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Curtains Up! How Broadway Is Coming Back From Its Longest Shutdown.

来源:纽约时报    2021-11-09 11:13

        NEW YORK — Broadway is back. Or so it hopes.        纽约——百老汇回归了。或者说,它希望如此。
        A year and a half after the coronavirus pandemic forced all 41 theaters to go dark, silencing a symbol of New York and throwing thousands out of work, some of the industry’s biggest and best known shows are resuming performances on Tuesday.        新冠疫情使得全部41家剧院关闭了一年半,让纽约的象征之一变得沉寂,并导致数千人失业,周二,一些业内最大和最知名的剧目将恢复演出。
        Simba will reclaim the Pride Lands in the “The Lion King.” Elphaba and Glinda will return to Oz in “Wicked.” A young, scrappy and hungry immigrant will foment revolution in “Hamilton.” The long-running revival of “Chicago” will give ‘em the old razzle dazzle. Plus there’s one new production, the childhood reminiscence “Lackawanna Blues,” offering a reminder that Broadway still provides a home for plays, too.        辛巴将收回《狮子王》(The Lion King)中的“荣耀之地”。埃尔法巴和葛琳达将在《女巫前传》(Wicked)中回到奥兹。一个年轻、好斗、饥饿的移民将在《汉密尔顿》(Hamilton)中掀起革命。经久不衰的《芝加哥》将重新上演,给观众带来熟悉的目眩神迷。此外还有一部新作品——追忆童年往事的《拉克万纳布鲁斯》(Lackawanna Blues),提醒人们百老汇仍然是戏剧的家园。
        Broadway’s reopening is a high-stakes gamble that theater lovers, culture vultures and screen-weary adventurers are ready to return — vaccinated and masked — to these storied sanctuaries of spectacle and storytelling.        百老汇的重新开演是一场风险极大的赌博,戏剧爱好者、文艺狂热分子和厌倦了银幕的冒险家们准备好了(接种疫苗并戴着口罩),回到这些奇观和故事的传奇圣地。
        But it comes at a time of uncertainty.        但这发生在一个充满不确定的时期。
        In May, when Broadway got the green light to reopen, it seemed imaginable that the coronavirus pandemic was winding down, thanks to readily available vaccines. Since then, a combination of vaccine hesitancy and the delta variant sent cases skyrocketing again. And while New York is doing better than much of the nation, the city is still facing a sharp drop in tourists, who typically make up two-thirds of the Broadway audience; many businesses in the region have postponed bringing workers back to their offices; and consumer appetite for live theater after months of anxiety and streaming remains unknown.        今年5月,当百老汇获得重新开演的许可时,因为有现成的疫苗,似乎不难想像疫情正在逐渐减弱。然而从那以后,人们对接种疫苗的犹疑以及德尔塔变异毒株这两个因素的结合导致感染病例再次飙升。尽管纽约的情况比美国大部分地区好出不少,但仍面临游客急剧减少的问题,而游客通常占百老汇观众总数的三分之二;该地区的许多企业推迟了让员工回办公室上班;在经历了几个月的焦虑和使用流媒体之后,消费者对于到剧院看现场表演的胃口有多大仍然未知。
        The industry’s recovery is enormously important to New York City, for symbolic as well as economic reasons.        出于象征性和经济方面的原因,这个行业的复苏对纽约至关重要。
        Broadway is, of course, a big employer with substantial impact on a variety of businesses throughout midtown, the tourism sector, and the arts world. But Broadway — which has been a point of pride for New Yorkers through the fiscal crisis of the 1970s, the cleanup of Times Square in the 1990s, and the recovery after the Sept. 11 attacks 20 years ago — has also come to function as a sort of barometer of the city’s health.        当然,百老汇是一个大雇主,对整个中城的企业、旅游行业和艺术界有着重大影响。但百老汇——经历了20世纪70年代的财政危机、90年代时报广场的整顿以及20年前9·11袭击后的复苏,它一直让纽约人引以为豪,也开始成为该市健康状况的某种晴雨表。
