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A Taste for Pangolin Meat and the Fall of an African Wildlife Cartel

来源:纽约时报    2021-10-19 05:02

        Hundreds of poachers are arrested each year for killing elephants, rhinos, pangolins and other animals in Africa. Yet the problem persists, because there is always a ready supply of desperate men to take the place of those put behind bars. Higher-level criminals, on the other hand — those who really drive the international illegal wildlife trade — almost always evade justice.        每一年,都有数以百计的偷猎者因为在非洲杀害大象、犀牛、穿山甲和其他动物而被捕。然而问题仍然存在,因为马上会有铤而走险的狂徒接替那些被关在监狱里的人。另一方面,高级罪犯——那些真正推动国际非法野生动物贸易的人——几乎总是逃避法律制裁。
        Malawi, the southern African nation bounded by Tanzania, Mozambique and Zambia, once fell prey to this lax law enforcement and became “one of the biggest wildlife trafficking hubs in Southern Africa,” said Dudu Douglas-Hamilton, head of counter wildlife trafficking at the Elephant Crisis Fund, a nonprofit group that supports conservation projects across Africa.        支持非洲动物保护项目的非营利组织大象危机基金(Elephant Crisis Fund)打击野生动物贩运部门负责人杜杜·道格拉斯-汉密尔顿(Dudu Douglas-Hamilton)说,与坦桑尼亚、莫桑比克和赞比亚接壤的非洲南部国家马拉维曾因这种执法不力遭受折磨,并成为“南非洲最大的野生动物贩运中心之一”。
        But significant efforts on the ground to combat the country’s difficulties with poaching and trafficking have started to pay off, and the example Malawi is now setting may show other African nations how they can do the same.        但当地为解决偷猎和贩运问题而所做的重大而切实的努力如今正在取得回报。马拉维有望树立一个供其他非洲国家效仿的榜样。
        On Sept. 28, a judge in Lilongwe, the country’s capital, sentenced Yunhua Lin to as much as 14 years in prison for a variety of charges he was previously found guilty of: rhino horn possession and dealing, and money laundering. Investigators say Mr. Lin, a 48-year-old Chinese citizen, played a central role in turning Malawi into a wildlife crime hot spot. After he serves his concurrent sentences, he will be deported to China.        9月28日,该国首都利隆圭的一名法官判处林云华(音)长达14年的监禁,他此前已被判犯有多项罪名:持有和交易犀牛角以及洗钱。调查人员说,在马拉维变成野生动物犯罪热点的过程中,48岁的中国公民林云华发挥了核心作用。在服完累计徒刑后,他将被驱逐回中国。
        Malawi had become a low-risk, high-reward location for wildlife criminals. But in recent years, it has taken such crimes more seriously. In 2017 policymakers amended the country’s wildlife legislation, making it some of the strongest in Africa. Previously, most wildlife criminals — if they were prosecuted at all — were sentenced to a $40 fine. Now, prosecutors have conviction rates of 91 percent for elephant and rhino crimes, and 90 percent of convicts serve time in prison, with an average sentence of four and a half years. No international ivory seizures have been linked to Malawi since early 2017.        马拉维已成为野生动物犯罪分子的低风险、高回报之地。但近年来,它已加强对此类犯罪的重视。2017年,政策制定者修改了该国的野生动物立法,使其成为非洲各国的野生动物法中最严厉的立法之一。在以前,大多数捕猎野生动物的罪犯即使被起诉,也只是处以40美元的罚款。现在,检察官对违法捕猎大象和犀牛的定罪率为91%,有90%的罪犯服刑,平均刑期为四年半。自2017年初以来,没有辑获过与马拉维相关的国际象牙走私。
        A number of factors have driven this shift, including international pressure, national efforts to combat corruption, greater support for tackling wildlife crime and a more strategic, intelligence-led approach to investigating trafficking networks, said Mary Rice, executive director of the Environmental Investigation Agency, a nonprofit group in London.        伦敦非营利组织环境调查机构(Environmental Investigation Agency)总干事玛丽·赖斯(Mary Rice)说,许多因素推动了这一转变,包括国际压力、国家打击腐败的努力、对解决野生动物犯罪的更大支持以及更具战略性、以情报为主导的贩运网络调查。
