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5-Hour Bus Tour Of Hong Kong Caters To Sleep-Deprived

来源:中国日报    2021-10-25 08:00

        “But when he was traveling on the bus, he was able to sleep well. His post inspired us to create this tour that lets passengers just sleep on the bus.”“但在乘坐巴士时他就睡得很好。他的帖子给了我们灵感开设这个专门让乘客在车上睡觉的旅行项目。”
        The first “Sleeping Bus Tour” last Saturday sold out entirely. Some passengers came prepared, bringing their own blankets and changing their shoes to slippers, while others brought travel pillows.10月16日,“睡眠巴士之旅”首次开售车票就全部售罄。一些乘客有备而来,自己带着毯子,换上拖鞋,还有乘客带着旅行枕头。
        He said that the tour was a good idea and “more interesting” than he expected.顾先生表示,这个点子不错,比他预期的“更有趣”。
        Another passenger, Marco Yung, said that he joined the tour because he usually falls asleep on long-distance bus journeys, saying it was a “great opportunity” to get some sleep.另一位乘客马可·翁说,参加这次旅行是因为自己常常在长途汽车旅行中睡着,他说这是一个“睡觉的好机会”。
        游客们对这趟旅行的评价都十分满意,睡眠巴士似乎比卧室的大床更适合入睡。汽车座椅究竟有什么神奇的催眠魔力,为什么许多人一坐上车就容易犯困呢?Smart Sleeping Tips网站总结了几个原因:
        When you’re riding a vehicle, white noise is continuously emitted, making it easier for passengers to drift off to dreamland.当乘客坐在车上时,白噪音会不断地释放出来,使人们更容易进入梦乡。
        However, it’s not the rocking movement, per se, that induces sleep. Rather, it’s the association between rocking and sleeping. If you were rocked to sleep as a baby, you’d have that association that when you experience a rocking motion, you go to sleep.然而,并不是摇摆动作让人入睡,而是摇摆和睡眠之间的联系。如果你在婴儿时被摇晃着入睡,你就会把摇晃的动作和入睡联系起来。

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