        With Broadway closed, New York appears to be ailing. With Broadway reopening, recovery seems possible.        百老汇关闭时,纽约仿佛陷入困境。随着百老汇重新开演,复苏似乎变得可能。
        Four trailblazing productions — the concert show “Springsteen on Broadway,” the new play “Pass Over,” and the musicals “Waitress” and “Hadestown” — started performances this summer, serving as laboratories for the industry’s safety protocols. None has yet missed a performance.        四部开创性的作品——音乐会《百老汇的斯普林斯汀》(Springsteen on Broadway)、新剧《越过》(Pass Over)以及音乐剧《女招待》(Waitress)和《哈德斯顿》(Hadestown)——作为安全操作可行性的实验于今夏开演。它们一场演出都没有取消。
        By the end of the year, if all goes as planned, 39 shows will have begun runs on Broadway.        到今年年底,如果一切按计划进行,百老汇将有39场演出开演。
        As casts and crew come back to work, much has changed: There have been deaths (the virus claimed the lives of playwright Terrence McNally and actor Nick Cordero) and births (the writer and director of “Hadestown” were among the many who had babies), an uprising (over racism, prompting promises of change) and a downfall (of powerful producer Scott Rudin, over chronically tyrannical behavior).        随着演员和工作人员重返岗位,情况发生了很大的变化:有人死亡(新冠病毒夺去了剧作家特伦斯·麦克纳利和演员尼克·科德罗的生命),有人出生(《哈德斯顿》的编剧和导演都新添了孩子),有人造反(反对种族主义、促进变革的承诺)也有人垮台(强大的制片人斯科特·鲁丁因长期的专制行为名誉扫地)。
        The task now: making sure everything, and everyone, is ready for showtime.        现在的任务是:确保所有事、所有人都为开演做好了准备。
        Before Opening Night        开演夜之前
        Producing during a pandemic is going to be complicated. There are upgraded air filtration systems, digital tickets, ubiquitous disinfectant and frequent testing.        在疫情期间制作演出十分复杂。有升级的空气过滤系统、电子门票、无处不在的消毒剂和频繁的检测。
        There is a whole new job category: the COVID-19 safety officer. Disney’s theatrical division has six, overseeing 500 tests daily at the company’s four American productions.        还有一个全新的工作类别:新冠肺炎安全负责人。迪士尼的戏剧部门有六人,每天监督该剧团四部美国制作演出的500次检测。
        And, at least for a while, fans can forget about backstage tours and stage door selfies.        而且,至少在一段时间内,粉丝们想都别想去后台参观、在后台入口自拍了。
        “There’s an extraordinary new layer of logistics that every show and every theater has learned, adopted and implemented,” said Jordan Roth, the president of Jujamcyn Theaters, which runs five of the Broadway houses.        “每个剧目和每个剧院在后勤方面都学习、采用和实施了非同寻常的新层面,”朱贾姆辛剧院的总裁乔丹·罗斯说,该剧院经营着五家百老汇剧场。
        The biggest safety measure Broadway has taken is to require that everyone 12 and over — audiences as well as employees — be vaccinated (children can get in with a negative coronavirus test) and that everyone except performers wear a mask.        百老汇采取的最大安全措施是要求所有12岁及以上的人——包括观众和员工——都要接种疫苗(儿童可以在新冠病毒检测呈阴性的情况下进场);除了表演者,所有人都要戴口罩。
        Dusting Off the Spotlights        擦亮聚光灯
        Up and down Broadway, where theaters have been gathering dust since they were forced to close on March 12, 2020, design teams and stage crews have been burnishing dirty fixtures, replacing dead batteries, re-fireproofing safety cloths, and testing automated devices, trying to make sure everything still functions.        自2020年3月12日被迫关闭以来,百老汇上上下下的剧院一直空无一人,设计团队和舞台工作人员一直在擦拭肮脏的装置、更换没电的电池,给安全布更新防火涂层、测试自动设备,努力确保一切正常。
