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How Hunter Biden’s Firm Helped Secure Cobalt for the Chinese

来源:纽约时报    2021-11-25 04:06

        An investment firm where Hunter Biden, the president’s son, was a founding board member helped facilitate a Chinese company’s purchase from an American company of one of the world’s richest cobalt mines, located in the Democratic Republic of Congo.        当一家中国企业从一家美国公司手中收购位于刚果民主共和国(下称“刚果”)的钴矿——世界上储藏最丰富的钴矿之一——时,它得到了某投资公司的协助,拜登总统的儿子亨特·拜登是该投资公司的创始董事。
        Mr. Biden and two other Americans joined Chinese partners in establishing the firm in 2013, known as BHR and formally named Bohai Harvest RST (Shanghai) Equity Investment Fund Management Company.        他和另外两名美国人于2013年与中方合作伙伴共同创建了这家名为BHR的公司,其正式名称为渤海华美(上海)股权投资基金管理有限公司。
        The three Americans, all of whom served on the board, controlled 30 percent of BHR, a private equity firm registered in Shanghai that makes investments and then flips them for a profit. The rest of the company is owned or controlled by Chinese investors that include the Bank of China, according to records filed with Chinese regulators.        这三名美国人都是董事会成员,他们控制着30%的BHR股份。BHR是一家在上海注册的私募股权公司,通过投资然后转手以获取利润。根据提交给中国监管机构的记录,该公司的其余部分由中国投资者拥有或控制,其中包括中国银行。
        One of BHR’s early deals was to help finance an Australian coal-mining company controlled by a Chinese state-owned firm. It also assisted a subsidiary of a Chinese defense conglomerate in buying a Michigan auto parts maker.        BHR早期的交易之一是帮助一家由中国国有企业控制的澳大利亚煤矿公司融资。它还帮助一家中国军工企业集团的子公司收购了密歇根州的一家汽车零部件制造商。
        The firm made one of its most successful investments in 2016, when it bought and later sold a stake in CATL, a fast-growing Chinese company that is now the world’s biggest maker of batteries for electric vehicles.        该公司在2016年进行了最成功的投资之一,买入并随后出售了宁德时代的股份。宁德时代是一家快速发展的中国公司,目前是世界上最大的电动汽车电池制造商。
        The mining deal in Congo also came in 2016, when the Chinese mining outfit China Molybdenum announced that it was paying $2.65 billion to buy Tenke Fungurume, a cobalt and copper mine, from the American company Freeport-McMoRan.        刚果的矿业交易也是在2016年达成的,当时中国的采矿企业洛阳钼业集团宣布,将支付26.5亿美元,从美国的麦克莫兰自由港公司手中收购钴铜矿业公司腾科–丰谷鲁美。
        As part of that deal, China Molybdenum sought a partner to buy out a minority stakeholder in the mine, Lundin Mining of Canada. That is when BHR became involved.        作为交易的一部分,洛阳钼业寻求合作伙伴,收购加拿大伦丁矿业在该矿持有的少数股份。这时BHR开始介入。
        Records in Hong Kong show that the $1.14 billion BHR, through subsidiaries, paid to buy out Lundin came entirely from Chinese state-backed companies.        香港的记录显示,BHR通过子公司为收购伦丁而支付的11.4亿美元完全来自中国政府支持的公司。
        China Molybdenum lined up about $700 million of that total as loans from Chinese state-backed banks, including China Construction Bank. BHR raised the remaining amount from obscure entities with names like Design Time Limited, an offshore company controlled by China Construction’s investment bank, according to the Hong Kong filings.        洛阳钼业从中国建设银行等国有银行获得了约7亿美元贷款。根据香港的文件,其余资金由BHR从一些不知名实体处筹得,比如中国建设银行的投资银行控股的离岸公司Design Time Limited。
        Before the deal was done, BHR also signed an agreement that allowed China Molybdenum to buy BHR’s share of the mine, which the company did two years later, the filings show. That purchase gave China Molybdenum 80 percent ownership of the mine. (Congo’s state mining enterprise kept a stake for itself.)        文件显示,在交易完成之前,BHR还签署了一份协议,允许洛阳钼业收购BHR在该矿的股份。两年后,洛阳钼业收购了BHR的股份。这次收购使洛阳钼业获得了该矿80%的所有权。(刚果国有矿业集团保留了部分股权。)
