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Brazilian Leader Accused of Crimes Against Humanity in Pandemic Response

来源:纽约时报    2021-10-20 05:54

        BRASÍLIA, Brazil — A Brazilian congressional panel is set to recommend that President Jair Bolsonaro be charged with “crimes against humanity,” asserting that he intentionally let the coronavirus rip through the country and kill hundreds of thousands in a failed bid to achieve herd immunity and revive Latin America’s largest economy.        巴西巴西利亚——一个巴西国会小组将建议对总统贾尔·博尔索纳罗(Jair Bolsonaro)提出“危害人类罪”指控,声称他故意让新冠病毒席卷全国并导致数十万人死亡,为了实现群体免疫和重振拉丁美洲最大的经济体做出了失败的尝试。
        A report from the panel’s investigation, excerpts from which were viewed by The New York Times ahead of its scheduled release this week, also recommends criminal charges against 69 other people, including three of Mr. Bolsonaro’s sons and numerous current and former government officials.        在该指控计划在本周公布之前,《纽约时报》查阅了该政府小组调查的摘录,其中还建议对其他69人提出刑事指控,包括博尔索纳罗的三个儿子以及众多现任和前任政府官员。
        The panel had initially recommended in the report that Mr. Bolsonaro be charged with mass homicide and genocide against Indigenous groups in the Amazon, where the virus decimated populations for months after hospitals there ran out of oxygen. But less than a day after The Times and several Brazilian news outlets reported on those plans, several senators said that the accusations had gone too far.        该小组最初在报告中建议,博尔索纳罗被指控犯有针对亚马孙地区土著群体的大规模杀人和种族灭绝罪,在医院氧气耗尽后,那里的新冠疫情在数月内导致了大量死亡。但在《纽约时报》和几家巴西新闻媒体报道这些计划后不到一天,几位参议员表示,这些指控过重。
        Late Tuesday, on the eve of the scheduled release of the report, the committee removed the recommended charges of homicide and genocide, said Renan Calheiros, the centrist Brazilian senator who was the lead author of the report, just after midnight on Wednesday local time.        当地时间周三午夜刚过,报告的主要作者、中间派参议员雷南·卡列罗斯(Renan Calheiros)表示,周二晚些时候,在报告预定发布前夕,委员会取消了建议中的谋杀和种族灭绝指控。
        It is at best uncertain whether the report from the 11-member panel — seven of them opponents of Mr. Bolsonaro — will lead to any actual criminal charges, given the political realities of the country.        小组的11名成员中有七人是博尔索纳罗的反对者。鉴于该国的政治现实,即使乐观地看,该小组的报告能否带来任何实际的刑事指控也是未知数。
        But in deeply polarized Brazil, it reflects the depths of anger against a leader who refused to take the pandemic seriously. The report may prove a major escalation in the challenges confronting Mr. Bolsonaro, who took office in 2019, faces re-election next year and is suffering falling popularity.        但在两极分化严重的巴西,它反映了人们对拒绝认真对待疫情的领导人的深深愤怒。博尔索纳罗于2019年上任,明年将面临连任竞选,并且人气正在下降,该报告也许可以说明博尔索纳罗所面临的挑战出现了重大升级。
        The extraordinary accusations appear in a nearly 1,200-page report that effectively blames Mr. Bolsonaro’s policies for the deaths of more than 300,000 Brazilians, half of the nation’s coronavirus death toll, and urges the Brazilian authorities to imprison the president, according to the excerpts from the report and interviews with two of the committee’s senators.        这些非同寻常的指控出现在一份近1200页的报告中,根据报告摘录和对委员会两名参议员的采访,该报告基本上将超过30万巴西人的死亡(该国新冠病毒死亡人数的一半)归咎于博尔索纳罗的政策,并敦促巴西当局将总统监禁。
        “Many of these deaths were preventable,” Mr. Calheiros said in an interview in his office late Monday. Mr. Calheiros, who is one of the longest-serving lawmakers in the Senate and a former chairman of the 81-member body, said of Mr. Bolsonaro, “I am personally convinced that he is responsible for escalating the slaughter.”        “其中许多死亡是可以预防的,”卡列罗斯周一晚些时候在他的办公室接受采访时说。卡列罗斯是参议院任职时间最长的立法者之一,也是这个拥有81名成员的机构的前任主席,他谈到博尔索纳罗时说,“我个人坚信他应对屠杀的逐步升级负责。”
