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Young Women Are Leading Climate Protests. Guess Who Runs Global Talks?

来源:纽约时报    2021-11-09 03:51

        GLASGOW — The week began with more than 130 presidents and prime ministers posing for a group photo in a century-old Baroque museum crafted from red sandstone. Fewer than 10 were women. Their median age, as their host at the climate summit, British Prime Minister Boris Johnson, reminded them, was over 60.        格拉斯哥——在一座有百年历史的巴洛克式红砂岩博物馆里,130多位总统和总理进行合影留念,开启了气候峰会的第一周。其中女性不到10人。气候峰会的东道国英国的首相约翰逊提醒他们,他们的年龄中位数超过60岁。
        The week ended with boisterous protests of thousands on the streets of Glasgow. A march on Friday was led by young climate activists, some barely old enough to vote in their countries. They accused the world leaders of wasting what little time remains to safeguard their future.        这一周以格拉斯哥街头数以千计人的喧嚣抗议而告终。周五的游行由年轻的气候活动人士领导,其中一些人的年龄小到还不能在他们自己的国家投票。他们的未来危在旦夕,为此他们指责世界领导人在挥霍仅存的一点时间。
        These bookends to the first week of this watershed international climate summit in Scotland reveal a widening divide that threatens to grow larger in the weeks and months ahead.        这场划时代的国际气候峰会在苏格兰举行,以这样的方式结束第一周揭示了不断扩大的分歧,并且有可能在未来几周和几个月愈演愈烈。
        Those with the power to make decisions about how much the world warms in the coming decades are mostly old and male. Those who are angriest about the pace of climate action are mostly young and female.        那些有权决定未来几十年世界变暖程度的人大多是老年男性。对气候行动步伐缓慢感到最愤怒的大多是年轻女性。
        The two sides have vastly divergent views of what the summit should achieve. Indeed, they seem to have different notions of time.        双方对峰会应取得怎样的效果存在很大分歧。事实上,他们对时间似乎有不同的理解。
        At the summit, leaders are setting goals for 2030 at the earliest. In some cases, they’re setting targets for 2060 and 2070, when many of today’s activists will be hitting retirement age. The activists say change must come immediately. They want countries to abruptly stop using fossil fuels and to repair the climate damage that is now being felt in all corners of the globe but is especially punishing the most vulnerable people in the Global South. For them, mid-century is an eternity.        在峰会上,各国领导人制定的目标最早的是2030年。有的设定了2060、2070年,届时许多现在的活动人士将达到退休年龄。他们说,必须做出改变了。他们希望各国马上停止使用化石燃料,并对世界各地都出现的气候破坏加以修复,这些气候破坏尤其在惩罚发展中世界最脆弱的人群。对他们来说,生活永远停留在了上世纪中期。
        “Now is the time. Yesterday was the time,” is how Dominique Palmer, 22, an activist with Fridays for Future International, put it during a panel discussion at The New York Times Climate Hub on Thursday. “We need action right now.”        “现在是时候了。昨天就是时候了,”22岁的多米尼克·帕尔默周四在《纽约时报》气候中心的小组讨论中这样说道。他是“星期五为未来国际”的一名活动人士。“我们现在就要采取行动。”
        Social movements have almost always been led by young people. But what makes the climate movement’s generational divide so pointed — and the fury of the young so potent — is that world leaders have been meeting and talking about the need to address climate change since before most of the protesters were born, with few results.        社会运动几乎总是由年轻人领导。但让气候运动的代沟如此分明、年轻人的愤怒如此强烈的原因是,在大多数抗议者出生以前,世界各国领导人就一直在开会讨论应对气候变化的必要性,但收效甚微。
        World leaders are showing a sensitivity to that criticism. Their public and private remarks in Glasgow have been laced with both paeans to the passion of the young as well as a hint of anxiety. They’ll have to face young voters back home; many of these leaders have done so already, with climate action emerging as an important election issue, at least in some countries, including in the United States. In Germany, voters elected their youngest Parliament, with the Green Party recording its best result ever and launching climate change to the top of its agenda.        世界领导人表现出他们意识到了这些批评。无论是公开还是私下,他们在格拉斯哥都称赞了年轻人对气候事业的热忱,同时还有一丝焦虑。他们将不得不面对国内的年轻选民;其中许多领导人已是如此,至少在包括美国在内的一些国家,气候行动已成为一个重要的选举议题。在德国,选民选出了一届最年轻的议会,绿党创下有史以来最好的结果,并将气候变化作为其议程的首要任务。
        The organizers of the conference took pains to include youth speakers in the official program. One after another, heads of state and government rose to the podium this week and assured attendees that they had heard the demands of the young.
