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Rhode Island set to be first state to pilot safe-injection sites for drug users

来源:中国日报    2021-10-29 08:00

        Rhode Island is set to become the first state to create safe-injection sites for intravenous drug users as overdoses take over from car crashes as the number one cause of accidental death in the US.在美国,吸毒过量已经超过车祸成为导致意外死亡的头号原因。因此,罗德岛州将为静脉注射吸毒者设立全美首个毒品安全注射中心。
        Users can also have their drugs tested for fentanyl - an opioid 100 times stronger than morphine which has been blamed for the record-breaking overdose deaths last year.吸毒者可以在这些地方测试他们吸的毒品是否含有芬太尼,这种阿片类药物的毒性是吗啡的100倍,也是去年用药过量死亡数量破纪录的罪魁祸首。
        Injection-site staff will be equipped with naloxone, which is an antidote used in reversing opioid overdoses, with supporters of the idea say the sites help prevent fatal overdoses while providing users with a starting point for other crucial social services, including medical care and housing.注射点的工作人员将配备纳洛酮,纳洛酮是一种用于治疗过量吸食阿片类药物的解毒剂。该计划的支持者表示,安全注射中心既可以防止吸毒过量致死,同时又为吸毒者提供医疗和住房等其他重要社会服务。
        'Supervised consumption sites can help to cut these losses,' she said.阿杰洛称:“受监管的毒品注射中心有助于降低这类死亡。”
        Safe injection sites have been slammed by critics who say they encourage illegal drug taking and bring crime to the surrounding area.安全注射中心遭到批评人士的猛烈抨击,他们表示,这些场所鼓励非法吸食毒品,并导致周围地区犯罪增加。
        The number of people convicted of trafficking fentanyl-related drugs increased 160% since the harsher penalties were enacted in 2018, according to the US Sentencing Commission.
        The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration this year added $30 million in federal support for harm-reduction services, and the Drug Enforcement Administration lifted a decadelong moratorium on mobile opioid-treatment programs. The administration has also proposed that Congress remove mandatory minimum sentencing for possession of fentanyl-related substances.美国药物滥用和精神健康服务管理局2021年增加了3000万美元的财政支持,用于“减少危害”的服务,美国毒品执法局解除了长达10年的暂停阿片类药物治疗项目禁令,拜登政府还向国会建议取消对持有芬太尼相关物质的强制性最低量刑手段。

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