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China’s Popular Electric Vehicles Have Put Europe’s Automakers on Notice

来源:纽约时报    2021-11-01 05:30

        FRANKFURT — The name MG used to be synonymous with spirited but finicky sports cars from Britain. Nowadays the iconic octagonal badge serves a different kind of motoring ambition: China’s push to become a big player in the global auto market.        法兰克福——“MG”这个名字曾经是英国那款激情洋溢但过于考究的跑车的代名词。如今,这个标志性的八角形徽章代表了另一种汽车雄心:中国正在努力成为全球汽车市场的重要参与者。
        SAIC Motor, one of China’s Big Four automakers, bought the MG brand in 2007 and is stamping it on a line of electric sport utility vehicles on sale in Germany and other European markets. MG is an example of how Chinese carmakers are exploiting the shift to electric cars to challenge the American, European and Japanese carmakers that have long dominated the industry.        2007年,中国四大汽车制造商之一的上汽集团收购了MG品牌(在中国称为名爵),将其纳入德国和其他欧洲市场销售的电动SUV系列。中国汽车制造商正在利用向电动汽车的转型挑战长期主导汽车行业的美国、欧洲和日本汽车制造商,名爵只是其中一例。
        The Chinese automakers are arriving as electric cars surge in popularity, accounting for almost 10 percent of new car sales in Western Europe, and consumers are in a mood to buy, with savings built up during the pandemic. At the same time, car manufacturers are cutting back production because of shortages of microprocessors.        中国汽车制造商的到来正值电动汽车普及率激增之际,电动汽车占西欧新车销量的近10%,消费者在疫情期间积累了储蓄,他们也有购买的意愿。与此同时,由于芯片短缺,汽车制造商正在削减产量。
        MG already has 350 dealers in 16 European countries and is still expanding. Two other Chinese automakers, Nio and BYD, are moving into Europe by way of Norway, the world’s most electrified large car market.        名爵已在16个欧洲国家拥有350家经销商,并且仍在扩张。另外两家中国汽车制造商蔚来汽车和比亚迪正通过挪威这个全球电气化程度最高的大型汽车市场进军欧洲。
        Nio, based in Shanghai, opened a dealership in Oslo at the end of September, the company’s first outlet outside China. BYD, based in Shenzhen, delivered an electric S.U.V. called the Tang, to the first Norwegian customer in August.        9月底,总部位于上海的蔚来汽车在奥斯陆开设了一家经销店,这是该公司在中国以外的首家经销店。总部位于深圳的比亚迪8月向第一位挪威客户交付了一款名为“唐”的电动SUV。
        Great Wall Motor, another Chinese manufacturer, has announced plans to start selling a battery-powered compact and a hybrid S.U.V. in Europe next year.        另一家中国汽车制造商长城汽车宣布,计划明年开始在欧洲销售一款电池驱动的紧凑型轿车和一款混合动力SUV。
        Polestar, which is based in Sweden but belongs to Geely Holding of China, has been selling a Chinese-made battery-powered model in Europe and the United States since 2020. And many of the Teslas on European roads were imported from the company’s factory in Shanghai. (That will change once the company finishes building a factory near Berlin.)        自2020年来,总部设在瑞典但由中国吉利控股的极星一直在欧洲和美国销售一款中国制造的电池动力车型。欧洲道路上的许多特斯拉(Teslas)都是从该公司在上海的工厂进口的。(等到特斯拉在柏林附近的工厂落成,情况就会发生变化。)
