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Intelligence Review Yields No Firm Conclusion on Origins of Coronavirus

来源:纽约时报    2021-09-08 03:01

        WASHINGTON — American intelligence agencies have not been able to determine if the coronavirus pandemic was the result of an accidental leak from a lab or if it emerged more naturally, according to declassified portions of a report to the White House that were released on Friday.        华盛顿——据上周五公布的一份向白宫提交的报告的解密部分,情报机关尚无法确定新型冠状病毒大流行是实验室病毒意外泄漏造成的,还是更自然地出现的。
        The nation’s spy agencies, the Office of the Director of National Intelligence said, are unlikely to reach a conclusion without more cooperation from China or new sources of information.        美国国家情报总监办公室(Office of the Director of National Intelligence)说,在没有来自中国的更多合作或新信息源的情况下,美国情报机关不大可能得出结论。
        In a statement, President Biden said the United States would continue working to understand the origins of the virus and he called on China to be more transparent about what led to its emergence there in late 2019 before spreading rapidly across the globe.        拜登总统在一份声明中说,美国将继续努力搞清病毒的起源,他呼吁中国对新冠病毒在全球迅速蔓延之前于2019年底在国内首次出现的原因更加透明。
        “We will do everything we can to trace the roots of this outbreak that has caused so much pain and death around the world, so that we can take every necessary precaution to prevent it from happening again,” Mr. Biden said. “Critical information about the origins of this pandemic exists in the People’s Republic of China, yet from the beginning, government officials in China have worked to prevent international investigators and members of the global public health community from accessing it.”        “我们将尽一切努力对这场在世界各地造成如此多痛苦和死亡的大流行进行溯源,以便我们能采取一切必要的预防措施,防止其再次发生,”拜登说。“有关这场大流行起源的关键信息存在于中华人民共和国,但中国政府官员从一开始就竭力阻止国际调查人员和全球公共卫生工作者获取这些信息。”
        As debates about the pandemic’s origins and China’s role intensified, Mr. Biden ordered the nation’s intelligence agencies three months ago to draft a report on the source of the virus.        随着有关大流行起源以及中国所扮演角色的辩论加剧,拜登曾在三个月前下令美国情报机关起草一份病毒溯源报告。
        After the review, the National Intelligence Council and four other intelligence agencies reported that they believed the virus that causes Covid-19 was most likely created by “natural exposure to an infected animal through an animal infected with it, or close progenitor virus.”        美国国家情报委员会(National Intelligence Council)和其他四个情报机关对现有情报的综述报告称,他们认为,导致新冠疫情的病毒很可能是“通过一种被感染的中间动物与被新冠病毒或其近祖病毒感染的动物的自然接触产生的”。
        Before the review was conducted, only two agencies favored the natural exposure theory. But the new report said the intelligence council and other agencies favoring the natural theory had only low confidence in their conclusions — a sign that the intelligence behind the determination was not strong and that assessments could change.        在综述报告出来前,只有两个情报机关支持自然暴露说。而新报告称,国家情报委员会及其他支持自然暴露说的机关对他们的结论只有很低的信心,表明支持这一结论的情报并不强大,评估可能会发生变化。
        On the other side of the debate, one agency said it had concluded, with moderate confidence, that the pandemic was the result of “a laboratory-associated incident” in China. According to the declassified report, analysts at that agency gave weight to the risky nature of work on coronaviruses. The agency also said the accident most likely involved “experimentation, animal handling or sampling by the Wuhan Institute of Virology.”        有一个情报机关站在这场辩论的另一边。该机关表示已得出有中等信心的结论,认为这场大流行是中国“一起与实验室有关的事故”引起的。据报告的解密部分,该机关的分析师慎重考虑了操作冠状病毒工作的风险性。该机关还说,事故很可能涉及“武汉病毒研究所的实验、动物操作或采样”。
        There were two labs in Wuhan doing work on the coronavirus before the pandemic, but intelligence agencies have mostly focused on the work done at the Wuhan Institute of Virology.        在疫情之前,武汉有两个实验室从事冠状病毒的研究,但情报机关把注意力主要集中在武汉病毒研究所的工作上。
        The announcement from the director of national intelligence did not identify the agency that favored the laboratory-leak theory. But current and former officials said the F.B.I. believed that the virus was created in the lab. One former official said the bureau believed the virus probably escaped into the public from lab technicians.        国家情报总监公布的报告没有指明哪个机关支持实验室泄漏说。但现任和前任官员说,联邦调查局认为病毒来自实验室。一位前官员说,联邦调查局认为病毒可能是通过实验室的技术人员泄漏给公众的。
        An F.B.I. spokeswoman declined to comment.        联邦调查局发言人拒绝对本文置评。
        The intelligence agencies all agreed that the virus was unlikely to have been created as any kind of biological weapon, the same stance the U.S. government has maintained for more than a year. The agencies also agreed that the initial exposures that caused the outbreak occurred “no later than November 2019,” according to the declassified conclusions.        情报机关都认为,新冠病毒不大可能是作为某种生物武器制造出来的,这是美国政府已坚持了一年多的立场。据解密部分的结论,这些机关也一致认为,导致疫情暴发的最早暴露“不晚于2019年11月”。
