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Plans unveiled for high-tech '10-minute city' in Seoul

来源:中国日报    2021-11-26 15:51

        The idea of a "15-minute city," in which residents can all reach work and leisure facilities within a quarter-hour walk -- or cycle -- of their homes, has gained significant traction among urban planners during the Covid-19 pandemic.        “15分钟城市”,即居民都能从家步行或骑车15分钟内到达工作和休闲场所,这一概念在新冠疫情期间越来越受城市规划者的欢迎。
        Now, a group of architects is planning an even more ambitious neighborhood in South Korea's capital, Seoul: a 10-minute city.        如今,一群建筑师正在韩国首都首尔规划一个更加雄心勃勃的社区项目——10分钟城市。
        Dubbed "Project H1," the development is set to transform an old industrial site into an interconnected "smart" city. Combining eight residential buildings with co-working offices and study spaces, the 125-acre district is also set to house entertainment venues, fitness centers, swimming pools and even hydroponic urban farms.        该规划被称为“H1项目”,旨在将一个老工业区改造成一个互相连通的“智慧”城市。通过将8栋住宅楼和联合办公区、教学空间结合在一起,这块方圆125英亩(50.6万平方米)的地上将建起娱乐场所、健身中心、游泳池甚至城市水培农场。
        Designed by Dutch architecture firm UNStudio and backed by Hyundai Development Company (a real estate firm owned by the conglomerate behind the car maker of the same name), the neighborhood will also be completely car-free. A press release for the project claimed that "all the conveniences of the city" will be within a 10-minute walk of people's homes.        这个项目由荷兰建筑公司UNStudio设计、现代房地产开发公司出资建造,建成后将实现无车化。该项目发布新闻稿称,“城市的所有便利”将会在从家步行10分钟以内的范围享受到。
        In a statement, UNStudio co-founder Ben van Berkel said that residents' "daily life experience" is the project's "top priority."        UNStudio建筑师事务所的联合创始人本·凡·贝克尔在一份声明中称,居民的“日常生活体验”是项目“最重视的事”。
        "We do this through the inclusion of a rich density of uplifting, curated on-site experiences that provide an extensive range of options for how they can spend their living, working and leisure time, thereby also saving them the time needed to travel elsewhere in the city -- because with time that is saved, more time is created," he is quoted as saying.        他在声明中说道:“我们在项目中密集植入精心策划的各种活力现场体验,从而为居民提供了生活、工作和休闲的多样化选择,由此节省了他们去市内其他地方所需的出行时间,这样一来时间就变多了。”
        A spokesperson for UNStudio confirmed that project has been green-lit but did not disclose when it is likely to break ground. For now, a series of CGI renderings hint at how the neighborhood will look, with public plazas, gardens, green roofs and "nature zones" connected by pedestrian walkways.        UNStudio的一名发言人证实该项目已获批准,但是没有透露何时动工。目前只能看到电脑生成的效果图,图上显示这个社区有广场、花园、绿色屋顶以及和多条人行道相连的“自然区”。
        The architects also said that clean energy will be generated on site, while systems to capture and store rain are being designed to reduce water use.        这家建筑公司还透露,社区内将会就地生产清洁能源,还会建立收集和储存雨水的节水系统。
        The "15-minute city" concept was first proposed by French-Colombian academic Carlos Moreno in 2016, and was more recently popularized by Paris mayor Anne Hidalgo, who proposed making the French capital a "ville du quart d'heure" -- a quarter-hour city -- during her recent reelection campaign.        “15分钟城市”概念是法裔哥伦比亚籍学者卡洛斯·莫雷诺于2016年首次提出的,近期在巴黎市长安妮·伊达尔戈的连任竞选活动中得到推广。伊达尔戈提议把法国首都改造成一个15分钟城市。
        Critics have suggested that the concept could cause gentrification by further concentrating wealth in the most accessible and convenient districts. The desirability of "15-minute" neighborhoods may, in turn, result in home prices that exclude low-income and marginalized communities.        批评人士指出,这一概念可能会让财富进一步往最便利地区集中,从而导致住宅高档化。“15分钟”社区的高需求量最后可能会抬高房价,从而把低收入者和边缘化社区排除在外。
        But the Covid-19 pandemic has seen growing interest in the concept. With people around the world working from home and avoiding public transport, urban planners have begun pedestrianizing streets and reimagining how cities manage dense populations.        但是新冠疫情的暴发催热了这一概念。由于世界各地的人们在家办公、远离公交,城市规划者开始将街道改造成步行区,并重新设想城市管理高密度人口的方式。
        Writing in the academic journal Smart Cities earlier this year, Moreno said, "The emergence of this pandemic exposed the vulnerability of cities ... and the need for a radical re-thinking, where innovative measures need to be tailored to ensure that urban residents are able to cope and continue with their basic activities, including cultural ones, to ensure that cities remain both resilient and livable in the short and long terms."        莫雷诺今年早些时候在学术杂志《智慧城市》中写道:“疫情的来袭暴露了城市的脆弱性……我们需要彻底改变思维,并根据具体情况制定新措施确保城市居民可以继续进行日常活动,包括文化活动,从而确保城市在短期和长期内都能适应变化并适宜居住。”

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