        “Lin is only one of many who have been targeted through this approach, resulting in arrest, prosecution and conviction,” Ms. Rice said. “This was definitely not a blip.”        “这种办法已经被用来对付许多人,林云华只是其中之一,他因此被逮捕、起诉和定罪,”赖斯说。“这绝对不是昙花一现。”
        The sentencing of Mr. Lin — the highest-ranking wildlife criminal prosecuted to date in Malawi, and one of the few individuals of his rank brought to justice in any African country — represents a major victory. Hearing it read in court, Andy Kaonga, one of the lawyers who prosecuted the case, said he experienced “a feeling of elation.”        林云华的判决是一次重大胜利——他是马拉维迄今为止被起诉的级别最高的野生动物罪犯,也是非洲范围内少数几个被绳之以法的同级别人士之一。参与此案检控的律师之一安迪·卡翁加(Andy Kaonga)在法庭上听到审判时说,他感到“欢欣鼓舞”。
        “For Malawi, this shows that there’s no sacred cow,” Mr. Kaonga said. “Money cannot save you, and there’s a limit to what corruption can actually get you.”        “对于马拉维来说,这表明没有无法打倒的犯罪,”卡翁加说。“金钱救不了你,腐败实际上能给你带来的东西是有限度的。”
        The Chinese embassy in Malawi did not respond to questions about the case.        中国驻马拉维大使馆没有回应有关此案的问题。
        Eighteen other members of Mr. Lin’s network — including four close relatives — have also been prosecuted for crimes including possession of ivory, pangolin scales, rhino horn, illegal firearms and explosives. Additionally, Mr. Lin’s daughter and another alleged associate have been charged with money laundering.        林云华集团的其他18名成员——包括四名近亲——也因持有象牙、穿山甲鳞片、犀牛角、非法枪支和爆炸物等罪行被起诉。此外,林云华的女儿和另一名涉嫌同伙已被指控洗钱。
        Many of Mr. Lin’s affiliates were Chinese, but he also worked closely with a number of Malawians. One man, Aaron Dyson, a fluent Mandarin speaker, is now serving 15 years in prison for possessing and dealing in ivory.        林云华的许多合作者是中国人,但他也与一些马拉维人密切合作。一名名叫亚伦·戴森(Aaron Dyson)的男子会说一口流利的普通话,目前因持有和交易象牙而被判入狱15年。
        “You’re looking at an entire Chinese-led network that is being dismantled,” Ms. Douglas-Hamilton said. “It’s a huge win for wildlife.”        “你看到的是一整个由中国人主导的网络正在被捣毁,”道格拉斯-汉密尔顿说。“这是野生动物的巨大胜利。”
        The Malawi police began investigating Mr. Lin’s network in early 2015. In December 2017, they caught his wife and son-in-law buying ivory from a Zambian national and arrested them. Mr. Lin, however, continued to evade detection, and the case against his family members went cold.        马拉维警方于2015年初开始调查林云华的网络。2017年12月,在林云华的妻子和女婿从一名赞比亚籍人士那里购买象牙时,马拉维警方抓获并逮捕了他们。然而,林云华继续逃避侦查,其家人的案子被搁置。
        A major break came in May 2019, when the police pulled over Mr. Lin’s driver and found three live pangolins in the trunk of his car. As they questioned the driver, “Mr. Lin was calling incessantly, leaving voice notes asking, ‘Where are you?’” Mr. Kaonga said. “He wanted to eat the pangolin meat, and that’s what put him in trouble.”        2019年5月出现重大突破,警察拦下林云华的司机,在他的汽车后备箱里发现了三只活穿山甲。当他们对司机问话时,林不停地打电话,留下语音留言,“你在哪里?”卡翁加说。“他想吃穿山甲肉,也正是这个给他带来了麻烦。”
        This gave the police grounds to conduct simultaneous raids on several of Mr. Lin’s commercial and residential properties in Lilongwe. Sniffer dogs led them to ivory, pangolin scales, pieces of rhino horn and illegal firearms. They made a number of arrests, including the rearrest of Mr. Lin’s wife and son-in-law. But Mr. Lin was nowhere to be found.        这让警方有理由同时突击搜查林云华在利隆圭的几处商业和住宅物业。嗅探犬带他们找到象牙、穿山甲鳞片、犀牛角碎片和非法枪支。他们逮捕了一些人,包括重新逮捕林云华的妻子和女婿。但林云华却不见踪影。
