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Video of Peng Shuai With Olympic Officials Fuels a Showdown With Tennis

来源:纽约时报    2021-11-22 12:28

        Peng Shuai, the Chinese tennis star who disappeared from public life for more than a week after she accused a former top government official of sexual assault, appeared in a live video call with the president of the International Olympic Committee and other officials with the organization on Sunday.        中国网球明星彭帅在指控一名前政府高官性侵后从公众视野中消失了一个多星期。周日,她出现在与国际奥委会主席和该组织其他官员的视频通话中。
        The video assuaged some concerns about Peng’s immediate well-being. However, it fell short of what tennis officials, who still have not been able to establish independent contact with Peng, have been demanding since the Chinese government began attempting to censor any discussion of Peng’s allegations and her largely disappearing after posting them on one of China’s main social media outlets earlier this month, creating a standoff between two of the world’s leading sports organizations.        这段视频缓解了人们对彭帅当前安危的担忧。然而这并没有达到网球官员的要求,他们仍然无法与彭帅取得独立联系。中国政府试图审查有关彭帅指控的所有讨论,她本月早些时候在中国一个主要社交媒体上发布了这些指控后基本消失,在世界两个重要体育组织之间形成了对峙局面。
        Peng, 35, a three-time Olympian, had been missing since Nov. 2, when she used social media to accuse Zhang Gaoli, 75, a former vice premier of China, of sexually assaulting her at his home three years ago. She also described having had an on-and-off consensual relationship with Zhang.        35岁的彭帅曾三次参加奥运会。11月2日,她在社交媒体上指控75岁的中国前副总理张高丽三年前在他的家中对她实施性侵,还描述了自己曾与张高丽有过断断续续的自愿关系。自那以后,她一直处于失踪状态。
        According to the I.O.C., Peng, held a 30-minute call with Thomas Bach, the organization’s president and a former Olympic fencer. In a statement posted on the I.O.C. website that accompanied a photo of the call, the organization said Peng stated “that she is safe and well, living at her home in Beijing, but would like to have her privacy respected at this time. That is why she prefers to spend her time with friends and family right now.”        国际奥委会称,彭帅与国际奥委会主席、前奥运会击剑运动员托马斯·巴赫通了30分钟的电话。在国际奥委会网站上发布的一份附上了通话照片的声明中,该组织称彭帅表示,“她在北京的家中很安全,但希望她的隐私在这个时候得到尊重。所以她现在更愿意和朋友及家人在一起。”
        A friend of Peng’s assisted her with her English, according to an Olympic official, though Peng became proficient in the language over her 15-year professional tennis career.        据一位奥运官员说,彭帅的一位朋友协助她用英文进行了交流,不过彭帅在她15年的职业网球生涯中已经熟练掌握了这门语言。
        Emma Terho, who chairs the I.O.C. athletes’ commission and participated in the call, said she was relieved to see that Peng appeared to be safe. “She appeared to be relaxed,” Terho said. “I offered her our support and to stay in touch at any time of her convenience, which she obviously appreciated.”        国际奥委会运动员委员会主席埃玛·特霍也参加了这次通话,她说看到彭帅似乎很安全,这让她很欣慰。“她看起来很放松,”特霍说。“我向她表达了我们的支持,并希望在她方便的时候保持联系,她显然对此表示感激。”
        Peng’s disappearance following the allegations placed the I.O.C. under a microscope. Beijing is the host of the Olympic Winter Games in February, and officials and top sports figures had demanded the I.O.C. pressure the Chinese government to guarantee her safety and her ability to speak openly about the sexual assault allegation.        彭帅的失踪让国际奥委会备受关注。北京是明年2月冬季奥运会的主办城市,官员和高层体育人士要求国际奥委会向中国政府施压,确保她的安全,并且使之可以公开谈论性侵指控。
        The I.O.C. is facing substantial criticism for holding the Games in Beijing amid China’s crackdowns on dissent from prominent cultural and business figures like Jack Ma, founder of the internet firm Alibaba, its suppression of pro-democracy protests in Hong Kong and Tibet, and its treatment of Muslim minorities — deemed genocide by the United Nations and dozens of nations, including the United States.        由于中国严厉打击互联网公司阿里巴巴创始人马云等知名文化和商界人士的异议,镇压香港和西藏的民主抗议活动,以及针对穆斯林少数民族的做法(联合国和包括美国在内的数十个国家视之为种族灭绝),国际奥委会坚持让北京举办冬奥会面临大量批评。
        According to the I.O.C. statement, Bach invited Peng to a dinner when he arrives for the Games in Beijing, which would include Terho and Li Lingwei, an I.O.C. member and Chinese Tennis Federation official who also participated in the call.        根据国际奥委会的声明,巴赫邀请彭帅在他抵达北京参加奥运会时参加晚宴,出席晚宴的还将有特霍和国际奥委会成员、中国网球联合会官员李玲蔚,后者也参加了这次通话。
        However, the seemingly friendly banter and dinner plans did little to satisfy Steve Simon, the chief executive of the WTA Tour. Simon has been trying to establish independent contact with Peng for more than a week to no avail and has grown increasingly strident in his criticism of the Chinese government as its government-controlled media entities released a series of photos and videos of her.        然而,看似友好的谈笑和晚餐计划并没有让WTA巡回赛首席执行官史蒂夫·西蒙满意。一个多星期以来,西蒙一直试图与彭帅取得独立联系,但没有成功。随着中国政府控制的媒体发布了一系列彭帅的照片和视频,他对中国政府的批评也越来越尖锐。
