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Tokyo restaurant’s bright idea: Lantern pods for you to sit in while you eat

来源:中国日报    2021-10-26 08:00

        It’s called the lantern partition, and when you sit down at the table, you slide underneath it. While the top section is a traditionally styled chochin (Japanese paper lantern), part-way down it transitions to clear plastic, allowing you and your dining companions to remove your masks while you eat but still have a protective barrier that allows you to see one another, all without taking up any extra space on the table.当你坐在桌边时,会被笼罩在“灯笼隔板”之下。隔板顶部是一个传统风格的提灯(日式纸灯笼),下半部分是透明塑料,这样你和用餐伙伴摘下口罩吃饭时仍然有保护屏障,你们可以看到对方,而不会占用桌子上的任何额外空间。
        The partitions have recently been installed in the restaurant of Hoshinoya Tokyo, a luxury hotel in Tokyo’s Otemachi neighborhood that’s part of the Hoshino Resorts group. They’re not just called lantern partitions because of how they look, either, as the Hoshino group produced them in cooperation with Kojima Shoten, a Kyoto lantern craftsmen’s workshop that’s been in business since the Kansei years (1789-1801) of Japan’s Edo period.近日,位于东京大手町地区的星野集团旗下豪华酒店虹夕诺雅·东京在其餐厅内安装了灯笼隔板。隔板的名字不仅源于它们的外观,更因为这些隔板是星野集团与京都灯笼匠人工坊Kojima Shoten合作生产的。这家工坊创立于日本江户时代宽政时期(1789-1801)。
        Each lantern partition is 102 centimeters tall and 75 centimeters in diameter, with its own light source to keep your face and food illuminated.每个灯笼隔板高102厘米,直径75厘米,带有独立光源,能照亮用餐者的脸和食物。
        The partitions were added to Hoshinoya’s private banquet room on Wednesday, along with a Tokyo Lantern Banquet multi-course meal. Ordinarily, the restaurant is only open to people staying at the hotel, but for the Lantern Banquet they may invite outside guests to join them in this unique dining experience.10月20日,虹夕诺雅·东京酒店的私人宴会厅安装了灯笼隔板,并推出了东京灯笼宴套餐。酒店餐厅通常只对住店客人开放,但酒店的灯笼宴可能会对非住店客人开放,邀请客人感受这一独特的用餐体验。

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