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8 Common dreams and what they actually mean

来源:中国日报    2021-10-30 08:00

        Teeth falling out掉牙
        As teeth are used to bite, tear and chew, dreams about losing your teeth can stem from a sense of powerlessness which means you may be experiencing self-confidence issues.由于牙齿是用来咬、撕扯和咀嚼东西的,失去牙齿的梦可能源于无能为力的感觉,这意味着你可能正经历自信的问题。
        The chaser can also represent an aspect of yourself. Your own feelings of anger, jealousy or fear can manifest itself as the threatening figure.追逐者也可以代表自己的一个方面。你自己的愤怒、嫉妒或恐惧感外化成有威胁的人物。
        You may feel that you are lacking time for personal issues and need more privacy, self-care or self-expression.你可能会觉得你缺乏时间处理个人问题,需要更多的隐私、自我关心或自我表达。
        If you are not the naked person in your dream, but you see a nude person and you are sickened by it, it means you are worried about exposing that person.如果你不是梦中那个没穿衣服的人,但你看到一个裸体的人而且被恶心到了,这意味着你担心揭穿那个人。
        At least 1 in every 5 people will experience an exam dream in their lives. Exam dreams are a reflection of your lack of confidence and inability to advance to the next stage in life.每5个人中,至少有一个人一生中会梦到考试。考试梦反映了自信缺乏,无法进入人生的下一阶段。
        Enjoying the feeling of falling suggests that you are not afraid of changes.但是如果在梦里享受坠落的过程,说明毫不惧怕改变。
        Your unconscious might be telling you that it is never too late to do things you want in your life.你无意识中可能在告诉自己做你想做的事永远不会太晚。
        On the other hand, dreams about bugs are also associated with health problems, which is why many people reported having increasingly common nightmares about bugs during the pandemic.另一种涉及到健康问题,流行病时期人们就会更频繁地梦到虫子。

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