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‘All About My Sisters’ Review: Family Matters

来源:纽约时报    2021-10-15 01:25

        Often in “All About My Sisters,” the Chinese filmmaker Wang Qiong’s documentary portrait of her family, you might forget that what you’re watching is filtered through a camera. Over a period of seven years, Wang filmed her parents, siblings and relatives from within the emotional thicket of their lives, capturing moments of piercing, private intimacy. Her approach yields a film bristling with the kind of familial rancor that usually only emerges behind closed doors.        中国电影制作人王琼的纪录片《家庭录像》(All About My Sisters)记录了她的家庭,在观影时,你可能会忘记自己是通过摄影机的镜头看到这些画面的。在七年的时间里,王琼记录了她的父母、姐弟,以及他们生活中关系复杂的亲戚们,捕捉了直击心灵的亲密时刻。她据此制作了一部影片,里面充斥着家庭内部通常不可外扬的怨恨。
        There’s plenty to warrant this bitterness, starting with the fact that Wang’s younger sister, Zhou Jin, was abandoned as a newborn before being retrieved and then given to an uncle to raise. That was in the 1990s, when the combination of China’s one-child policy and a widespread cultural preference for sons had tragic consequences. As we learn over the course of the film’s epic (yet impressively brisk-moving) three-hour arc, Jin’s is one of the many stories of abandoned babies, sex-selective abortions and female infanticide that haunt Wang’s family history.        有这些苦楚是因为这个家庭发生了太多悲剧,首先是王琼的妹妹周金,她从一出生就被遗弃,后来又被父母接回来,然后又给了一个叔叔去养。那是上世纪90年代,中国的独生子女政策加上普遍存在的重男轻女文化导致了悲剧性后果。在长达三个小时的时间里(然而明快生动的情节进展令人印象深刻),周金的身世在王琼的家族历史中挥之不去,是许多关于弃婴、性别选择堕胎和杀害女婴的故事之一。
        Wang is neither a staid observer nor a formal interviewer, but an active participant in the scenes she captures, often intervening gently from behind her hand-held camera. “Have you ever thought that induced abortion is horrible to baby girls?” she asks her older sister, Wang Li, whose husband is desperate for a male heir. Li’s response is simple but profound: “The world is horrible to us, too. Every move is a risk.”At times, Wang’s candor can be unsettling: I wondered about the ethics of her unflattering portrayal of Jin, who is seen being cruel to her toddler, as if re-enacting her own traumas. In such moments, “All About My Sisters” teeters discomfitingly between the personal and the political, revealing how little separates the two.        王琼既不是一个默不作声的观察者,也不是一个正式的采访者,在她拍下的场景中,她是一个主动的参与者,在手持摄影机的背后,她常常会做出温柔的干预。她问姐姐王莉:“你有没有想过,将女婴人工流产是一件非常糟糕的事情?”王莉的丈夫迫切想要一个男性后代。王莉的回应简单而深刻:“这个世界对我们也非常糟糕。每一步都是风险。”有些时候,王琼的坦白令人不安:我不知道她对周金的形象毫无掩饰是否存在伦理问题,周金对她学步期的孩子非常严厉,如同在重演她自己的创伤。在这样的时刻,《家庭录像》在个人议题和政治之间令人不安地摇摆不定,暴露出两者密不可分。
        All About My SistersNot rated. In Mandarin, with subtitles. Running time: 2 hours 54 minutes. In theaters.        《家庭录像》,无分级。普通话,有字幕。片长2小时54分钟。正在上映。

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