道这种病毒的存在。
        “Accordingly, if the pandemic originated from a laboratory-associated incident, they probably were unaware in the initial months that such an incident had occurred,” the report said.        报告称:“因此,如果大流行源于实验室相关事件,他们可能在最初几个月不知道发生了此类事件。”
        The report also suggested that the Wuhan institute researchers were not aware of the virus until the outbreak was underway, since they quickly pivoted to working on Covid as the outbreak grew worse. The new report relied heavily on the apparent surprise of Chinese officials and the Wuhan institute’s researchers as the pandemic grew worse to buttress the natural causes theory.        该报告还表示,武汉研究所的研究人员在疫情暴发之前并不知道该病毒,因为他们在疫情恶化的时候迅速转向研究新冠疾病。新报告中支持自然起源说法的部分很大程度以中国官员和武汉研究所研究人员在疫情恶化时明显的惊讶反应为依据。
        The wide array of animals susceptible to the virus causing Covid, and the various ways humans in China come in contact with those animals — including trafficking, farming, sale and rescue — make natural transmission possible.        引起新冠疾病的病毒易感的动物种类繁多,以及中国人与这些动物接触的各种方式——包括贩运、养殖、售卖和救援——使自然传播成为可能。
        While no animal source has been found, “analysts that assess the pandemic was due to natural causes note that in many previous zoonotic outbreaks, the identification of animal sources has taken years, and in some cases, animal sources have not been identified,” the report said.        报告说,虽然尚未发现动物来源,但“评估大流行是自然起源的分析师指出,在以前许多人畜共患病的暴发中,动物来源的确认需要数年时间,某些疫情的动物来源始终未确定”。
        On the flip side, analysts who supported the lab leak theory have also not found a smoking gun. Instead, they have highlighted that previous coronavirus work at the Wuhan institute was conducted under “inadequate biosafety conditions that could have led to opportunities for a laboratory-associated incident.”        另一方面,支持实验室泄漏说法的分析人士也没有找到确凿的证据。相反,他们强调,武汉研究所之前的冠状病毒工作是在“不充分的生物安全条件下进行的,这可能导致实验室相关事件的发生”。
        The report said that some of the closest known relatives to the virus that causes Covid were found in bats from Yunnan Province. Researchers bringing samples to Wuhan could “provide a plausible link between these habitats and the city.”        报告称,在云南省的蝙蝠中发现的一些病毒与导致新冠疾病的病毒有着最近的亲缘关系。将样本带到武汉的研究人员“可能是这些栖息地与这座城市之间的关联”。
        “These analysts note that it is plausible that researchers may have unwittingly exposed themselves to the virus without sequencing it during experiments or sampling activities, possibly resulting in asymptomatic or mild infection,” the report said.        报告称:“这些分析师指出,研究人员可能在实验或采样活动中在不知情的情况下将自己暴露于病毒中,且没有对其进行测序,这种暴露可能导致无症状或轻度感染。”
        However, scientists have estimated that viruses identified in Yunnan diverged 40 years ago from the ancestors of SARS-CoV-2. Other viruses found in Laos bear a much closer similarity in some of their genes, and scientists expect that further investigation will uncover even more closely related coronaviruses in bats.        然而,科学家们估计,在云南发现的病毒从SARS-CoV-2的先祖中分离出去的时间约为40年前。在老挝发现的其他病毒在某些基因上更接近新冠病毒,科学家们预计,进一步的调查将在蝙蝠中发现和新冠病毒更密切相关的冠状病毒。

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