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Evergrande ends its effort to sell a $2.6 billion stake in its property management unit.

来源:纽约时报    2021-10-21 10:35

        China Evergrande, the struggling real estate giant, said on Wednesday it had ended its effort to sell a stake in its property services company to another developer, its latest setback following weeks of missed interest payments.        陷入困境的房地产巨头中国恒大周三表示,它出售旗下物业公司股份给另一家开发商的努力失败,这是该公司在连续数周未能支付利息后的又一挫折。
        The now-scrapped sale of a 50 percent stake in Evergrande Property Services would have raised about $2.6 billion. The termination comes as Evergrande is scrounging for assets to sell to help pay angry home buyers, contractors, employees and creditors. Evergrande is just days away from defaulting on an $83 million interest payment that it skipped in September.        现已告吹的出售恒大物业服务50%股份的交易本来可以筹集约200亿港元。交易失败之际,恒大正在寻求出售资产,帮助支付愤怒的购房者、承包商、员工和债权人。恒大在9月未支付一笔8300万美元的利息,现在距离违约只有数天时间。
        The developer warned in a securities filing in Hong Kong that there was “no guarantee” it would be able to meet its financial obligations or negotiate an extension with its creditors. Evergrande “will update the market as appropriate on material progress made in easing its liquidity issue,” it said.        恒大在香港提交的证券备案文件警告,“无法保证”能够履行其财务义务或与债权人协商延期。文件表示,恒大“将适时向市场通报在缓解流动性问题方面取得的实质性进展”。
        Evergrande, once China’s most prolific developer, has more than $300 billion in unpaid bills and is facing a crisis that has sent a wave of panic through global markets. In the past, many corporate flameouts were saved by Chinese authorities who feared the companies were too big to fail, but Beijing has largely remained silent over any plans to help the flailing developer.        恒大曾经是中国最多产的开发商,目前有超过3000亿美元的未付款项,它面临的危机在全球市场掀起了一阵恐慌。过去,中国当局担心一些公司大到不能倒闭,出手解决了许多企业的燃眉之急,但中国政府对帮助这个陷入困境的开发商的计划基本保持着沉默。
        Growing market concerns about Evergrande prompted Chinese regulators last week to address its issues directly for the first time. Zou Lan, a central bank official, said on Friday that the risks that Evergrande posed were largely “controllable” and isolated to the real estate industry.        市场对恒大的担忧日益增长,促使中国监管机构上周首次做出表态。央行官员邹澜上周五表示,恒大带来的风险在很大程度上是“可控的”,在房地产行业是个别现象。
        Officials for China’s National Bureau of Statistics on Monday played down the impact of a roiling real estate market on China’s broader economy, which slowed in the third quarter from the previous quarter.        中国国家统计局官员周一淡化了动荡的房地产市场对中国整体经济的影响,中国整体经济在第三季度较上一季度放缓。
        Behind the scenes, however, authorities appear to be pushing buyers toward Evergrande’s assets so that the developer can fend off circling creditors, experts said.        然而,专家表示,在幕后,当局似乎正在推动潜在买家收购恒大的资产,以便该开发商能够应对紧追不放的债权人。
        “Given the size of the debt, any assumption that the central government would be hands off would reflect a lack of understanding of how things work in China,” said Zhiwu Chen, a professor of finance at the University of Hong Kong.        香港大学金融学教授陈志武说:“鉴于债务规模,任何认为中央政府会放手的假设都反映出对中国的运作方式缺乏了解。”
        But Evergrande said Wednesday that aside from a deal it announced in late September to sell a stake it held in Shengjing Bank for about $1.5 billion, it had made “no material progress” on selling assets. In the interim, Evergrande said it would “continue to implement the measures” to ease its “liquidity issues.”        但恒大周三表示,除了在9月底宣布以约100亿元出售持有的盛京银行股份外,它在出售资产方面“没有取得实质性进展”。在此期间,恒大表示将“继续实施这些措施”以缓解其“流动性问题”。
        Evergrande said it had ended the $2.6 billion real estate deal because it had “reason to believe” that the buyer, a unit of the Chinese developer Hopson Development, “had not met the prerequisite to make a general offer for shares in Evergrande Property Services.” Hopson said in its own securities filing that it did “not accept that there is any substance whatsoever” to Evergrande’s “purported rescission or termination” of the deal.        恒大表示,它已经终止了这笔200亿港元的房地产交易,因为它“有理由相信”中国开发商合生创展旗下的买方“未能符合对恒大物业做出全面要约收购的先决条件”。合生创展在它自己的证券备案文件中表示,它“不接受卖方所声称予以解除或终止该协议的任何实质内容”。
        Last month, Evergrande blamed “ongoing negative media reports” on its inability to sell off pieces of its vast empire and said it faced “tremendous” financial pressure. It has hired restructuring experts to “explore all feasible options” for its future.        上个月,恒大指责“持续的负面媒体报道”导致其无法出售其庞大帝国的组成部分,并表示面临“巨大”的财务压力。它聘请了重组专家为其未来“探索所有可行方案”。

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