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6 best Thanksgiving movies of all time

来源:中国日报    2021-11-25 15:22

        A Charlie Brown Thanksgiving (1973)        《查理·布朗的感恩节》
        A true classic, this Peanuts cartoon gives many viewers a sense of nostalgia. Return to the iconic moment when Lucy pulls the football away from Charlie Brown right as he’s about to kick it. Life is hard, but in this animated film, sweetness prevails when the Peanuts gang prepares a Thanksgiving feast complete with jelly beans.        这部改编自《花生漫画》的电影是一部真正的经典之作,触发了很多观众的怀旧情绪。再来回顾一下露西在查理·布朗就要踢足球时突然抢走足球的标志性瞬间吧。生活很艰难,但是在这部动画电影中,当花生漫画人物一起准备有软心糖豆的感恩节大餐时,你感受到的都是甜美的味道。
        Scent of a Woman (1992)        《闻香识女人》
        The movie focuses on the relationship between Frank (Al Pacino), a blind, retired lieutenant in the US army who is difficult to get along with, and Charlie (Chris O'Donnell), a prep school student who takes the job as Frank's assistant for Thanksgiving.        这部电影聚焦于双目失明、很难相处的美军退役中尉弗兰克(阿尔·帕西诺饰演)和在感恩节期间担任弗兰克助理的预科学校学生查理(克里斯·奥唐纳饰演)之间的关系。
        Planes, Trains and Automobiles (1987)        《落难见真情》
        This John Hughes comedy starring Steve Martin and John Candy is already a Thanksgiving classic for many. Neal (Martin) ends up rerouted because of a snowstorm. As he struggles to find a way home for Thanksgiving, he gets stuck with overwhelmingly positive Del (Candy).        由约翰·休斯导演、史蒂夫·马丁和约翰·坎迪主演的这部喜剧片是很多人心目中的感恩节经典电影。暴风雪的来袭让尼尔(马丁饰演)乘坐的飞机更改了航线。尼尔努力想办法回家过感恩节,但却总是和无比乐观的德尔(坎迪饰演)一起陷入囧途。
        One True Thing (1998)        《亲情无价》
        Meryl Streep was nominated for an Academy Award for her performance in this movie as a wife and mom who struggles with cancer. Renée Zellweger plays the grown daughter who has to come home to help with the holidays. The two try to hold the family together, especially during a tense Thanksgiving meal when guests get all the attention.        梅丽尔·斯特里普在此片中饰演一名身患癌症的妻子和母亲,她还凭借该角色获得奥斯卡奖提名。蕾妮·齐薇格饰演不得不回家帮忙准备过节的成年女儿。两个人试图让家人团结在一起,尤其是在客人至上、气氛紧张的感恩节大餐中。
        The Gold Rush (1925)        《淘金记》
        Charlie Chaplin as the Little Tramp eats his shoe for Thanksgiving dinner while trapped in a blizzard in this endearing silent film classic from 1925. Watch this one if you’re in the mood to see a leather shoe prepped and eaten as if it were a succulent turkey. Makes you grateful for what you have!        在这部备受喜爱的1925年经典默片中,查理·卓别林饰演的流浪汉被困在暴风雪中,把自己的鞋当成感恩节大餐吃掉。如果你想目睹一双皮鞋是如何像一只味美多汁的火鸡一样被一段段切开吃掉的,那就看这部电影吧。这会让你对自己所拥有的心存感恩。
        Free Birds (2013)        《火鸡总动员》
        In this family-friendly animated romp, two turkeys steal a time machine and head back to the first Thanksgiving to try to keep turkeys off the menu. An all-star cast featuring Owen Wilson, Amy Poehler, and George Takei provides the voices.        在这部喧闹的合家欢电影中,两只火鸡偷走了一台时光机并回到了第一个感恩节,试图让火鸡从感恩节菜单上消失。这部影片拥有全明星配音阵容,包括欧文·威尔逊、艾米·波勒、武井乔治等。

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