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If China Tested a New Orbital Weapon, It’s Not Much of a Surprise

来源:纽约时报    2021-10-20 03:47

        The news report that emerged over the weekend sounded alarming: China, a rising military power, had unexpectedly fired a novel space weapon two months ago. It circled the planet and then re-entered Earth’s atmosphere, gliding at velocities far faster than the speed of sound toward a destination on Chinese territory.
        As a military capability, bombarding a target from orbit in this way could overcome existing missile defenses. But many experts expressed doubts about the report.
        “There’s nothing we know from reliable sources,” said Jonathan McDowell, a Harvard astronomer who tracks global space launches. The U.S. military unit that reports on orbital events had made public no information on an August launch by China that matched the reported claim about a weapons test, McDowell said.
        追踪全球太空发射的哈佛天文学家乔纳森·麦克道威尔(Jonathan McDowell)说:“从多个可靠信源那里,我们没有得到任何消息。”麦克道威尔说,负责报告轨道事件的美国军事单位公开的关于中国8月的发射信息当中,没有任何与新闻报道中声称的武器试验相符。
        “Every aspect of this story has question marks,” he added.
        Did China really test and develop a surprise space weapon? Here are some of the military and technical points that are known about the system, as well as some of the responses to and uncertainties about the flight test.
        What was reported about China’s flight test?
        The Financial Times on Saturday reported that China in August had flight-tested a nuclear-capable hypersonic missile that circumnavigated the globe before speeding toward its target. The paper, giving one of the scarce details about the test, said the weapon missed its target by about two dozen miles.
        《金融时报》(The Financial Times)周六的报道称中国在8月试射了一种可携带核弹头的高超音速导弹,该导弹在加速飞向目标之前会环绕地球。报道提供的细节不多,其中一个是该武器错过了目标大约20多英里(大约30多公里)。
        The report relied on a variety of anonymous sources, including one that said the weapon test caught U.S. intelligence by surprise. “We have no idea how they did this,” the newspaper quoted an unnamed source as saying.
        Did China acknowledge carrying out the test?
        On Monday, China’s Foreign Ministry said there was a flight test of a reusable space vehicle, not a nuclear-capable hypersonic missile. At a regular news briefing, Zhao Lijian, a Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman, called it a routine test.
        “There are many companies all over the world that have conducted similar tests,” he said.
        Previously, Mr. Zhao has been criticized by Western experts on China for making unsubstantiated claims and laying out conspiracy theories.
        China initially gave August as the test date, but later said the vehicle test happened in July, according to Bloomberg News. Last year in September, the state-owned company that oversees China’s space industry announced a test of an experimental reusable spacecraft that completed a flight in low Earth orbit.
        Is it true that this test launch was a surprise?
        Probably not. The story’s most eye-catching aspect — that China’s weapon circled the globe before speeding toward its target — is old stuff. The technology was pioneered in the 1960s by the Soviet Union. Then it was known as the Fractional Orbital Bombardment System, or FOBS. It is so named because it never achieves a complete orbit of the Earth but only a fraction.
        也许不是。这个故事最引人注目的地方——该武器在加速飞向目标之前绕了地球一圈——并非什么新鲜事。该技术由苏联在上世纪60年代首创。那时,它被称为部分轨道轰炸系统(Fractional Orbital Bombardment System,FOBS)。它之所以如此命名是因为它不用完成完整的地轨飞行,只飞一小部分。
        David Wright, a physicist at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology who has long studied space developments, said that some descriptions of the test launch have been alarmist.
        长期研究太空发展的麻省理工学院物理学家戴维·赖特(David Wright)表示,对试射的一些描述是危言耸听。
        “Any country that can put something into space could do this,” he said. “And we certainly should not be surprised that China could do this given the sophistication of its space program.”
        Some experts see China as challenging U.S. dominance in space exploration. In the past year alone, the country has returned soil samples from the moon, set down a rover on Mars and launched two crews of astronauts to the country’s new space station.
        The nation is also digging hundreds of new silos for long-range nuclear missiles, building an arsenal of antisatellite weapons, and routinely firing more rockets into space than any other country.
        That the weapon was identified as hypersonic — meaning that it flew at more than five times the speed of sound — is also unsurprising. The United States began investigating that technology more than a half century ago, and a RAND Corporation report in 2017 said more than two dozen nations, including China, were experimenting with how to achieve hypersonic flight. North Korea also claimed that it had tested such a weapon recently.
        该武器被确定为高超音速,这意味着它的飞行速度是音速的五倍以上,这也不足为奇。半个多世纪前,美国开始研究这项技术,兰德公司(RAND Corporation)2017年的一份报告称,包括中国在内的20多个国家正在试验如何实现高超音速飞行。朝鲜也声称它最近测试了这样的武器。
        How did the Biden administration react?
        The Pentagon spoke of China’s military strides in general but did not discuss the claimed test. “We will not comment about the specifics of these reports,” John F. Kirby, the Defense Department’s chief spokesman, said in a statement. “We have made clear our concerns about the military capabilities China continues to pursue — capabilities that only increase tensions in the region and beyond.”
        五角大楼从总体上谈及中国的军事进步,但没有讨论报道中的试验。“我们不会对这些报道的细节发表评论,”国防部首席发言人约翰·F·柯比(John F. Kirby)在一份声明中说。“我们已经明确表示,我们对中国继续追求的军事能力表示关切——这些能力只会加剧该地区及其他地区的紧张局势。”
        A senior U.S. official, who spoke anonymously to describe confidential intelligence assessments, said there was some skepticism over how the Financial Times had portrayed the Chinese test. It’s not the case that a flight test didn’t happen, the official said, but rather the trustworthiness of the newspaper’s depiction.
        Ned Price, the State Department spokesman, echoed the Pentagon in giving no specifics but at his daily briefing Monday said: “We are deeply concerned” about the rapid expansion of China’s nuclear capabilities, “including its development of novel delivery systems.”
        美国国务院发言人内德·普莱斯(Ned Price)与五角大楼立场相同,没有提供具体细节,但在他周一的每日简报中表示:“我们深切关注”中国核能力的迅速扩张,“包括新型运载系统的开发”。

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