        From the outset of the pandemic, Mr. Bolsonaro has gone out of his way to minimize the threat of the virus. As countries around the world locked down, and his own people began filling hospitals, he encouraged mass gatherings and discouraged masks. An avowed vaccine skeptic, he lashed out at any who dared criticize him as irresponsible.        从大流行一开始,博尔索纳罗就竭尽全力淡化病毒的威胁。随着世界各国进入封锁,他自己的国民开始涌入医院,他鼓励群众集会且不鼓励戴口罩。作为一名公开的疫苗怀疑论者,他猛烈抨击任何胆敢批评他不负责任的人。
        Mr. Bolsonaro’s office did not respond to requests for comment, but the president has criticized the Senate’s investigation into his handling of the pandemic as politically motivated. “Did you know that I was indicted for homicide today?” he asked supporters after the first details leaked out. He later called Mr. Calheiros “dirty.”        博尔索纳罗的办公室没有回应置评请求,但总统批评参议院对他处理疫情的调查是出于政治动机。“你知道我今天被控杀人罪吗?”在第一个细节泄露后,他问支持者。他后来称卡列罗斯“肮脏”。
        The report’s findings culminate a six-month investigation by a special Covid-19 Senate committee that held more than 50 hearings and often led the nightly news broadcasts. They became must-see television in Brazil, featuring testimony about bribery schemes and disinformation operations. One lawmaker wore a bulletproof vest to testify that some vaccine purchases included kickbacks.        该报告的调查结果来自参议院Covid-19特别委员会为期六个月的调查,该委员会举行了50多次听证会,并经常出现在夜间新闻广播。他们成为巴西人必看的电视节目,节目中包含有关贿赂计划和虚假信息操作的证词。一位议员在作证时穿着防弹背心,称某些疫苗的购买存在回扣。
        The report found that the president had pushed unproven drugs like hydroxychloroquine well after they had been shown to be ineffective for treating Covid-19 and that his administration caused a monthslong delay in the distribution of vaccines in Brazil by ignoring more than 100 emails from Pfizer. Instead, his government opted to overpay for an unapproved vaccine from India, the report said, a deal that was later canceled over suspicions of graft.        该报告发现,在羟氯喹等未经证实的药物被证明对治疗Covid-19无效后,总统仍大力推行这些药物,并且他的政府无视了辉瑞公司(Pfizer)的100多封电子邮件,导致疫苗在巴西的分发延迟了数月之久。报道称,他的政府反而选择支付过高的价格购买来自印度的未经批准的疫苗,该交易后来因涉嫌贪污而被取消。
        Creomar De Souza, an independent political analyst in Brasília, said in an interview before the last-minute changes to the report that while the committee’s hearings revealed a mishandling of the pandemic, “I didn’t see any concrete element that was strong enough to accuse the president of genocide or homicide.” He said seven senators who oppose the president effectively control the 11-member committee.        巴西利亚的独立政治分析家克里奥马尔·德索萨(Creomar De Souza)在报告修改前的最后一刻接受采访时说,虽然委员会的听证会显示对大流行的处理不当,“但我没有看到任何足以有力的因素指控总统犯有种族灭绝或杀人罪。”他说,11名成员组成的委员会实际上受到反对总统的七名参议员的控制。
        The committee was scheduled to release the report on Wednesday and then vote on it a week later. The group of seven opposition senators generally agree on the report, Mr. Calheiros said, suggesting that it would be approved.        该委员会原定于周三发布该报告,然后在一周后对其进行投票。卡列罗斯说,七名反对派参议员普遍同意该报告,并暗示该报告将获得通过。
        One of the four senators on the committee who support the president is his son, Flavio Bolsonaro. The report that he will vote on next week will recommend criminal charges against him, too.        委员会四名支持总统的参议员之一是他的儿子弗拉维奥·博尔索纳罗(Flavio Bolsonaro)。他下周将投票表决的这份报告也建议对他提出刑事指控。
        In addition to the charge of crimes against humanity, the report recommends eight additional charges against Mr. Bolsonaro, including forging documents and incitement to crime.        除了“危害人类罪”外,报告还建议对博尔索纳罗提出另外八项指控,包括伪造文件和煽动犯罪。
        If the report is approved, Brazil’s attorney general will have 30 days to decide whether to pursue criminal charges against Mr. Bolsonaro and the others named in the report. Brazil’s lower house in Congress would also have to approve charges against Mr. Bolsonaro. Mr. De Souza said that outcome was unlikely: Mr. Bolsonaro appointed the attorney general, who remains his supporter, and his supporters control the lower house.        如果报告获得批准,巴西总检察长将有30天时间决定是否对博尔索纳罗和报告中提到的其他人提出刑事指控。对博尔索纳罗的指控还需要得到巴西国会众议院的批准。德索萨说,出现这种结果的可能性不大。总检察长是博尔索纳罗任命的,他仍然是他的支持者,而且控制着众议院的也是他的支持者。