        “If you turn off your car or computer for 18 months and then turn it back on, you don’t know what problems you might come across,” said Guy Kwan of Juniper Street Productions, which works on shows including “Moulin Rouge!,” “Come From Away” and “Harry Potter and the Cursed Child.” “We didn’t want to be in a situation where we start finding problems after audiences come back.”        杜松街制作公司的盖·关说:“如果你关掉汽车或电脑18个月,然后再重新打开,你不知道会遇到什么问题。”该公司参与制作了包括《红磨坊》(Moulin Rouge!) 《从远方来》(Come From Away)和《哈利·波特与被诅咒的孩子》(Harry Potter and the Cursed Child)在内的剧目。“我们不想等到观众回来才开始发现问题。”
        For the most part, shows reported that their physical productions held up reasonably well.        在大多数情况下,剧组都说它们的道具舞美场景方面的制作进行得相当不错。
        But there were other issues as a shutdown initially expected to last a month dragged on much longer. “Six,” a new musical which imagines the wives of Henry VIII as pop stars, had to replace all of its plastic-and-foil costumes, which deteriorated even though they had been stored in blankets in an attempt to prevent damage.        但还是存在问题,因为最初预计只会持续一个月的关闭实际上拖得更久。《六》(Six)是一部把亨利八世的妻子们想像成流行明星的新音乐剧,它不得不更换所有的塑料和箔制服装,尽管它们存放在毯子里以防损坏,但还是不能用了。
        Getting Back in Shape, Vocally and Physically        恢复声音和身体的最佳状态
        As hundreds of performers return to Broadway, among the first tasks for many is reconditioning their bodies, their voices, and their minds. Some shows are adding extra rehearsal time for warm-ups; others are providing voice lessons.        随着数百名表演者返回百老汇,许多人的首要任务之一是重新调整自己的身体、声音和思想状态。一些剧目为了热身增加了额外的排练时间;还有一些提供声音训练课程。
        There are even medical programs focused on helping actors get their game back: the Center for Voice and Swallowing at Columbia University Medical Center developed a four-week video “prehabilitation” program to help performers rebuild vocal strength, flexibility, and endurance that is being used by “Dear Evan Hansen” and “Jagged Little Pill,” while the Harkness Center for Dance Injuries at NYU Langone Orthopedic Hospital developed “Back to Broadway” strengthening and stretching programs used by performers in “Wicked.”        甚至还有专门帮助演员找回演出状态的医疗项目:哥伦比亚大学医学中心的发声和吞咽中心开发了一个为期四周的 “预习康复”视频项目,帮助演员重建声音的力量、灵活性和耐力, 《亲爱的埃文·汉森》(Dear Evan Hansen)和《破碎的小药丸》 (Jagged Little Pill)等演出正在采用这个项目;而纽约大学兰贡骨科医院的哈克尼斯舞蹈损伤中心则开发了名为“回归百老汇”的强健身体和伸展项目,《女巫前传》的演员们正在采用。
        “I knew that in the NFL there were lots of injuries after the strike season, and I saw that when baseball returned there was an increase in the injured list,” said Dr. Michael Pitman, director of the Columbia center. “It became clear to me that musical theater performers are athletes, and they’re going to have the same problems getting back onstage because they’re not in good vocal health — they’re deconditioned and being asked to ramp up quickly.”         “我知道,在 NFL(全美橄榄球联盟),罢工季结束后有很多人受伤,我还看到,在棒球回归后,受伤人数有所增加。”哥大发声和吞咽中心的主任迈克尔·皮特曼博士说。“对我来说,很明显音乐剧演员就像运动员,他们回到舞台上会面临同样的问题,因为他们的声音健康状况不佳——他们不在状态,又被要求加快进度。”
        Using the Pause for a Racial Justice Reset        用这次休演处理种族正义问题
        The band for “Hadestown” is small, and five of the seven musicians are white men. That’s not atypical — orchestras are a sector of Broadway that is not particularly diverse — but it is conspicuous because the players are seated onstage.        《哈德斯顿》的乐团规模较小,七名乐手中有五名白人。这并非不典型——管弦乐队是百老汇一个不是特别多样化的部门——但它很引人注目,因为演奏者就坐在台上。
