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Mining for Gold in Australia’s Migrant Past

来源:纽约时报    2021-10-20 10:18

        On the dusty Ballarat goldfields, a group of Chinese miners find the body of a white woman dressed in Chinese clothing. Knowing what deadly consequences might result if the authorities think a Chinese person murdered a white woman, they hide the body. So begins “New Gold Mountain,” a new historical drama on SBS that has quickly become popular for its fresh take on a familiar element of Australia’s past.
        在尘土飞扬的巴拉腊特金矿,一群华人矿工发现了一具身穿中式服装的白人女尸。他们知道,如果当局认为是华人杀死了这名白人女子的话,那将会有怎样的致命后果,所以他们把尸体藏了起来。这是《新金山》(New Gold Mountain)的开篇,这部由SBS推出的历史剧播出后迅速走红,因为它将人们熟悉的澳大利亚历史用新方式展现出来。
        It’s always hard to work out what makes a show resonate but during a pandemic era when anti-Asian racism has flared, and as the relationship between Australia and its biggest trading partner continue to deteriorate, it sometimes feels like Chinese Australians have become defined by being stuck between two countries, with our belonging a perpetual question. And “New Gold Mountain” provides a new — or rather an old — lens to look at the question, reminding us that while uneasy race relations are nothing new, neither are the contributions Chinese people have been making in Australia for over 200 years.        要想知道是什么让一部戏引起观众的共鸣总是很困难,但在新冠病毒大流行时代,针对亚裔的种族主义变得严重起来,而且,随着澳大利亚与其最大贸易伙伴之间的关系持续恶化,华裔澳大利亚人有时觉得,被夹在两个国家之间是自己的身份定义,我们属于哪个国家是个永恒的问题。而《新金山》为我们提供了一个新的——或者说一个旧的——视角来审视这个问题,提醒我们,尽管不和谐的种族关系不是什么新鲜事,但华人200多年来一直在为澳洲做贡献也不是什么新鲜事。
        The four part mini-series, which premiered this week, is inspired by real and untold stories of Australia’s goldfields in the 1850s: primarily of the 24,000 Chinese miners who came to Victoria to try their luck, but also of women running newspapers, Indigenous trackers and more. Though at its core it’s a murder mystery, race and social roles are undercurrents informing characters’ actions and interactions, and the story has drawn interest from those who’ve traditionally not seen themselves represented in depictions of Australia’s history.        这部四集迷你剧于本周首播,其灵感来自19世纪50年代澳洲金矿发生的真实但不为人知的故事,主要讲述的是来维多利亚州碰运气的2.4万名华人矿工的故事,但也穿插着办报纸的女性、原住民追踪者等等。尽管故事的核心是谋杀悬疑,但种族和社会扮演的角色在剧中角色的行动和互动中暗流涌动,这部戏也吸引了那些传统上认为有关澳大利亚历史的描述没有体现自己形象的人的兴趣。
        “The gold rush is such a powerful and classic Australian story, and in many ways that moment was the origin story of multiculturalism in this country,” said Corrie Chen, the show’s director.        “淘金热是一个如此有影响力、如此经典的澳洲故事,以至于从很多方面来看,这个国家多元文化主义的起源故事发生在那个时刻,”该剧导演陈思雨(Corrie Chen)说。
        “Chinese people are part of the foundational story of Australia,” added Ms. Chen, who was born in Taiwan and grew up in Australia. “We’ve been here almost the same time as white settlers. We should have had almost as much of a shot of imprinting that on the Australian psyche, but we haven’t.”        “华人是澳洲基础故事的一部分,”在台湾出生、在澳大利亚长大的陈思雨补充道。“我们和白人定居者几乎同一时间来到这里。我们本该有几乎同样的机会对澳洲的灵魂产生重大影响,但我们没有。”