        In a statement on Sunday following the release of the I.O.C. video, a spokesperson for the WTA and Simon said, “It was good to see Peng Shuai in recent videos, but they don’t alleviate or address the WTA’s concern about her well-being and ability to communicate without censorship or coercion. This video does not change our call for a full, fair and transparent investigation, without censorship, into her allegation of sexual assault, which is the issue that gave rise to our initial concern.”        在国际奥委会发布视频后,WTA和西蒙的发言人在周日发表声明表示,“很高兴在最近的视频中看到彭帅,但它们并没有缓解或解决WTA对她的安危,以及是否能在没有审查或胁迫的情况下进行交流的担忧。这段视频并没有改变我们的呼吁,即对她的性侵指控进行全面、公正、透明且不受审查的调查,这正是我们最初关切的问题。”
        While several top sports officials have spoken out on Peng’s behalf, and asked the “Where is Peng Shuai” question that has gone viral in recent weeks, only Simon has made it clear that his organization will not hold any tournaments in China if the government does not grant her permission to move freely, speak openly about the assault allegations and investigate the incident.        虽然有几位高级体育官员公开为彭帅发声,提出了最近几周在网上广为转发的“彭帅在哪里”这个问题,但只有西蒙明确表示,如果中国政府不允许她自由行动,公开谈论性侵指控并就这一事件展开调查,他的组织将不会在中国举行任何比赛。
        The move could cost women’s pro tennis hundreds of millions of dollars of investment from China, but in a letter to China’s ambassador to the U.S. on Friday, Simon reiterated the organization’s position. He said the WTA would not be able to continue to hold its nine events in China, including the prestigious Tour Finals, scheduled to take place in Shenzhen through 2028, if he could not guarantee the safety of tennis players in the country.        此举可能会让女子职业网球损失来自中国数亿美元的投资,但西蒙上周五在给中国驻美国大使的信中重申了该组织的立场。他说,如果他不能保证中国网球运动员的安全,WTA将无法继续在中国举办九项赛事,包括著名的世界巡回赛总决赛,该赛事计划2028年之前都在深圳举行。
        The men’s pro tour has also demanded assurance of Peng’s safety but has not threatened to stop holding tournaments in China, which has widely been viewed as a major growth market for all sports but presents significant moral hazards for anyone conducting business with an increasingly authoritarian government.        男子职业巡回赛也要求确保彭帅的安全,但没有威胁停止在中国举办赛事。中国被广泛视为所有体育项目的一个主要增长市场,但对任何与日益专制的政府做生意的人来说,都存在重大的道德风险。
        “Money trumps everything,” said Martina Navratilova, the former champion and tennis commentator, who defected to the United States when she was 18 years old to escape communist rule in Czechoslovakia.        “金钱胜过一切,”前网球冠军、网球评论员玛蒂娜·纳芙拉蒂洛娃说,她在18岁时为了逃避捷克斯洛伐克的共产主义统治而叛逃美国。
        Navratilova is one of several leading tennis figures and government leaders to speak out on Peng’s behalf. As the chorus grew louder last week, Chinese media outlets began releasing snippets of Peng to try to convince a skeptical public that she was OK.        纳芙拉蒂洛娃是为彭帅发声的网球名人和政府领导人的代表之一。上周,随着声音越来越大,中国媒体开始发布有关彭帅的片段,试图让持怀疑态度的公众相信她没事。
        Video clips of her at a Beijing restaurant were posted on the Twitter account of Hu Xijin, the chief editor of The Global Times, an influential Communist Party newspaper, who described them as showing Peng having dinner with her coach and friends on Saturday.        有影响力的共产党报纸《环球时报》总编辑胡锡进的Twitter帐号上发布了彭帅在北京一家餐馆用餐的视频片段,他说,视频显示彭帅周六与她的教练和朋友们一起吃饭。
        Hu posted another video hours later, describing it as the opening ceremony of a teen tennis match final in Beijing on Sunday to which Peng “showed up,” and then yet another of her signing tennis balls and posing for photos with children.        几小时后,胡锡进又发了一段视频,称这是周日在北京举行的青少年网球决赛的开幕式,彭帅“出现了”,随后她在网球上签名,并与孩子们合影。
        On Friday, a journalist for another Chinese media entity released pictures said to be of Peng in what appeared to be a bedroom, surrounded by stuffed animals. In those photos, Peng appeared younger than she did in more recent images of her and there was nothing to verify when they had been taken.        上周五,另一家中国媒体发布了据称是彭帅在卧室里的照片,周围都是毛绒玩具。在这些照片中,彭帅显得比她最近的照片更年轻,而且没有任何东西可以证实这些照片的拍摄时间。
        Those posts followed China’s state-owned broadcaster releasing a message that was supposedly from her.        在这些帖子发布之前,中国的官方电视台公开了一封据称来自彭帅的电子邮件。
        “Hello everyone this is Peng Shuai,” it read. It called the accusation of sexual assault, which was made just weeks ago, untrue. “I’m not missing, nor am I unsafe,” the message said. “I’ve been resting at home and everything is fine. Thank you again for caring about me.”        “大家好,我是彭帅”,这封邮件写道,并称几周前提出的性侵指控是不真实的。“我没有失踪,我也没有不安全,”信中说。“我只是在家休息,一切安好。再次谢谢大家对我的关心。”
        The message was widely believed to have been written by someone other than Peng.        这封信普遍被认为是他人代写的。

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