        By the time BHR sold its share in 2019, Mr. Biden controlled 10 percent of the firm through Skaneateles L.L.C., a company based in Washington. While Chinese corporate records show Skaneateles remains a part owner of BHR, Chris Clark, a lawyer for Mr. Biden, said that he “no longer holds any interest, directly or indirectly, in either BHR or Skaneateles.” The Chinese records show that Mr. Biden was no longer on BHR’s board as of April 2020. Mr. Biden did not respond to requests for comment.        到BHR于2019年出售其股份时,拜登通过总部位于华盛顿的斯卡尼阿特勒斯有限责任公司控制着BHR的10%股份。虽然中国的公司记录显示,斯卡尼阿特勒斯仍然是BHR的部分所有者,但拜登的律师克里斯·克拉克说,拜登“不再直接或间接持有BHR或斯卡尼阿特勒斯的股份”。中国的记录显示,截至2020年4月,拜登已不再是BHR的董事会成员。拜登没有回应置评请求。
        A former BHR board member told The New York Times that Mr. Biden and the other American founders were not involved in the mine deal and that the firm earned only a nominal fee from it. The money, the former board member said, went into the firm’s operating funds and was not distributed to its owners.        BHR的一名前董事会成员告诉《纽约时报》,拜登和其他美国创始人没有参与这项采矿交易,该公司只从这笔交易中获得了微不足道的费用。这位前董事说,这笔钱进入了公司的运营基金,没有分配给所有者。
        It is unclear how the firm was chosen by China Molybdenum. Current executives at BHR did not return emails and phone calls seeking comment. “We don’t know Hunter Biden, nor are we aware of his involvement in BHR,” Vincent Zhou, a spokesman for China Molybdenum, said in an email.        目前还不清楚洛阳钼业是如何选择这家公司的。BHR的现任高管没有回复寻求置评的电子邮件和电话。“我们不认识亨特·拜登,也不知道他参与了BHR,”钼业集团发言人文森特·周(音)在电子邮件中说。
        A dozen executives from companies involved in the deal, including Freeport-McMoRan and Lundin, said in interviews that they were not given a reason for BHR’s participation. Most of the executives also said they were unaware during the deal of Mr. Biden’s connection to the firm.        包括麦克莫兰自由港和伦丁在内的该交易相关公司的12名高管在接受采访时表示,他们不知道BHR参与的理由。大多数高管还表示,在交易期间,他们不知道拜登与该公司的关系。
        Paul Conibear, Lundin’s chief executive at the time, said it was made clear that China Molybdenum was leading the transaction even though the buyer of Lundin’s stake was BHR.        伦丁当时的首席执行官保罗·科尼贝尔表示,尽管伦丁所持股份的买家是BHR,但很明显,洛阳钼业是这笔交易的牵头方。
        “I never really understood who they were,” Mr. Conibear said of BHR.        “我从没真正弄明白他们是谁,”科尼贝尔在谈到BHR时说。
        When the mine was sold, Mr. Biden’s father was near the end of his term as vice president. In the run-up to the 2020 presidential election, Hunter Biden’s business ties in China were widely publicized.        当该矿被出售时,拜登的父亲即将结束其副总统任期。在2020年总统大选前夕,亨特·拜登与中国的商业关系被广泛宣传。
        But BHR’s role in the Chinese mine purchase was not a major focus. It has taken on new relevance because the Biden administration warned this year that China might use its growing dominance of cobalt to disrupt America’s retooling of its auto industry to make electric vehicles. The metal is among several key ingredients in electric car batteries.        但BHR在中国矿业收购中所扮演的角色在当时并没有成为焦点。钴是电动汽车电池的几种关键成分之一,由于拜登政府今年警告称,中国可能会利用在钴矿业内日益增长的主导地位,扰乱美国为制造电动汽车而对其汽车工业进行的调整,BHR的角色又有了新的意义。
        When asked if the president had been made aware of his son’s connection to the sale, a White House spokesman said, “No.”        当被问及总统是否知道他儿子与这笔交易的关系时,白宫发言人说,“不知道。”

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