        During the pandemic, as the police killing of George Floyd inspired protests against racism and demands for social change, the “Hadestown” band took action. They realized they could directly effect change because on Broadway, individual musicians recruit the substitutes who fill in for them when they are away, and many are away a lot.        疫情期间,由于警察杀害乔治·弗洛伊德事件引发了反对种族主义和要求社会变革的抗议,《哈德斯顿》的乐团也采取了行动。他们意识到自己可以直接影响变革,因为在百老汇,音乐家会招募当他们不在时的替补,而且有人不在的情况经常发生。
        Dana Lyn, the show’s violinist and one of the two musicians of color, drafted a letter in which each member of the band pledged that at least two of their five “subs” would be people of color, including one who would be Black, and at least two would be women. “We hope that other Broadway orchestras will do the same,” they wrote on Instagram.        该演出的小提琴手、两位有色人种音乐家之一的达纳·林起草了一封信,在信中,乐队的每个成员都承诺,他们的五名“替补”中至少有两名会是有色人种,其中一名是黑人,至少有两名是女性。他们在Instagram上写道:“我们希望其他百老汇乐团也能这样做。”
        There are broader measures too.        还有更广泛的措施。
        Broadway is slated to feature at least seven works by Black playwrights this season, a historically large number. Also, a year-old organization called Black Theater United negotiated a “New Deal” with a variety of industry leaders who pledged to stop hiring all-white creative teams and to rename some theaters after Black artists, among other steps.        百老汇将在这一季中上演至少七部黑人剧作家的作品,这在历史上是一个庞大的数字。此外,成立一年的组织黑人剧院联盟与各行业领袖达成了一项“新政”,他们承诺停止雇佣全白人创作团队,并以黑人艺术家的名字命名一些剧院,以及其他措施。
        “So Come See Me!”        “那就来看我吧!”
        Getting shows ready to run is one thing. Getting people to show up is another.        准备好演出是一回事,让观众上门又是另一回事。
        That’s one reason productions announced their opening dates months ago, even though they only needed four or five weeks for rehearsals. With a raft of openings and rows and rows of seats to fill eight times a week, producers needed time to alert fans that Broadway was coming back, and to urge them to buy tickets.        这也是制作公司在几个月前就公布上演日期的原因之一,虽然排练只需要四五周的时间。由于大量开幕演出以及一排排的座位每周要坐满八次,制作人需要时间来提醒粉丝们百老汇即将回归,并敦促他们购票。
        So how are shows doing thus far? Anecdotal reports suggest that a handful of musicals, including “Hamilton,” “Hadestown” and “Six,” are selling strongly, while plays are struggling.        那么,到目前为止,一切进展如何?坊间报道指出,包括《汉密尔顿》《哈德斯顿》和《六》在内的少数音乐剧销售强劲,而戏剧却举步维艰。
        Hoping to shore up sales, the Broadway League and the New York City tourism agency have both launched marketing campaigns.        为了推动票房,百老汇联盟和纽约市旅游局都发起了营销活动。
        And the long-delayed Tony Awards ceremony, honoring work performed during the truncated 2019-20 season, will take place Sept. 26 — timed to coincide with Broadway’s reopening. With most awards relegated to a stream on Paramount Plus, the two-hour CBS broadcast will be dominated by a “Broadway’s Back!” show tunes concert that industry officials hope will encourage ticket buying.        推迟已久的托尼奖颁奖典礼于9月26日举行,以表彰在被缩短的2019—20演出季中的表演——这个时间恰逢百老汇重开。随着大部分奖项转移到流媒体平台Paramount Plus,哥伦比亚广播公司(CBS)长达两小时的播出由“百老汇回来了!”演出曲目演奏会主导,行业官员希望这场音乐会能够鼓励观众多多购票。

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