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Orange farmer sees online orders rise 150 times after donation

来源:中国日报    2021-11-19 08:00

        “Can oranges be used for experiments?” Chen asked the student during an online conversation.陈先生在和肖同学线上沟通时问道:“橘子还能做实验的吗?”
        “You could say so. We are graduate school students,” Xiao replied.
        “To serve the country, I will donate one box to you … I can’t help our country a lot. Since I’ve encountered this opportunity, I will make my contribution,” wrote Chen.陈先生回复:“给国家服务,我捐一箱给你们试试……帮不了国家什么大忙,遇到了就想着出点力。”
        The next morning, Chen sent Xiao a box of oranges and then added five more boxes when he realized that she had said they needed oranges of different sizes for the experiment.第二天一早,陈先生给肖同学送了一箱蜜橘,当了解到肖同学说他们需要不同大小的桔子做实验时,又加送了五箱。
        After receiving the fruit she released her online chat with the farmer on her school’s internal website. On the next day, touched by the kindness of Chen, many students flocked to his online shop to buy oranges.收到水果后,她在学校内部网站上发布了她与这位果农的聊天记录。第二天,许多学生被陈的好意所感动,涌向他的网店去买桔子。
        The donation story was picked up by local news outlets over the weekend. It has since been viewed 590 million times on Weibo.当地新闻媒体在上周末报道了这个捐赠事件。此后,该话题在微博上的浏览量已达5.9亿次。
        Chen said he could not have predicted the result as the enthusiasm from internet users was beyond his imagination.陈凯表示,他完全没有想到事情的结果是这样,网友的热情超出了他的想象。
        Chen said with the rising demand, he is selling oranges not only from his own farm, but also from farms nearby.陈凯说,随着需求的增加,他不仅卖自己家的橘子,而且还帮附近的农场卖橘子。
        “You don’t need to buy oranges from my shop. I will be moved even if you just say ‘hi’ to me.It’s important to consume rationally.”“真的没有必要下单,你们的留言就让我很感动。请一定要理性消费。”
        Xiao, a PhD candidate from the College of Agriculture and Biotechnology at Zhejiang University, later told the newspaper that she and her fellow classmates were conducting experiments on diseases affecting oranges.肖小娥是浙江大学农业与生物技术学院的博士研究生,她随后向《浙江日报》表示,自己正在和同学做实验,研究影响柑橘的疾病。

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