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5-Hour Bus Tour Of Hong Kong Caters To Sleep-Deprived

来源:中国日报    2021-10-25 08:00

        “When we were brainstorming new tours, I saw a social media post from my friend saying that he was stressed out by his work, he couldn’t sleep at night,” said Kenneth Kong, the marketing and business development manager of ulu travel, the organizer of the bus tours.睡眠巴士的组织者、ulu travel旅行社市场和业务发展经理肯尼思·顾表示:“我们一起讨论新的旅游项目时,我看到我朋友在社交媒体上发布的帖子,说他工作压力太大,晚上睡不着觉。”
        Tickets cost between $13 to $51 per person, depending on whether they choose seats on the upper or lower deck. A goodie bag for passengers includes an eye-mask and ear plugs for better sleep.睡眠巴士的单人票价在13美元到51美元(约83元到326元)之间,票价取决于座位在上层还是下层。旅行社会为乘客准备眼罩和耳塞,以便他们享受更优质的睡眠。
        “I have been suffering from insomnia so I am here to try and get some sleep,” said 25-year-old Anson Kong, one of the passengers on the first bus tour.25岁的安森·顾是首趟“睡眠巴士之旅”的乘客,他说:“我一直失眠,所以来这里试着睡一觉。”
        On Saturday’s tour, the bus stopped so passengers could take photos at scenic spots on the city’s Lantau Island.当天,睡眠巴士在行程中停车,以便乘客可以在香港大屿山的景点拍照。
        1.White noise
        Cars and other vehicles are a perfect environment that produces white noise. It’s a consistent noise, like the hum of tires or the purring of the car. White noise masks distracting sounds, and is helpful for people who have trouble getting sleep.汽车和其他车辆是产生白噪声的完美环境。它是一种始终如一的噪声,如轮胎的嗡嗡声或汽车的呜呜声。白噪音掩盖了分散注意力的声音,对睡眠困难的人很有帮助。
        2.Rocking motion
        Another popular view as to why it’s easy to fall asleep in buses or trains is because of the rocking motion that’s similar to what lulled us to sleep when we were babies. 另一种流行的观点认为,在公共汽车或火车上很容易入睡是因为摇摆,这种摇摆类似于我们还是婴儿时被哄睡的动作。
        3. Increase in carbon dioxide in public transportation
        Buses and trains get crowded everyday with people going to and from work. Carbon dioxide increases when there are lots of people in a small space. This reduces oxygen to the brain and slows it down.公共汽车和火车每天都挤满了上下班的人。当一个狭小的空间里有很多人时,二氧化碳浓度就会增加。这会减少大脑中的氧气并让大脑变得迟缓。

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