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Amid U.S.-China Chill, Harvard Moves a Top Language Program to Taiwan

来源:纽约时报    2021-10-14 10:01

        TAIPEI, Taiwan — Harvard University will move a popular Chinese-language program to Taipei from Beijing amid a broad chill in academic and cultural exchanges between the United States and China.        台湾台北——在美中学术和文化交流普遍降温之际,哈佛大学将把一个广受欢迎的中文语言项目从北京搬到台北。
        The program’s director, Jennifer L. Liu, told The Harvard Crimson that the move had been driven by a perceived lack of friendliness on the part of the Chinese host institution, the Beijing Language and Culture University. Harry J. Pierre, a Harvard spokesman, said, “The planned move of this program from Beijing to Taiwan has been considered for some time and reflects a wide array of operational factors.”        该项目主任刘力嘉(Jennifer L. Liu)对《哈佛深红报》(The Harvard Crimson)说,这样做是因为他们注意到中方合作单位北京语言大学态度不友善。哈佛大学发言人哈里·J·皮埃尔(Harry J. Pierre)说,“该语言项目从北京迁往台湾的计划已筹划了一段时间,是各种操作方面的因素所致。”
        “The program’s new location presents a different opportunity for our instructors and learners to broaden their educational experiences,” Mr. Pierre, associate director of communications of Harvard’s division of continuing education, said in an emailed statement.        “该语言项目的新地点为我们的教师和学员提供了一个不同的机会,来拓宽他们的学习经历,”哈佛大学进修教育部门副主任皮埃尔在一份通过电子邮件发送的声明中写道。
        Harvard, like many American universities, has a number of programs in China, including executive education courses and a training program led by its medical school for Chinese doctors and hospital leaders. The summer language program — known as the Harvard Beijing Academy — allowed students not just to immerse themselves in advanced language studies, but also to travel across China and learn about its history and culture.        与许多美国大学一样,哈佛在中国也设有许多项目,包括管理人员培训课程和一个由哈佛医学院主导的培训中国医生和医院领导的项目。被称为“哈佛北京书院”(Harvard Beijing Academy)的暑期语言项目不仅让学生有学习高级语言课程的沉浸式环境,也让他们在中国各地旅行,了解中国的历史和文化。
        But Professor Liu said that the program had been experiencing difficulties securing access to the classrooms and dormitories needed from Beijing Language and Culture University, according to an account she provided to The Harvard Crimson, a student newspaper. She also said that in 2019, the Chinese university told the program that it could no longer hold an annual gathering to celebrate the Fourth of July, during which students and faculty would typically eat pizza and sing the American national anthem.        但据刘力嘉提供给哈佛大学学生刊物《哈佛深红报》(The Harvard Crimson)的说法,该语言项目在确保北京语言大学提供所需的教室和宿舍方面遇到了困难。她还说,2019年,北京语言大学通知该项目,不能再举办庆祝7月4日美国国庆的年度聚会,学生和教职员工通常会在聚会上吃披萨,唱美国国歌。
        Though China has instituted stringent pandemic restrictions, with provinces undergoing snap lockdowns as coronavirus cases have flared up, Professor Liu said she believed that the unwelcoming environment was related to a shift in the Chinese government’s attitudes toward American institutions.        虽然中国为遏制新冠病毒传播制定了严格的限制措施,各省在出现新冠病毒感染病例后采取紧急封闭的做法,但刘力嘉说,她认为不友好的环境与中国政府对美国机构的态度转变有关。
        When contacted for comment, Ms. Liu referred a reporter to Mr. Pierre, the Harvard spokesman. Reached by telephone on Tuesday, an employee at the Beijing Language and Culture University declined to comment.        记者联系刘力嘉请求置评时,她让记者去找哈佛大学发言人皮埃尔。记者周二通过电话联系到的一名北京语言大学员工拒绝置评。
        Zhao Lijian, a spokesman for China’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs, addressed Harvard’s move during a routine news briefing on Wednesday. “China has always welcomed foreign students,” he said. “We oppose any effort to politicize people-to-people exchanges.”        中国外交部发言人赵立坚在周三的例行记者会上被问及哈佛的举动时说,“中方一贯欢迎外国留学生来华学习进修。”他说,“我们反对任何将人文交流政治化的做法。”