        Several months later, intelligence led the police to an enclosed estate in the city, where they found Mr. Lin. “He was trying to jump over the fence, running from the police,” Mr. Kaonga said.        几个月后,警方根据情报去到该市一处封闭的宅邸,在那里找到了林云华。“他试图翻墙逃跑,”卡翁加说。
        With Mr. Lin finally arrested, Mr. Kaonga and his colleagues began building a case. They sent the rhino horns from Mr. Lin’s home to a laboratory at the University of Pretoria in South Africa for genetic analysis. The tests revealed that the horns came from five different animals, one of which had been poached in Malawi’s Liwonde National Park in 2017. Adding to the genetic evidence, the poacher who killed the Liwonde rhino testified that he had sold the animal’s horn to Mr. Lin.        林云华最终被捕后,卡翁加和他的同事开始立案。他们将林云华家中的犀牛角送到南非比勒陀利亚大学(University of Pretoria)的实验室进行基因分析。测试显示,这些犀牛角来自五只动物,其中一只于2017年在马拉维的利旺德国家公园被偷猎。除了遗传学证据外,杀死利旺德犀牛的偷猎者作证说,他将犀牛角卖给了林云华。
        At one point during the trial, Mr. Lin became so enraged that he charged at Mr. Kaonga and had to be restrained. “He was shouting, ‘What do you want from me? You got my whole family!’” Mr. Kaonga said.        庭审过程中,林云华一度气急败坏地冲向卡翁加,但被制服。“他大喊大叫,‘你想从我这里得到什么?你已经抓了我全家!’”卡翁加说。
        In terms of prosecutions for wildlife criminals, Mr. Lin’s conviction represents “perhaps the most significant case that there’s been in Africa,” said Rodger Schlickeisen, executive director of the Wildcat Foundation, a nonprofit group based in Texas that focuses on conservation in Africa.        就起诉野生动物罪犯而言,林云华的定罪“可能是非洲发生的最重大的案件”,野生猫科动物基金会(Wildcat Foundation)会长罗杰·施利凯森(Rodger Schlickeisen)说。该基金会位于得克萨斯州,是一家专注于非洲动物保护的非营利组织。
        “There’s been an unfortunate history of African countries not enforcing the law against big, international wildlife traffickers who are citizens of other countries,” Dr. Schlickeisen said. “It’s an important step forward for Malawi to prosecute, convict and sentence Lin.”        “非洲国家过去没有对身为其他国家公民的大型国际野生动物贩运者执法,这是一段不幸的历史,”施利凯森说。“对林云华的起诉、定罪和判刑是马拉维向前迈出的重要一步。”
        The severity of the prosecutions of Mr. Lin and his colleagues sends a strong message to other criminals that Malawi now takes wildlife trafficking very seriously, Ms. Rice said. This makes it unlikely, she added, that another syndicate will step up to fill the void left by the removal of Mr. Lin’s cartel.        赖斯说,对林云华及其同伙的严厉起诉向其他罪犯发出了一个强烈信息,即马拉维现在非常重视野生动物贩运问题。她还说,这样一来,林云华的犯罪组织被清除而留下的空白,将不会轻易被另一个犯罪组织填补。
        The hope, now, is that other countries will see from Malawi’s example that it is possible to dismantle criminal networks, said Brighton Kumchedwa, director of Malawi’s Department of Parks and Wildlife. “We wish to encourage others in Africa and beyond to take the same stance.”        马拉维公园和野生动物部主任布莱顿·库姆切德瓦(Brighton Kumchedwa)表示,现在人们希望其他国家将从马拉维的例子中看到,摧毁犯罪网络是可能的。“我们希望鼓励非洲及其他地区的其他人采取同样的立场。”
        “Malawi is no longer a playground for kingpins, but we don’t want to just create a shift,” Mr. Kumchedwa continued, with criminals simply moving their operations to other African countries. “We want to deal decisively with wildlife crime.”        “马拉维不再是犯罪头目的游乐场,但我们不想只是创造了一次转变,”库姆切德瓦继续说道,只会让犯罪分子将生意转移到其他非洲国家。“我们希望彻底处理野生动物犯罪。”

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