        The history of Chinese miners is usually best known — if it’s known at all — through the racist attacks they suffered on the goldfields like in the Buckland and Lambing Flat riots. But, as “New Gold Mountain” highlights, they were also actively lobbying against discriminatory policies, navigating complex relationships with their backers in China, and wearing cowboy hats and being detectives — the main character in the play, Shing, is based on the real life Fook Shing, Victoria’s first Chinese detective.        华人矿工的历史通常最为人所知——如果人们真的有所了解的话——是通过华人矿工在金矿遭受的种族袭击,比如巴克兰反华暴乱和兰宾平原暴乱。但正如《新金山》精彩展示的那样,华人矿工也在为反歧视政策积极进行游说,设法处理他们与国内赞助者的复杂关系,他们中还有戴着牛仔帽的侦探——《新金山》中的主角沈(Shing)就是根据维多利亚州最早的华人侦探沈福(Fook Shing)的真实故事改编的。
        As is the case in the show, on the actual goldfields, Fook Shing acted as a bridge between the authorities and the Chinese community, as well as running a successful theater and brickworks. According a historian’s account: “Wealthy, connected and well represented in court, he kept a pistol under his pillow for when extralegal methods were required to protect his followers.”        和剧中情节一样,沈福在金矿起着澳洲当局与华人社区之间桥梁的作用,他还成功地经营着一家剧院和一个砖厂。据一位历史学家的描述:“他有钱,有人脉,在法庭上有好的律师代表,他枕头下放着一把手枪,以便在需要用法律之外的手段保护他的追随者时使用。”
        When Chinese miners left the goldfields and settled in Melbourne in what would eventually become its Chinatown, Fook Shing went with them, becoming appointed a member of the Victoria police and responsible for policing the Chinese community.        华人矿工离开金矿,在墨尔本后来成为唐人街的地方定居后,沈福跟他们一起去了那里,他被任命为维多利亚州警察局的警员,负责华人社区的治安。
        It would have been a position that came with status and recognition, but which Ms. Chen imagines would have been fraught: “I just think in that role at that time — you would have just ended up being an outsider to both, and someone seen as a bit of a traitor to the birth country you’re from.”        那本来是一个有地位、有声望的位置,但在陈思雨的想像中也一定是充满了危险:“我只是觉得,在那个时代干那种工作,一定会让人处于里外不是人的境地,有人会认为你多少有点背叛了你出生的国家。”
        In the show, this comes across in a morally-ambiguous character whose desire for recognition and acceptance by the British upper-class sometimes comes up against the urge to protect his own community. More broadly, “New Gold Mountain” is a story of people trying carve out a place in an unfamiliar, often hostile environment in whatever way they can — from throwing together cultural festivals with whatever they have on hand in poor imitations of the real thing, to ingratiating themselves with the people in power to get ahead, sometimes at the expense of others.        在剧中,这一点通过一个道德上不明确的角色体现了出来,他想得到英国上流社会认可和接受的渴望,有时与保护自己社区的冲动存在矛盾。更广泛地说,《新金山》讲述的是人们试图在一个陌生的、通常充满敌意的环境里以竭力开拓一席生存之地的故事——从人们用手头能找到的一切来拼凑文化节日,对真东西进行拙劣模仿,到有人为了出人头地讨好当权者,有时甚至不惜牺牲他人。
        “The thing that was very relatable and the motivational fuel of the show is the ambition and desperation of the Chinese miners coming here,” something that carries through in the Chinese diaspora’s experience of assimilation to this day, said Ms. Chen.        “让这部戏很有感染力、也很有激发性的东西,是来这里的华人矿工的追求和拼命,”陈思雨说,这至今仍贯穿在移居海外的华人融入当地社区的经历中。
        “I think for Shing, and one of the big questions of the show, is how do you fit into this country and how do you belong in this country? That’s something migrants have to navigate their whole lives: how do you hold onto that duality among your desire to really belong to a community?”        “我觉得,沈面临的问题也是这部剧的重要问题之一,那就是,如何融入这个国家,如何成为这个国家的一员?这是移民们一生都不得不面对的问题:如何在真正成为某个社区一员的愿望中保持这种二元性?”

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