        Foreign automakers like Volkswagen, Mercedes-Benz or General Motors sell millions of cars in China, so they can hardly complain when Chinese automakers encroach on their turf. Even though China is the world’s largest car market, its brands have only a sliver of the international market. Even buyers in China prefer foreign brands, although local carmakers are growing quickly and have captured more than 40 percent of the domestic market.        大众(Volkswagen)、梅赛德斯-奔驰(Mercedes-Benz)和通用汽车(General Motors)等外国汽车制造商在中国销售了数百万辆汽车,所以当中国汽车制造商侵占它们的地盘时,它们也很难抱怨。中国是世界上最大的汽车市场,但其品牌在国际市场上只占据一小部分。就连中国的买家也更喜欢外国品牌,尽管中国本土汽车制造商正在快速增长,占据了国内市场逾40%的份额。
        Still, the appearance of Chinese-made autos in Europe is another ominous sign for established carmakers that are already having enough trouble making the transition from internal combustion engines to batteries. The Chinese automakers also have the United States in their sights, although their impact so far has been minimal. Slovakia supplies more cars to the U.S. market than China.        尽管如此,中国制造的汽车在欧洲出现,对老牌汽车制造商来说又是一个不祥的信号,它们在从内燃机转向电池的过渡中已经遇到了很多困难。中国汽车制造商还把目光投向了美国,尽管到目前为止这些车企影响微乎其微。中国向美国市场供应的汽车数量还不及斯洛伐克。
        The Chinese carmakers learned the trade from European companies they are now challenging. The Chinese government has long required foreign carmakers to operate via joint ventures with domestic companies, and to share know-how.        在这个行业里,中国汽车制造商从他们目前正在挑战的欧洲公司那里学到了很多。长期以来,中国政府一直要求外国汽车制造商通过与国内公司建立合资企业来经营,并分享技术知识。
        SAIC, MG’s owner, has been Volkswagen’s partner in China since 1984. Now MG is moving into Volkswagen’s heartland. MG is advertising its ZS, a compact electric S.U.V., at a starting price of 30,420 euros, or about $35,400. When government incentives for electric vehicles are included, the car can be had for around €24,000. That is €4,000 less than the least expensive version of Volkswagen’s compact electric S.U.V., the ID.4.        自1984年以来,名爵的所有者上汽集团一直是大众汽车在中国的合作伙伴。现在,该集团正向大众汽车的核心市场进军。名爵正在推广其ZS型号,这是一款小型电动SUV,起价30420欧元,约合人民币225320元。如果把政府对电动汽车的奖励措施包括在内,这款车大概可以用2.4万欧元买到。这比大众最便宜的ID.4小型电动SUV便宜4000欧元。
        “The sous chef is opening his own restaurant,” said Matthias Schmidt, an analyst in Berlin who tracks the European electric car market.        “副主厨要开自己的餐厅了,”柏林跟踪欧洲电动汽车市场的分析师马蒂亚斯·施密特(Matthias Schmidt)说。
        MG said in a statement that its cooperation with Volkswagen remained a “win-win strategic partnership.”        名爵在一份声明中表示,与大众的合作仍然是“双赢的战略伙伴关系”。
        Europe is a notoriously difficult market for foreign carmakers. Just ask Ford Motor, which has only 4 percent of the European Union market, or Toyota, which has a little more than 6 percent despite its heft in the rest of the world.        对于外国汽车制造商来说,欧洲市场出了名的困难。只要问问福特汽车(Ford Motor)和丰田(Toyota)就知道了。前者在欧盟市场的份额仅为4%,而后者尽管在世界其他地区举足轻重,在欧洲的份额也只是略高于6%而已。
        Earlier attempts by Chinese automakers to break into Europe failed. In 2013 Qoros, a start-up Chinese brand, announced plans for a network of dealerships in Europe but opened only one.        早些时候,中国汽车制造商试图打入欧洲市场的尝试以失败告终。2013年,中国初创品牌观致宣布了在欧洲建立经销商网络的计划,但只开设了一家。
        The timing may be better this time. Sales of electric cars, the technology the Chinese are emphasizing, have doubled since 2020 in Europe despite a slump in the overall market. Around 9 percent of new cars sold in Western Europe through August, or 644,000 vehicles, were battery powered, Mr. Schmidt said. Including plug-in hybrids, the share of electric vehicles was 18 percent.        这次的时机可能更好。自2020年以来,尽管整体市场低迷,电动汽车在欧洲的销量已经翻了一番,中国人正在这项技术上集中发力。施密特说,截至8月份,西欧售出的新车中约有9%(64.4万辆)是电池驱动的。包括插电式混合动力汽车在内,电动汽车的份额为18%。