        Taiwan — a self-governing island claimed by Beijing as a Chinese province — has long been a hub for Chinese language study among foreign diplomats, scholars and reporters, though that status has waned in recent decades as mainland China opened up. Mandarin Chinese is the primary official language in Taiwan, but it uses the traditional written script while the mainland uses simplified Chinese characters.        台湾是被北京宣称为一个中国省份的自治岛屿。虽然它在很长时间里曾一直是外国外交官、学者和记者学习中文的地方,但近几十年来,随着中国大陆的开放,它的这一地位有所下降。普通话是台湾的主要官方语言,但书面文字使用繁体字,而不是大陆用的简体字。
        The Harvard program started in 2005 and initially cost $4,500. By 2015, more than 1,000 students had participated, according to the Beijing Language and Culture University’s website. The program was canceled in 2020 and this year because of the pandemic. It is now scheduled to begin next summer under the name Harvard Taipei Academy at National Taiwan University in Taipei. The new host institution said that in addition to offering language courses over eight weeks, the program would give its 60 or so students the opportunity to visit attractions around Taiwan and participate in cultural activities like Chinese calligraphy and paper-cutting workshops.        哈佛大学的这个语言项目始于2005年,最初的收费为4500美元。据北京语言大学的网站显示,截至2015年,已有1000多名学生参加过这个项目。2020年和今年的项目因疫情取消。项目计划于明年夏天在台北的国立台湾大学开设,改名为“哈佛台北书院”(Harvard Taipei Academy)。新合作方表示,除了提供为期八周的语言课程外,还将为项目的约60名学生提供去台湾各景点旅游的机会,以及参加书法和剪纸学习班等文化活动。
        “It is hoped that in the free academic atmosphere of National Taiwan University, we can lay a solid Mandarin foundation for the excellent students of Harvard,” the university said in a statement.        “希望在台大的自由学术氛围中,为优秀的哈佛学员奠定稳固的中文根基,”台湾大学在一份声明中表示。
        The relocation comes as ties between the United States and China have reached their lowest point in decades. Increasingly, the tensions have spilled over into the realm of people-to-people exchanges, as well.        这个项目的搬迁发生在美中关系降到几十年来最低点的时候。紧张关系也已越来越多地蔓延到人文交流领域。
        In 2020, the Trump administration suspended the government’s Fulbright program in mainland China and Hong Kong. The suspension occurred months after the Peace Corps abruptly announced it was ending its China program. The withdrawal of the programs prompted criticism from some who argued that it cut off two key pipelines for Americans to better understand what was happening on the ground in China.        2020年,特朗普政府暂停了政府在中国大陆和香港的富布赖特(Fulbright)项目。几个月前,和平队(Peace Corps)突然宣布结束中国项目。这些项目退出中国的做法招致了一些人的批评,他们认为这样做切断了让美国人更好了解中国实地情况的两个关键渠道。
        The Harvard program’s relocation to Taiwan also comes as the island has supplanted Hong Kong as a bastion of free speech in the Chinese-speaking world, an idea that Taiwanese officials have been keen to emphasize.        哈佛大学项目迁往台湾也发生在后者已取代香港,成为华语世界言论自由堡垒的时候,台湾的官员们一直热衷于强调这点。
        Joanne Ou, a spokeswoman for Taiwan’s Foreign Ministry, said the agency “believes that the democratic and liberal system and pluralistic society will enable young American students to have a deeper understanding of Taiwan and the Chinese-speaking world.”        台湾外交部发言人欧江安说,“外交部深信,我民主自由体制、社会多元蓬勃发展,将可使美国青年学子对台湾及华语世界能有更深入的体认与了解。”
        She added, “Only in a free environment where speech is not censored can the best results of learning be achieved.”        她还说,“只有在没有言论审查的自由环境中,才有最好的学习成效。”
        William C. Kirby, a professor of China studies at Harvard and chair of the Harvard Center Shanghai, insisted that the decision to relocate had been taken “above all, for logistical reasons.” He added that the university was continuing to explore ways to maintain and deepen its other ties with China despite the challenges posed by the ongoing geopolitical tensions and the country’s strict virus-related border restrictions.        哈佛大学的中国研究教授、哈佛中国基金会主席柯伟林(William C. Kirby)坚称,做出搬迁的决定“首先是出于后勤考虑”。他还说,尽管持续存在的地缘政治紧张关系和中国为遏制新冠病毒严格限制入境带来了挑战,但哈佛仍在继续探索保持和深化与中国的其他关系的方法。
        “Once before, in the early 1950s, vibrant ties between the United States and Chinese universities were cut off, to our mutual loss,” Professor Kirby said. “We should not let that happen again.”        “20世纪50年代初,美国与中国大学之间充满活力的联系曾一度中断,这对我们彼此都是损失,”柯伟林说。“我们不该让这种情况再次发生。”

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