        This did not impress Mitzi Jonelle Tan, a 24-year-old climate activist who had come to Glasgow from the Philippines. “When I hear leaders say they want to listen to our generation I think they’re lying to themselves,” Ms. Tan said in an interview on the eve of the Friday protests.        这并没有让24岁的气候活动家米兹·乔内尔·谭感到满意,她是从菲律宾来到格拉斯哥的。“当我听到领导人说他们想听取我们这一代人的意见时,我认为他们在自欺欺人,”谭在周五抗议活动前夕接受采访时说。
        If they are really listening, she went on, “they would be prioritizing people over profit.”        她继续说道,如果他们真的在倾听,“他们会优先考虑人而不是利润。”
        “Cognitive dissonance,” was the verdict of Eric Njuguna, 19, who had come from Kenya. “We were expecting serious commitments at COP26 on climate finance and climate mitigation. The commitments aren’t strong enough.”        19岁的肯尼亚人埃里克·纽古纳给出了“认知失调”的结论。“我们期待在COP26上就气候融资和减缓气候变化做出认真的承诺。但这些承诺不够有力。”
        There is a huge gap between how the leaders and the young activists view the summit.        领导人和年轻活动家对峰会的看法存在巨大差距。
        John Kerry, the 77-year-old U.S. climate envoy, marveled on Friday at the progress made at this summit.        周五,77岁的美国气候特使约翰·克里对本次峰会取得的进展表示惊叹。
        “I’ve been to a great many COPs and I will tell you there is a greater sense of urgency at this COP,” Mr. Kerry told reporters.        克里告诉记者:“我参加过很多次缔约方会议,我得说这次缔约方会议有更强烈的紧迫感。”
        He acknowledged the complexity of global negotiations. Diplomats are still hammering out the rules of global carbon trading and discussing how to address demands for reparations from countries that have played no role in creating the climate problem but that have suffered its most acute effects.        他承认全球谈判的复杂性。外交官们仍在敲定全球碳交易的规则,对于那些没有对气候造成破坏,但遭受最严重影响的国家,他们也在讨论如何解决这些国家的赔偿要求。
        Still, Mr. Kerry said, “I have never in the first few days counted as many initiatives and as much real money, real money put on the table, even if there are some question marks.”        尽管如此,克里说,“我从来没有在会议最开始的几天就见到过这么多的举措,以及这么多的真金白银被摆上台面,虽然同时也存在一些疑问。”
        Jochen Flasbarth, the German energy minister, cited three areas of progress: a global agreement on reversing deforestation by 2030; a commitment to reduce methane emissions, also by 2030; and a coal exit plan endorsed by three dozen countries, though not its biggest users.        德国能源部长约亨·弗拉斯巴特列举了三个方面的进展:在2030年以前逆转森林砍伐的全球协议;承诺减少甲烷排放,也是在2030年以前;煤炭退出计划得到了36国认可,虽然这些国家里不包含煤炭消耗量最多的几个国家。
        “I understand young people are trying to push very hard to see concrete implementation and not abstract goals,” Mr. Flasbarth, 59, said Friday. “However we need these goals.”        “我理解年轻人正在试着努力推动以看到具体措施落实,而不是抽象的目标,”59岁的弗拉斯巴特周五说。“但是我们仍需要这些目标。”
        But it was when leaders spoke to each other away from the cameras that it was clear that the anger from the youth was getting under their skin.        但是,当领导人在摄像机镜头外的地方交谈时,很明显,年轻人的愤怒让他们感到不安。
        At one closed-door meeting with his fellow ministers, Mr. Flasbarth was heard expressing concern that the activists were painting all the world leaders with the same broad brush, portraying them as protectors of the fossil fuel industry.        在与部长们的一次闭门会议上,有人听到弗拉斯巴特表达了担忧,即这些活动人士正在用同样的笼统概念描绘世界领导人,把他们说成化石燃料行业的保护者。
        “Let’s tell young people there are differences, not all the politicians, all the countries are on the same side,” he said. “Progress is possible, and this is the group of progress.”        “让我们告诉年轻人这是有区别的,不是所有的政治家、所有国家都站在同一队,”他说。“进步是可能的,我们就是进步的群体。”
        At the same meeting, which was attended by a bloc of countries called the High Ambition Coalition, the French minister for ecological transition, Barbara Pompili, said she recognized herself in the young people. She too was once an activist, she told her fellow ministers.        由“雄心联盟”的国家参与的这次会议上,法国负责生态转型的部长芭芭拉·庞皮利表示,她在年轻人中看到了曾经的自己。她告诉其他部长们,她也曾经是一名活动人士。
