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来源:中国日报    2021-10-24 08:00

        A lecture on love has become wildly popular in Wuhan University recently, with photos of the packed class circulating widely on social media — students were seen huddling at windows and forming long lines for the talk of the campus.        
        "The Beauty of Love", presented by Professor Yu Feng from the School of Philosophy, ignited students' passion for knowledge by applying psychology to the practice of intimate relations.        
        "The popularity of the class reflects students' longing for love and eagerness for psychological knowledge," said Yu. "For me, it's also a form of personal encouragement."        看到听课场面如此火爆,武汉大学再三提醒:知识虽好,但也要注意安全!
        The purpose of the class is to help college students understand what goes behind a healthy, romantic relationship.        讲座以爱情心理学的基本理论为主,结合谈恋爱的过程——寻找对象、开始、结束或者保持等,一层层地揭开“爱情”的神秘面纱。
        Based on psychological theory, the lecture aims to answer important questions about love — what it is, why it occurs and how to go about it, in a progressive manner.        据武汉大学微信公众号介绍,喻丰老师把健康的恋爱关系定义为“两人都能照顾到对方而不是自私的,都为自己和对方的二元关系考虑,有亲密的感觉又有互相的承诺,还能一直保有最初的感觉”。
        According to the university's official WeChat account, Yu's definition of healthy love is selfless interaction between the couple; with both sides enjoying and maintaining intimate feelings in line with mutual commitment, unlike the fading of an initial crush.        真正的爱意不是纯粹的感性,“它不应该是基于廉价感动进行冲动选择后的认知失调。某种程度上,爱也是互相适应、互相迁就、互相妥协,它是相互成全而非一味付出或者收获”。
        True love, however, isn't cognitive dissonance as a result of being emotionally moved. In some ways, it should involve two-way adaptation, compromise and achievement.        针对同学们的恋爱困惑,喻老师也提出了一些“防病”小妙招(tips on how to eschew a toxic relationship),帮助大家收获甜甜的爱情。
                 ❶ 识别和拒绝消极关系,拒绝PUA!
        Stay away from gaslighting, or being manipulated by your counterpart        ❷ 保持相互之间的了解,要保持通畅而有实质性的沟通
        Keep effective communication to know more about your loved one        ❸ 扩大社交圈,寻找真正让你心动的人
        Extend your social circle to find your real love        
        "In addition to lecturing on theories, he uses lively cases and plenty of visual tools. I like his course more than other professors' classes."        除了会用幽默风趣的语气讲解恋爱心理学知识外,也会穿插有趣好笑的例子和GIF动图,比平时上的课有趣多了!
        "I've learned to understand love in a different mindset. Most people perceive love via their feelings, but his class told us to approach it through psychology. The most important thing for lovers is to seek common ground because it can raise their level of communication."        从不一样的角度去看待爱情问题。大部分人在日常生活中对爱的感知就是情绪上的感受与思维上的考量,但是当我们从学术化的角度对情形进行分析的时候,从心理学角度去看待感性的爱情,我们已经是理论中人了。

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