        Critical to the debate over the origins of the virus, American intelligence officials do not believe the Chinese officials knew about it at the time of the outbreak, the report said.        公布的报告说,对关于病毒起源的辩论至关重要的是,美国情报人员不认为中国官员在疫情暴发时了解有关情况。
        “The I.C. assesses China’s officials did not have foreknowledge of the virus before the initial outbreak of Covid-19 emerged,” the declassified report said, using the initials for the intelligence community.        “情报机关的评估是,在新冠疫情最初暴发之前,中国官员对该病毒事先并不知晓,”报告的解密部分写道。
        The three-month review Mr. Biden ordered was done to bring more scientific expertise into the examination of the pandemic’s origins. Intelligence agencies used that period to examine a trove of data that had not been fully scrutinized.        拜登下令进行为期三个月的情报综述,是为了在新冠大流行的溯源调查中引入更多的科学专业知识。情报机关利用这三个月的时间查阅了以前未经全面认真检查的大量数据。
        That data, taken from the Wuhan Institute of Virology, did not provide any additional information that persuaded additional agencies that a lab leak was possible.        这些来自武汉病毒研究所的数据没有提供任何额外信息,让其他机关相信病毒可能是从实验室泄漏出来的。
        The key piece of missing data, according to intelligence officials, is clinical virus samples from early cases in China.        据情报人员说,缺失的关键数据是来自中国早期病例的临床病毒样本。
        Neither American intelligence officers, nor scientists around the world, have samples of the virus from the earliest known cases. That includes samples from a group of three Wuhan laboratory workers who became hospitalized with flulike symptoms last January.        无论是美国情报官员,还是世界各地的科学家,都没有来自已知最早病例的病毒样本,其中包括2020年1月因类似流感症状住院的三名武汉实验室工作人员的病毒样本。
        Obtaining virus samples from early cases in China could help identify “a location of interest” or “occupational exposure,” the declassified report said.        报告的解密部分说,得到中国早期病例的病毒样本可能有助于确定“嫌疑地点”或“职业暴露”。
        Some American officials believe China has more access to such samples than it has been willing to share. The reluctance to cooperate has raised suspicions among some analysts.        一些美国官员认为,中国有比其愿意共享的更多此类样本。这种不愿合作的态度引起了一些分析人士的怀疑。
        American intelligence officials do not believe the Chinese government necessarily knows how the virus was created, but some think officials in Beijing are worried about what a real investigation would discover and have moved to block the World Health Organization and others from a full inquiry.        美国情报人员认为,中国政府不一定知道新冠病毒是如何出现的,但有些情报人员认为,北京的官员担心真正的调查会发现什么,所以他们采取行动阻止世界卫生组织和其他人进行全面调查。
        “These actions reflect, in part, China’s government’s own uncertainty about where an investigation could lead as well as its frustration the international community is using the issue to exert political pressure on China,” the declassified report said.        “这些行动在一定程度上反映了中国政府本身对调查可能发现的问题不确定,也反映了中国政府对国际社会利用溯源问题向中国施加政治压力的沮丧,”报告的解密部分写道。
        The investigation of the theory that the virus was accidentally created in the lab has made some people uneasy, especially those who believe the accusation is racist.        对病毒是实验室意外泄漏出来的说法进行调查让一些人感到不安,尤其是那些认为这种指控带有种族主义色彩的人。
        Sonal Shah, the president of the Asian American Foundation, questioned the intelligence community’s entire effort to examine the origins of the pandemic, and said it could increase the risk of violence against Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders.        亚裔美国人基金会(Asian American Foundation)会长索纳·沙阿(Sonal Shah)对情报机关调查疫情起源这件事本身提出质疑,并表示,这可能会增加亚裔美国人和太平洋岛民受到暴力袭击的风险。
        “Even though the administration’s report today contains no clear conclusions, it will likely breed misinformation,” she said.        “尽管政府今天的报告没有给出明确结论,但可能会滋生假消息,”她说。
        Others have defended the examination and said that neither theory is inherently racist. They have argued that a clearer understanding of the pandemic’s origins can help prevent a future global health crisis.        其他人则为情报机关的调查辩护,他们说,自然起源理论和实验室泄漏理论本身都不是种族主义的。他们认为,更清楚地了解新冠大流行的起源将有助于预防未来的全球健康危机。
        Mr. Biden said the United States would keep working with other nations and the World Health Organization to get access to more information from China.        拜登说,美国会继续与其他国家和世界卫生组织合作,从中国获取更多信息。
        “We must have a full and transparent accounting of this global tragedy,” he said. “Nothing less is acceptable.”        “我们必须对这场全球性的悲剧有一个全面且透明的解释,”他说。“做不到这点不可接受。”

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