        Mr. Calheiros said that if the attorney general did not pursue charges against the president, the senate committee would seek other potential legal avenues, including in Brazil’s Supreme Court and the International Criminal Court in The Hague.        卡列罗斯说,如果总检察长不对总统提出指控,参议院委员会将寻求其他可能的法律途径,包括巴西最高法院和海牙国际刑事法院。
        If Mr. Bolsonaro is formally charged, he will be suspended from office for 180 days while the Supreme Court decides the case, said Irapuã Santana, a law professor at Rio de Janeiro State University. If convicted, he would be blocked from the presidency for eight years and likely face years in prison, Mr. Santana said. There is no death penalty in Brazil.        里约热内卢州立大学(Rio de Janeiro State University)法学教授伊拉普昂·桑塔纳(Irapuã Santana)表示,如果博尔索纳罗被正式起诉,在最高法院裁决此案期间,他将被停职180天。桑塔纳说,如果罪名成立,他将被禁止担任总统职务八年时间,并可能面临数年监禁。巴西没有死刑。
        The committee’s report represents Mr. Bolsonaro’s biggest fight yet with Brazil’s Congress, though with the election nearing, it is likely to be far from the last.        该委员会的报告是博尔索纳罗与国会迄今最大的一场斗争,不过随着选举的临近,这很可能不会是最后一次。
        As his poll numbers decline, Mr. Bolsonaro is seeking to push tax changes and a government overhaul through Congress to shore up his pitch to voters. There is also a looming fight over the federal debt and another committee investigating allegations that the president and his supporters spread online misinformation.        随着民调支持率的下降,博尔索纳罗正寻求通过国会推动税改和政府改革,以巩固他在选民中的号召力。围绕联邦债务的斗争也迫在眉睫,此外,还有一个委员会正在调查总统及其支持者在网上散布错误信息的指控。
        Although more than half of the country now disapproves of the job Mr. Bolsonaro is doing as president, he retains control in the lower house of Congress and has enough support in the Senate to block the opposition from a majority.        尽管超过半数的巴西民众现在不认同博尔索纳罗作为总统的表现,但他仍然控制着国会的众议院,并在参议院拥有足够的支持,让反对派无法得逞。
        Mr. Bolsonaro called the virus a “little flu.” He joked that vaccines would turn people into alligators, prompting many Brazilians to get their vaccine shots in alligator costumes. And when he attended a United Nations meeting last month, New York’s vaccination rules for restaurants forced him and Brazil’s health minister to eat pizza on the sidewalk because Mr. Bolsonaro remains unvaccinated. The health minister tested positive for Covid-19 days later.        博尔索纳罗称新冠病毒为“小流感”。他开玩笑说,疫苗会把人变成鳄鱼,许多巴西人为此身着鳄鱼装扮去注射疫苗。上个月,在他参加联合国会议时,纽约城针对餐馆的疫苗接种规定迫使他和巴西卫生部长在人行道上吃披萨,因为博尔索纳罗至今仍未接种疫苗。几天后,卫生部长的新冠检测结果呈阳性。
        Mr. Bolsonaro’s views on the pandemic were amplified by a coordinated network of conservative pundits, social-media influencers and anonymous online profiles, who railed against lockdowns and masks, pushed unproven drugs, questioned vaccines and claimed that Brazil’s death count was exaggerated, according to the report.        报告指出,保守派专家、社交媒体上的网红和匿名网民组成的网络统一行动,放大了博尔索纳罗对疫情的看法。这些人抨击封锁措施和戴口罩的要求,推销未经证实的药物,质疑疫苗,并声称巴西的死亡人数被夸大了。
        The Senate committee accused Mr. Bolsonaro and his three eldest sons, who all hold elected office, of having constituted the “command nucleus” of the network. The committee’s report also corroborated stories in the Brazilian press that Mr. Bolsonaro’s government operated a so-called Cabinet of Hate out of government offices that directed online campaigns supporting the president’s goals and attacking his enemies.        参议院委员会指责博尔索纳罗和他的三个较年长的儿子(都是民选公职人员)构成了该网络的“指挥核心”。该委员会的报告还证实了巴西媒体的报道,即博尔索纳罗的政府运作着一个所谓的“仇恨内阁”,在网上指挥支持总统目标的运动,并攻击他的敌人。

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