        But then, she went on, she chose a different route. She chose to work inside the system. “I chose to be a politician,” she said. “I chose to try to act.”        但后来,她继续说,她选择了不同的路线。她选择在系统内部工作。“我选择成为一名政治人士,”她说。“我选择试着行动。”
        The differences between the decision makers inside the summit and the protesters outside the barricades extend beyond age to gender. While the world leaders and heads of state are mostly male, the streets of Glasgow have been filled with young women.        峰会的决策者与被挡在路障外的抗议者之间的差异超越了年龄和性别。虽然世界领导人和国家元首大多是男性,但格拉斯哥的街道上站满了年轻女性。
        Girls and young women around the world have emerged as some of the most passionate climate activists, arguing that many of those most vulnerable to drought, water scarcity and other climate disasters are low-income women with children to feed. As a result, the climate movement has a shared mission with efforts to educate girls in developing nations.        一些最热情的气候活动家是来自世界各地的女孩和年轻女性,她们认为,最容易受到干旱、缺水和其他气候灾害影响的人当中,许多是有孩子要养活的低收入女性。因此,气候运动的共同使命是努力为发展中国家的女孩提供教育。
        The young women activists have found a sisterhood and a sense of empowerment in the climate protests, marches and campaigns. The inspiration for many of these young women is the Swedish activist Greta Thunberg, whose school strikes for climate that began as a solo effort in 2018 have blossomed into a worldwide movement.        年轻女性活动家在气候抗议、游行和宣传运动中找到了姐妹情谊和赋权感。许多年轻女性受到瑞典活动家格蕾塔·通贝里的启发,她的学校为气候问题罢工,最初来源于她在2018年的个人行为,现已发展成为全球性运动。
        Ms. Thunberg, 18, has become so influential that on Wednesday when she criticized carbon offsets — making up for carbon emissions in one area by paying for the reduction of emissions somewhere else — a company that verifies carbon offsets felt compelled to defend the practice.        18岁的通贝里变得如此有影响力,以至于周三当她批评碳抵消——通过支付其他地方的减排费用来弥补一个地区的碳排放——的做法时,一家从事碳抵消认证的公司觉得有必要做一些辩解。
        On Friday, Ms. Thunberg appeared before a cheering throng of thousands in Glasgow to pronounce the summit a failure.        周五在格拉斯哥,通贝里出现在成千上万欢呼的人群前,宣布峰会的失败。
        “The COP has turned into a P.R. event, where leaders are giving beautiful speeches and announcing fancy commitments and targets, while behind the curtains governments of the Global North countries are still refusing to take any drastic climate action,” she said.        “缔约方会议已经变成了一场公关活动,领导人正在发表优美的演讲并宣布天花乱坠的承诺和目标,而在幕后,全球发达国家的政府仍然拒绝采取任何彻底的气候行动,”她说。
        That prompted Michael Mann, the 55-year-old climate scientist, to caution that negotiations among hundreds of countries are complex, and that the politics around climate policy are not as simple as they might seem. “Activists declaring it dead on arrival makes fossil fuel executives jump for joy,” he tweeted, referring to the summit. “They want to undermine and discredit the very notion of multilateral climate action.”        这促使55岁的气候科学家迈克尔·曼警告说,在数百个国家之间谈判很复杂,围绕气候政策的政治并不像看起来那么简单。“活动人士刚来到那里就宣布它已经死亡,这让化石燃料高管们欢呼雀跃,”他在Twitter上说。“他们想要破坏和诋毁多边气候行动的概念。”
        On Saturday, the young protesters returned to the streets, joining with a coalition of other groups in what organizers billed as a global day of climate action.        周六,年轻的抗议者重返街头,与其他团体的联盟一起参加了组织者称为全球气候行动日的活动。
        Vanessa Nakate, a 24-year-old activist from Uganda, said the protesters were committed to keep up the pressure, “to continue holding leaders accountable for their actions.”        来自乌干达的24岁活动人士瓦内莎·纳卡特表示,抗议者致力于继续施压,“继续让领导人对自己的行为负责。”
        Daphne Frias, a 23-year-old climate activist from New York City, gave a nod to the inevitable: generational change is coming.        来自纽约市的23岁气候活动人士达芙妮·弗里亚斯认为有一点已经是势在必得:代际变革即将到来。
        “We always say our leaders have failed us,” she said. “We are the new leaders. We are the ones who are going to make the decisions going forward.”        “我们总是说我们的领导人辜负了我们,”她说。“我们是新的领导者。我们是未来做出决定的人。”

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