        Demand for affordable electric vehicles has outstripped supply, said Julian Emrich, a dealer in Bietigheim-Bissingen, Germany, north of Stuttgart. “A lot of people were interested but there were no products, at least not products with a normal price,” Mr. Emrich said.        德国斯图加特以北蒂希海姆-比辛根的经销商朱利安·埃姆里希(Julian Emrich)表示,廉价电动汽车已经供不应求。“很多人都感兴趣,但没有产品,至少没有正常价格的产品,”埃姆里希说。
        When an MG representative sent him an email asking if he wanted to become a dealer, Mr. Emrich said, “it was exactly what I was waiting for.” Unlike most traditional automakers, MG did not require him to buy the vehicles up front. MG supplies the cars and the dealers earn a commission when they sell one.        当一位名爵代表发邮件问他是否想成为经销商时,埃姆里希说,“这正是我一直期待的。”与大多数传统汽车制造商不同,名爵不要求他预先购买车辆。名爵提供汽车,经销商售出一辆汽车就能获得佣金。
        Unclear is whether fussy European buyers will buy a Chinese car. When an MG representative approached Rumpel & Stark, a Ford dealership in the north Bavarian town of Unterpleichfeld, about selling the Chinese brand, the general manager, Bastian Stark, was skeptical. He demanded that the rep hand over the keys to the MG he had arrived in.        目前尚不清楚挑剔的欧洲买家是否会购买中国汽车。当一位名爵的代表与福特在巴伐利亚北部城镇昂特普莱希菲尔德的经销商朗佩尔与斯塔克(Rumpel & Stark)进行接洽,希望他们经销这一中国品牌时,该经销商的总经理巴斯蒂安·斯塔克(Bastian Stark)表示怀疑。他要求销售代表交出他所乘坐的名爵汽车的钥匙。
        Rumpel & Stark’s mechanics gave the MG a thorough going over. Their verdict: thumbs up. “They said this car is good,” Mr. Stark said, noting that the MG is equipped with parts from established suppliers like Bosch, Valeo and Continental, all of which have large operations in China.        朗佩尔和斯塔克的机械师彻底检查了这辆名爵。他们的结论是:很棒。“他们说这款车很好,”斯塔克说。他指出,名爵配备的零部件来自博世(Bosch)、法雷奥(Valeo)和大陆(Continental)等知名供应商,这些公司在中国都有大量业务。
        Rumpel & Stark agreed to add MGs to its showroom and sold three hybrids before even putting up a sign. Buyers were attracted by the price and the relatively short delivery times. “I have not done any marketing at all,” Mr. Stark said.        朗佩尔与斯塔克同意将名爵加入其展厅,甚至在挂出广告牌之前就售出了三辆混合动力车。买家被价格和相对较短的交货时间所吸引。“我根本没有做任何营销,”斯塔克说。
        The European market is starved for vehicles because of the global semiconductor shortage. The wait time for an MG hybrid is only four weeks, and three months for an all-electric model, “which is pretty much OK compared to other brands right now,” Mr. Stark said.        由于全球半导体短缺,欧洲市场对汽车的需求非常迫切。名爵混合动力车的等待时间只需要四周,全电动车型的等待时间为三个月,“与目前其他品牌相比,这已经很不错了,”斯塔克说。
        Waits for many European brands can be much longer, especially for lower-priced models. Carmakers like Renault are allocating scarce chips to higher-end vehicles, which generate more profit.        许多欧洲品牌的等待时间可能要长得多,尤其是低价位的车型。雷诺(Renault)等汽车制造商正将稀缺的芯片配置到能产生更多利润的高端汽车上。
        While the market may be ripe for Chinese electric cars, the political timing may not be so ideal. Many European leaders share their American counterparts’ concern about Chinese trade practices, accusing Beijing of subsidizing companies to give them an unfair advantage in international competition.        尽管中国电动汽车市场可能已经成熟,但政治时机不见得理想。许多欧洲领导人和美国领导人一样,对中国的贸易做法感到担忧,指责北京补贴企业,使它们在国际竞争中获得不公平的优势。
        The Chinese government has invested heavily in electric vehicle technology, helping to establish a vast network of suppliers to feed the manufacturers.        中国政府大举投资电动汽车技术,帮助其建立了一个庞大的供应商网络,以满足制造商的需求。
        After national elections in September, German political leaders are negotiating to form a government that is likely to include the Green Party, which favors a harder line against China than Angela Merkel, the departing chancellor. MG may be particularly vulnerable to concerns about the mingling of government and corporate interests because its parent company, SAIC, is majority owned by the state.        在9月的全国大选之后,德国政治领导人正在协商组建一个可能包括绿党(Green Party)在内的政府。与即将离任的德国总理安格拉·默克尔(Angela Merkel)相比,绿党更倾向于对中国采取强硬立场。对于政府和企业利益混杂的担忧,名爵公司可能特别容易受到影响,因为其母公司上汽集团的多数股份由国家拥有。
        European carmakers are watching the Chinese rivals warily. “We take every new player extremely seriously,” Martin Daum, a member of the management board of the auto and truck maker Daimler, said in an interview. “On the other side we are never afraid of competition.”        欧洲汽车制造商正警惕地关注着中国竞争对手。“我们非常认真地对待每一个新的参与者,”汽车和卡车制造商戴姆勒(Daimler)的管理委员会成员马丁·多姆(Martin Daum)在接受采访时说。“另一方面,我们从不害怕竞争。”
        The German Association of the Automotive Industry replied to questions about the Chinese carmakers with a statement saying countries should observe World Trade Organization rules, which forbid government subsidies designed to give companies a competitive edge.        德国汽车工业协会(German Association of The Automotive Industry)在回答有关中国汽车制造商的问题时发表声明说,各国应遵守世界贸易组织的规则,这些规则禁止旨在为公司提供竞争优势的政府补贴。
        “It is important to maintain open markets and a level playing field,” the association said.        该协会表示:“保持市场开放和公平竞争环境非常重要。”
        MG said it “follows market-oriented mechanisms and abides by relevant laws and regulations.”        名爵表示,该公司“遵循市场化机制,遵守相关法律法规”。
        The Chinese automakers style themselves as international brands and downplay their origins. MG retains some of its Britishness by designing cars in London. Nio’s global design center is in Munich, while Polestar is based in Goteborg, Sweden, near Volvo Cars, which Geely also owns.        中国汽车制造商把自己标榜为国际品牌,对其出身作淡化处理。名爵在伦敦设计汽车,从而保留了一些英国特色。蔚来汽车的全球设计中心设在慕尼黑,极星的总部设在瑞典哥德堡,临近同为吉利旗下的沃尔沃汽车。
        Thomas Ingenlath, a German who is Polestar’s chief executive, said that all car companies tried to sell their products abroad, and that there was nothing unusual about what Chinese companies were doing.        极星首席执行官、德国人托马斯·英吉拉特(Thomas Ingenlath)表示,所有汽车公司都努力在海外销售产品,中国公司的做法没有什么不同寻常之处。
        “It’s an absolutely normal thing,” Mr. Ingenlath said at the international car show in Munich in September. “Car brands, wherever they are located, have export business.”        “这绝对是一件正常的事,”英吉拉在9月的慕尼黑国际车展上说。“无论哪里的汽车品牌都有出口业务。”

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